Thursday, July 08, 2010

That Single Shiii

Given your druthers. Would you prefer your 25 year old daughter had
A. Half as many sexual partners as you did at 25?
B. The same number of sexual partners as you did at 25?
C. Twice as many sexual partners as you did at 25?

Given your druthers. Would you prefer your 25 year old son had
A. Half as many sexual partners as you did at 25?
B. The same number of sexual partners as you did at 25?
C. Twice as many sexual partners as you did at 25?


Illmath said...

Less than half....

Seven Half Store said...

Depends. Missionary

Ummmm...twice as many. No one should be that much of a prude.

but....why do we care?

Pink said...

I'll go with the same...

IWonderAsIWander said...

I'll go with the same.... I don't have too many regrets in that category...

Her Side said...

Less than half.

Joanna said...

I want my daughter to have 1/10 of the amount of partners I had.... yeah I was a wild one!

Anonymous said...

Bout the same. I'm with I Wander on this one.

I'll add that its not so much about the number but the quality, meaning he has to be as selective about it and place less emphasis on sex than the general population. He has to pass up as much low hanging fruit as I did to make it thru the game of life unscarred in this dept.