Friday, July 16, 2010

Obesity Kills More People Than Did The Holocaust - Are Engineered Foods Genocide?

Average Sista v. Average White Chick

Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people in the United States, where women are especially affected. Over one-third of American women between the ages of 20 and 74 are obese. However the majority of African American women are obese.

Why the difference?
DMG said...
The difference? You want to know why?

Because of extremes.

On one hand years of culture have played havoc with diet. So-called "Soul Food", and the depiction of the overweight, long suffering "mama" as a source of comfort and wisdom....always cooking fatty, salty good tasting food.

Obese black women often either don't have (or don't show in public) the neurosis their European counterparts often have about having an oversize ass (we do encourage "back"...but again extremes).

On the other hand pimps, like yourself push super expensive, cures that have little probability for long term success.

Although your all organic, maca diet might have be perceived to have some health benefit because "health conscious" types aren't likely to be a hog maw afficianados, but are more likely to eat well, and exercise.

A better use of your time, that is if you really gave a fuck, would be not to push your super expensive bullshit, but encourage people to eat well with what they have, rather than spending a good portion of their rent money on super expensive food....then relapsing to "grape drink" and cheap, high fat, high salt crap when they are running short on cash.

Whatever, I'm talking to a brick wall.
CNu said...
C'mon Doc, you know that encouraging people to do better with what they have would remove the glamour and exotic-seeming qualities of the thing, and in so doing, deprive it of the glittery/shiny interest so crucial to attracting and holding the interest of your typical garden-variety chickenhead presenting herself for the turnout....,


Anonymous said...

The difference? You want to know why?

Because of extremes.

On one hand years of culture have played havoc with diet. So-called "Soul Food", and the depiction of the overweight, long suffering "mama" as a source of comfort and wisdom....always cooking fatty, salty good tasting food.

Obese black women often either don't have (or don't show in public) the neurosis their European counterparts often have about having an oversize ass (we do encourage "back"...but again extremes).

On the other hand pimps, like yourself push super expensive, cures that have little probability for long term success. Although your all organic, maca diet might have be perceived to have some health benefit because "health conscious" types aren't likely to be a hog maw afficianados, but are more likely to eat well, and exercise.

A better use of your time, that is if you really gave a fuck, would be not to push your super expensive bullshit, but encourage people to eat well with what they have, rather than spending a good portion of their rent money on super expensive food....then relapsing to "grape drink" and cheap, high fat, high salt crap when they are running short on cash.

Whatever, I'm talking to a brick wall.

CNu said...

C'mon Doc, you know that encouraging people to do better with what they have would remove the glamour and exotic-seeming qualities of the thing, and in so doing, deprive it of the glittery/shiny interest so crucial to attracting and holding the interest of your typical garden-variety chickenhead presenting herself for the turnout....,

HotmfWax said...

Talk about logorrhea! :)

What is the real difference?

Instead of talking about the possibility of "The Urban Grocery Gap" - living in a predominately black neighborhood and why access to good food can be so hard. ( dimly-lit markets that always smelled vaguely of meat left out too long; a corner store with marked-up toilet paper and sundries, plus food in the form of Hamburger Helper, Slim Jims and soda.)

You crack on momma -and fat and salty. comfort, ass and neurosis. Doctor Pleeeeeeaze!

Please research the growing grocery gap, in which urban areas — especially poor ones with black and brown residents — face extremely limited access to good food.

Detroit for example , a mostly black city of nearly 1 million residents, doesn't have a single grocery chain store within the city limits,says a 2009 CNN Money report. In fact, according to a 2002 article in the American Journal of Public Health, only 8% of black Americans live within a census tract with at least one supermarket, compared with 31% of white Americans. Poor neighborhoods typically have about 55% of the grocery square footage of more wealthy neighborhoods. It's not hard to correlate this dearth of nutritious foods in black communities with disproportionate rates of diseases linked to diet: cancer, obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

You just cant do it can you?

The real pimp game -"come here Sista's". Look at his boys on the right side."

Click here

"Empowered Doctors"-Come see us.Pleaaaaase.

Again notice the fear and the fraud that our local doctor likes to lay down (expensive, pills, vegetarianism, etc.) on our host.

He knows that most people are somewhat intimidated by the 100 % lifestyle change that DV talks about, therefore he paints it as something very difficult and costly.

The scam is if you do it right you save money, he loses money.

The Doc's expense could be the most expensive part of all of this.

Genius. Hustle Hard Bro. Maybe if he was a good human being with that wonderful title, he could have just stated to the Sistas "how easy and cheap" it is to fix this issue instead of hurling childlike insults.

Why not break it down to the Sista's to try this:

The official "Too Easy and too cheap method" of getting healthy.

1. Stop Looking at So Much T.V.- It’s estimated that the black family looks at 6 to 7 hours of television daily. Could this be why the obesity rate is at an epidemic level? Get off your butt and get out in the SUN.

Cost no money.

2. Drink More Water: Commit to drinking more water and drink the right type of water. Only drink “distilled” or “pure” water. Water from faucets or refrigerators even with filters contains fluoride which have bad effects.

Still cheaper than soda and liquor.

3. Plan Meals in Advance: Plan all your meals in advance and use coupons. Stop eating at fast food restaurants. It’s estimated that people who live close to these establishments will have higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol and diabetes but you need to have self-discipline and will-power to stop eating the wrong foods.

Save money.

4. Eat Raw and Organic Food: Buy a juicer, blender and steamer and stop eating cooked foods which depletes ALL nutrients and enzymes from food. Eat raw and organic foods instead that don’t contain pesticides and hormones.

These foods do not contain pesticides and might cost more but in the long run they will keep down your doctor’s visits -- so pay more now or later.

(This is all out local Doctor want to fuss about. The cost of natural food without poisons in them. mmmm...

I wonder why they cost more?

HotmfWax said...


5. You don't have to stop eating Beef and Chicken: OK with me. If you are going to continue eating meats at least buy meats that does not contain steroids or hormones and/or reduce the large portions in your diet.

Not as expensive as you think.

6. Eliminate These Foods from Your Diets: 1) Sugar, 2) High Fructose Corn Syrup, 3) Saturated Fats, 4) Transfat, and 5) Enriched White Bread. Remember 90% of all diseases are diet-related via these foods.

Cut Pasta From Your Diet: Eliminate pasta (spaghetti, ravioli, roman noodles, etc.) from your diet which acts like a GLUE in your intestines. The goal is to have 2 to 3 bowel movements a day.

Save a lot of money!!!! Lots of MSGs in these Foods with keep you in the state of hunger.

7. Stop Drinking Milk and Other Mucus-Producing Foods: Remember milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.) are mucus producing foods which causes food allergies or allergic reactions after eating such as swelling (inflammation) on the inside of your body. After the age of 1 years old, you don’t need milk. There are many foods that contain calcium or take calcium supplements with magnesium daily. Other mucus-producing foods to eliminate are: 1) eggs, 2) chocolate, and 3) fried foods.

Save a crap load of more money.

9. Drink Green Tea instead of Coffee: Green Tea has 1/3 to a half of the caffeine of coffee and contains antioxidants so it’s better for you. Coffee and chocolate are bad for your kidneys. Could this be why so many black people are on “kidney dialysis?”

10. Take a Daily Multiple Vitamin: Everyone should be taking a daily multiple vitamin.

Take a Daily Probiotic: Your health begins in your colon, therefore, it’s extremely important to keep your intestines healthy and balanced by taking a daily probiotic from a health food store.

Boost Your Immune System: Taking Vitamin C, E and beta carotene are the best vitamins and antioxidants to boost your immune system.

11. Think Natural: Think natural and only put cold-pressed Olive Oil or Coconut oil on your skin and natural products on your hair and nails. Remember anything that touches your skin goes into your blood system and zaps your energy especially if it’s toxic.

12. Exercise: Commit to exercising for at least 3 or 4 days a week for 30 minutes. Do cardiovascular exercises that get your heart rate up for 20 minutes and keep it up such as brisk/fast walking, jogging, biking, swimming, aerobics and strength training which is important if you are trying to lose weight or strengthen your bones.

HotmfWax said...


13. Get More Sleep Every Night: Commit to getting more sleep every night by going to sleep the same time and removing distracting objects from your bedroom (television, stereo, bright lights, etc.).

14. Get Off ALL Medications: You should be able to get off all medications within 6 months to a year.Medications either “prescribed” or “over the counter” can ravage the insides of your body and cause your organs to give out.

Save a lot of money.

15. Fix your mind spiritually.

Set Long Range and Short Range Goals: Set 3, 6 and 1 year goals around these four areas: 1) business/career, 2) family, 3) financial, and 4) health life. You should write down these goals and continue to update them. Make sure you place them somewhere where you can see them everyday such as: 1) on the refrigerator, 2) by your computer, etc. Remember it takes 3 to 4 weeks to form new habits so think about the things you need to change in your life and set “realistic” and “reachable” goals.

Fixes your mind 1.

Meditate Daily: Everyone has some type of time to sit or lay back and meditate about their lives. You can do this at work by taking lunch and sitting in your car, in bed or somewhere else in your home. You can listen to soft music while you allow your body to fully relax. Meditations make you sharper and more alert and remember before you can make anything happen in your life, you have to see or visualize it so mediate daily.

Fixes the mind 2.

Get Rid of Toxic People: Doc and Techno really do hate you so their only goal is to implant negative energy into your heart and mind in order to justify their failures. Find the Doc and Technos in your life and get rid of all the toxic, destructive and negative energy in your life—the naysayers.

They are everywhere and even in your family. You can’t really get rid of family members but you can distance yourself away from them.

Mind fix 3.

In summary, it really isn't that hard or dramatic to make the few simple changes to start on the way to better health ladies into not being obese. Just start making baby step in all of the above and you can get there. (Now, Doc was it really that hard to leave the peeps with some positive encouragement.-Are you that jaded?) The real pimps just don't want you to know this easy and cost effective it is.


CNu said...

calling himself rebuking "doc" and "techno" - hot&greasy earwax just now unselfconsciously bit the hand that doles out his daily dose of flying monkey chow.,

Anonymous said...

YES LOGO-motherfucking-RRHEA.

You can pine on and on about planting urban gardens, and local grocery stores....great concepts, but how do they change behaviors and feed the masses? Or do you not care about the masses?

Change in infrastructure takes lots of investment. If the customer base is worried about making rent every month, I don't think you are going to get much support.

But if you want to somehow blame me for what people eat, knock yourself out. I already know you are an idiot.