Friday, July 16, 2010

Mel Gibson Is My Favorite White Boy


CNu said...

57 megatons worth - from Russia with love.....,

HotmfWax said...


Learn about Hyperdimensional Tetrahedral Geometry and 19.5 Degrees and Pi.

Then think.

Wake up.

Anonymous said...

wow wax!

Anonymous said...

Oh, shut the fuck up you blithering idiot.

CNu said...

mel deserves head - check!

alkaline foods/alkaline body - check!

moorish origin of negroes - check!

obama a communist - check!

no germs - check!

abiotic oil - check!

reptilians and other exobios - check!

no nuclear weapons - check!

Help me out here doc, am I missing any of the major tenets of the hot mess comprising hotwax's professed beliefs?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to help you out here Craig, but for my own sanity I delete all of that nonsense as soon as I leave that blog.

Denmark Vesey said...

"mel deserves head - check!"

... uhhh. Yeah. Well. Nerd.

As A Matter of Fact ... Check.

"alkaline foods/alkaline body - check!"

... uhhh. Yeah. Well. Nerd.

As A Matter of Fact ... Check.

"moorish origin of negroes - check!"

... uhhh. Yeah. Well. Nerd.

As A Matter of Fact ... Check.

"obama a communist - check!"

... uhhh. Yeah. Well. Nerd.

As A Matter of Fact ... Check.

"no germs - check!"

... uhhh. Yeah.


Nah Nerd. There are germs, of course.

But that's not why you are sick.

"abiotic oil - check!"

... uhhh. Yeah. Well. Nerd.

As A Matter of Fact ... Check.

"reptilians and other exobios - check!"

Well ... i don't know about all that. But let's chalk that up there with "children don't have souls until they are 7 years old or until they complete the first grade" shit you be talkin'.

"no nuclear weapons - check!"



They lied to you ... 'Whyte Fowks Is Soooo Powafooool" ... Plantation Negros about going to the moon, vaccines, GMO, and Pork.

They got you cloned meat eatin', high fructose corn syrup driking', Flu Shot gettin', inevitably diabetic, 'African-American' Negros believing 15 million Africans were brought to North America in the 17th Century ... 80 at a time ... on boats the size of a Greyhound bus.

Why is it impossible they haven't been lying about nuclear weapons.

Do you believe what they say about 911?

So why is doubting Plantation Power Myth so out of bounds?



While you Sci-Fi Negros are stilllll parroting the latest Malthusian, Freemasonic, Global Warming, Doomsday, bullshit scam about "Peak Oil" ... Enough Petroleum to fill every car tank on earth for 10 years has just GUSHED OUT OF THE GULF OF MEXICO.

Sooooo ... Nah Nerd.

I'd take 1 Hot Wax over 1,000 of you miseducated footnote negros mocking natural food while you find yourselves growing unnatural tits and developing child bearing hips.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah whatever. You know as well as I do, that your current imp-du-jour isn't playing with a full deck.

Or perhaps you'd like to put YOUR kids in his "medical care" since he knows so much "truth". The man is being miseducated by fucking YOUTUBE. Instead of telling the brother to maybe check his sources you are steady encouraging his fantasy thinking.

Negro please. This act of yours is getting old.

CNu said...

Well ... i don't know about all that. But let's chalk that up there with "children don't have souls until they are 7 years old or until they complete the first grade" shit you be talkin'.

7 as the age of reason is catholic doctrine moron - has nothing whatsoever to do with me.

But just so we're clear on the matter, personally I'm quite certain that blowhard 50 year old pimps like yourself have nothing remotely approaching a soul.

I'm idly curious though souless one, do you, like your publicly disgraced narcissist hero "I got's to get blowed" mel gibson make use of the services of a "therapist" too?


the way this fool has been publicly played on the objective truth of how he's played himself - is some true comedy gold.

it's gotten so bad that even the betrayed wife of three decades has taken pity on his sorry monkey ass and tried to rally a little sympathy for father of her children...., jes dayyum.

Denmark Vesey said...

CNu, you've got the insight, the vision, and the keen perspective of someone who still eats pork.

The irony of .. the crucifixion of ... the director of ... the Passion of The Christ escapes your dull technocratic peasant aesthetic.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]mel deserves head - check![/quote]

Quaalude meet Barbiturate

Pot meet kettle

KCNulan meet Mel Gibson of the Thunderdome

HotmfWax said...

"While you Sci-Fi Negros are stilllll parroting the latest Malthusian, Freemasonic, Global Warming, Doomsday, bullshit scam about "Peak Oil" ... Enough Petroleum to fill every car tank on earth for 10 years has just GUSHED OUT OF THE GULF OF MEXICO."-DV

Bam! Just like my tee shot today DV.. 280 and down the middle.:)

The Doc and the technocrat are invested "all in" and need the codependency drama of people looking up to them for their intellectual "prowess" in order to feel valuable.

Note that the 2 attackers live in a "fear based" world.-and can't be set free from their other axiom of "anger".

"I will save you dumb asses from not having enough oil...Follow my Green company and inventions.I gotta get paid!" 2000 watts, blah, blah-One chants from the hill.

The other one says:

"You need me- you gonna get the bogga bogga and only us "high priests" in the white lab coat and my pharma homies can protect you. I need to get paid! So I messed up on the Swine Flu but I got some other stuff right around the corner thats coming. Hey , be careful that you don't piss me off or when you come to the emergency room-I won't treat you,...blah, blah...BTW, Gotta still pay of my student loan on all this BS that I studied."

DV, you already know that if energy is really abundant and people also start paying attention to taking better care of themselves -all that pretend "intellectual prowess" goes away.

Without "fear" these brothers are useless and more angry. -that is why I forgive them everyday.

They both seem to camp out on your website trying to constantly sell your readers that you are wrong and attempting to chase away anyone or anything that says, "hey, maybe there could possible be a better way to do things and joy in this world."

These 2 wonderful people try to paint anyone that challenges the "con"' as scared, paranoid, hiding away somewhere and looney.

Oh contraire mon frere,

I had a great day of golf today at the country club, met with and hung out with Senator Harry Reid yesterday (Crazy and insane people do that), -listened to his same head fake Hegelian dialectic meme that these boys put down also and enjoyed a wonderful romantic dinner with my wife of 25 years. Life is good DV-balanced-level and calm. and I ain't scared. IT is what IT is. Eckhart Tolle.

The only reason I mentioned the aforementioned DV is that a lot of very " normal people" want to question the establishment and I wish that more people would start "Questioning everything" but guys like these Bra's would like to shame many of your peeps that know the some of the stuff we learned over the years was a "con", but if they do bring it up your 2 guardians want to intimidate and make sure that "free thinking" and "questioning" must be relegated to the " tin foil hat" and paranoid paradigm and can't be considered by "normal" folks.

I got everything I need Bra. Not selling anything, Living and enjoying life and don't need the strain of the hustle that the techno and doc need. I will continue to bless them and hope that those brother one day understand the difference between the spiritual and physical universe and come to some realization in the joy in "truth".


HotmfWax said...

More joy in Truth for the Technos.

Start here for you totally "logical" homies:

What is a dimension?


Click here

Technos- more bad news. there is only one element:


every other elements is based on its spin.

hope I didn't destroy your illusion. :)

HotmfWax said...


Mel Gibson might be a Mel-lungeon:).

Does the 1%/1 drop rule apply? :)
Click here

CNu said...

The irony of .. the crucifixion of ... the director of ... the Passion of The Christ escapes your dull technocratic peasant aesthetic.

I deeply appreciate the now publicly disclosed essence of this fake hollywood "hero".

Anonymous said...

I think Wax is on full dopamine overload, lately, which would be a plausible explanation for his logorrhea...

MjrLL said...

The mothership arrived on July 7 to China.

Disclosure and the next phase of the exo-agenda is coming soon...

HotmfWax said...

CNu said...

Doc, I know you ignore greasy earwax, and that's undoubtedly the best policy, but this last link of his is an open promotion of white identity politics.

Better add that to the checklist of wax-tested, DeeVee approved hot garbage....,