Monday, July 26, 2010

I Don't Blame These Brothers


uglyblackjohn said...

What was this fight about?

Denmark Vesey said...

Black John!

I don't know what the fight was about.

Apparently the brothas didn't appreciate the manner in which they were being spoken.

I can relate.

Especially at 23.

Doesn't really matter, though.

It serves a brother well to have a little bit of this in him.

The Plantation is BREEDING & FEEDING this particular expression of black masculinity ... ["disrespect me and I'll turn this muhafuggah out] ... out of the last few generations of vaccinated GMO eating black men.

I'm an advocate of behaving very well in public.

Shit. My sons wear Blazers to church and brunch. Say yes sir and thank you maam.

But I think the "Docil•I•zation" of Plantation Negros is a far more grave danger than the occasional bar room brawl.

Or taco joint brawl.

Or shopping mall brawl.

Or a brawl in broad daylight in front of the White House.

If a cat aint ready to go there he won't survive the shit about to come down the road.

makheru bradley said...

With the white man right in front of him the dude in the red shirt maneuvers himself to face the one Black employee in the crowd and throws a sucker punch at him. And you're praising that kind of behavior? Is that what they’re teaching you at the Moorish Science Temple?

Or taco joint brawl.-- DV

Or the Oakland Burger King parking lot brawl on Johannes Mehserle Day...

In other words you're in favor of Negro Ignorance on Steroids and Black-on-Black violence. Way to go Brother Bey.

Denmark Vesey said...



you reachin'.

you want to argue and you reachin'.

your little narrow ass interpretation of my comments on this subject leave much to be desired.

Pink said...

I can't stand when it's a fair fight and someone chooses to use a weapon. Don't start a fight if you're gonna need a metal chair to finish it.

Anonymous said...

LoL. Looked like a hurricane hit that joint.

Yeah. The salon brawls all cute and romantic when Patrick Swayze tearing ish up.

I'm pretty sure that manager would have checked himself if it were a Mr. Drysdale looking gent complaining and how he's going to write to corporate that waiter would have shut the eff up and tapped danced right back to serving the next customer.

This situation with a disgruntled customer instead was read as low-life individuals that shouldn't be here anyway. Dealing with people everyday gets ruff, but your job as a manager is to defuse the situation. Choosing to match someone's attitude will not resolve anything. He should have just looked at them as if they were heading back to a boardroom meeting on Wall Street or he should find a job that doesn't require people skills.

Now he got a wrecked restaurant on his shift.

Anonymous said...

@ Pink

My man said they used to say in the pen, "I'll have you touching everything up in this b!+ch."

Just think of it as an artistic traditional kung-fu fighting style using anything in your immediate surroundings as a weapon.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, over a minute of arguing, posturing and ACTING tough, but not one solid punch landed, just some bitch slaps? And this is somehow a good display of black manhood? If my son were involved in a fight like that, I'd kick his ass #1 for finding himself IN that situation, and #2 for fighting like a 2nd grade girl. Nothing wrong with finding an improvised weapon on the battlefield, but falling all over some innocent bystanders trying to enjoy their lunch, then grabbing a chair and ineffectively using it is just embarrassing.

All of them fought like pussies. All talk. But that's kind of like this blog anyway...

There is a difference between real warriors and idiots who get all bent out of shape for some minor offense. This was an example of the latter. I'd fire the two employees who were involved too, for doing anything more than self-defense...which doesn't include swinging a chair in the middle of the street.

You'll never cease to amaze me about what turns you on.

Anonymous said...

Well you know most people can't actually "fight." Most people don't fight everyday. Unless traditional boxing (getting over someone punching you in the face) then most likely emotion will over run fighting strategy.

Naturally these cats would resort to objects because of little faith in what a fist can do, and what they themselves can endure from a bigger dude. They don't have faith in fist or are insecure because training isn't apart of their daily routine. They never experienced making someones knees buckle or vice-versa. However everyone knows a metal chair can bruise something. Cats just got frantic.

Anonymous said...

Gee-Chee, so what you are saying is they fought like little scared bitches...I can agree with that.

Denmark Vesey said...

"of them fought like pussies. All talk. But that's kind of like this blog anyway..." DMG


Yeah yeah yeah ... Doc.

I hear ya.

We know you would NEVER put yourself in a situation like that .. BUT ... of course ... if you were forced ... you'd kick the whole restaurant's ass in 3 simple moves ... and then save the innocent bystander whose spleen exploded in the exchange of fisticuffs.

(These internet tough guys crack me up. Muhfuggas been watching Jason Bourne movies at home on Blu Ray and like to fancy themselves 'street fighting experts' who would masterfully dispatch any adversary with one punch precision.

Little Negro Steven Seagals.

They're not to be fucked with! And they tell you that every chance they can. Via blogger.)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No, I don't find myself in idiotic altercations. Do you?

I have far better things to do than talk shit and take bitch slaps at some cat. Don't you?

No, it wouldn't be three moves. But again, people who can don't have to jaw about it. You are praising these fools who were all talk, but couldn't throw down or back up their talk...hey that sounds familiar. Kind of like a certain blogger I know, who likes to claim Telemaque.

Denmark Vesey said...


You tryin' too hard Doc.

You don't have a point.

So you pick little playfights to obscure the fact ... that

Denmark Vesey is school for you.

And you are a good student.

I like you.

You keep me entertained. And you help me to feel as if I'm giving something back to the community.

No. You're not the most creative thinker in the class.

But you will win an award for attendance.

Anonymous said...

My aim is the same as yours. I'm making observations of events.

And what you see as a display of black manhood, I view as a display of bravado and cowardice.

Award, remember...the student doesn't hand out awards.

That's my job. Again you've been weighed, measured and still been found wanting.

And if by creative you mean "make shit up"...that's all you.

Her Side said...

DV, I agree that it serves a brotha (and his family) well to have some fight in him. My His Side is Exhibit A.

BUT... and I hate to do this... I agree with DMG that this exhibit you provide doesn't make the point. Talking smack and tossing chairs is easy. Dropping another man 2x your size to protect your domain (without wasting a single word) is where it's at. I'll watch a video of that cat all day. lol

Denmark Vesey said...

"And what you see as a display of black manhood, I view as a display of bravado and cowardice." DMG

What I see is a display of poor reading comprehension.

Your interpretation of this post again, lacks creativity.

The point of the piece was not to promote violence but to provoke thought.

DMG, this bothers you because you were 'educated' by the Plantation. You were conditioned to be antagonistic to free thought and the exchange of ideas.

You have been trained to worship orthodoxy. You don't even try to understand things.

You confuse "consensus" with reality.

But. You my brother.

And I love you.

And I've sworn an oath to free as many Plantation Negros as I can.


Let me slow it down for you ...

1) I'm an advocate of behaving very well in public.

2) However I find the "Docil•I•zation" of men ... a far more grave danger than the occasional bar room brawl.

3) This post is 10% about fighting in public ... and 90% about increasingly docile Plantation Negros.

4) Whether induced by chemicals or social engineering or a combination of both, I submit we are producing generations of black men more inclined to bitch and whine and complain and roll their eyes and Report To The Police and mumble about 'racism' ... than they are inclined to deal with shit themselves. (They are also less likely to get a chick. But that's part of a larger theme)

5) I believe men should be careful the way they speak to each other. I think that is the essence of civility. Just because the brother threw the first punch, does not mean he made the first offense.

6) As we cede more and more of our individual power and rights to the government, many of the social mechanisms of the past, that facilitated harmonious interaction between grown men, have atrophied.

7) I'm not celebrating ignorance for the sake of ignorance or fighting for the sake of fighting.

I am celebrating human beings behaving like human beings instead of little drugged Orwellian sheep with bad credit and poor diets.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No DMG. The manager kept arguing with the CUSTOMER and just had to get in the last word. THEN, AFTER it gets physical, he wants to prevent a fight. TOO LATE FOOL. You on the clock set-tripp'n, what you think was going to happen?

In the future, that manager will defuse anything that even indicates any remote possibility of a small complaint growing into an altercation. His superiors told him that they will not tolerate their restaurant being turned into a scene from Bonanza. It's inappropriate and unprofessional. We don't have lawsuit money for innocent by-standers because you can't shut the eff up. That manager NOW understands getting in "the last word" while on the clock is not the most effective strategy for resolving a situation.

Didn't have to throw down like Roy Jones or thump like an 808 to make a point. Restaurant brawl says, "Damn, if I don't shut the eff up now, I can involve my customers." Mistake made, lesson learned. Those dudes by-passed the drop-suggestion box and dropped some tables and chairs.

Anonymous said...

@ Her Side,

My boxing instructor's instructor is a 220 lbs. boxer/tai boxer. Got permission from Danny Inosanto to teach Jeet Kune Do. He's knocked out plenty of dudes much larger than him. At 55 years of age he's still doing it. Beautiful personality, the first to step down from an argument. Outside the ring, he has nothing to prove to anyone that's why he carries a pistol on his ankle and one on his back. He doesn't have to prove to his wife and daughter that he'll smash a dudes ribs. They know he's no coward but even though he can fight, he'll pull out on a dude.

Anonymous said...

DV, come on now,I get your point to a degree, but a man should know when to bow out of situations like this. I know they are young, still looking at this makes realize that parents need to teach their children how to choose their battles. " my sons go to church in blazers" DV you go to church? Okay, I didn't think you were the worshipping type.

Anonymous said...

I think we're looking at this like how people will criticize Floyd Mayweather for not going into the ring and taking direct blows or knocking anyone out. His objective is not to brawl, prove he can take the hardest blows and go down swinging like a true gladiator. His objective is to win but make the MOST money winning.

These dudes made a point. Knocking out someone twice their size may have not been their objective, but they weren't about to get punked either. They made a point KO or no KO.

Anonymous said...

DV... then reason why I come here is because you articulate my sentiments and behavior in a cohesive articulate way.... its ammo for the life I live.

Anonymous said...

Her Side, if you "hate" to agree with me, am I to assume all of your other comments in our conversations merely contrarian and biased toward our host?

Agree with me because I'm telling the truth, not because you've taken a side.

"DMG, this bothers you because you were 'educated' by the Plantation. You were conditioned to be antagonistic to free thought and the exchange of ideas."

And here you go again telling me what I've "been taught" as though you are some how "special".

Negro, please. There's nothing noteworthy or thought provoking about this video.

This has happened before, and it will happen again. Punks talk too much, and can't back up their talk.

Neither of us knows what started the argument, or who was at fault. That became irrelevant the moment redshirt walked BACK onto the patio to continue arguing after his man pulled him away. His bravado almost got his ass kicked. His cowardice is illustrated by his fighting style. He's a punk. I wish one of those cats had knocked his fucking ass out, maybe it would wake him up.

And for your meme, there is nothing docile about NOT escalating an argument into a physical confrontation. There's a time to stand your ground. There's a time to throw down. This was not the place nor the time.

If anyone is being docile it's because they are raised that way. All redshirt did was display his lack of self-discipline. If anything HE is afraid of revealing that he actually IS DOCILE by nature.