Saturday, June 26, 2010

Global System of Black Supremacy

The Wonders of A Level Playing Field

What is a "black supremacist"? There is a lot of talk about white supremacy, black supremacy, inferior, superior, etc. Please define these terms as they seem contradictory.


The Ghetto Intellectual™ said...


But a skeptical white supremacist might point out that this goal was made possible by the sloppy play of an African American (#13). GI

Denmark Vesey said...

True .... True

And they might.

Actually they did.

(Read the Plantation media).

But an astute black supremacist would counter with the 'sloppy play' of the white boys who allowed the lone Ghanaian brother ... with TI swag ... who single handedly Bogarted the white defender and goalie with the determined use of Nubian upper-body strength ... to blast a canon like goal only millimeters from the face of the embarrassed and somewhat emasculated white goalie ... after receiving a world-class pass from his black teammate who put on the single greatest display of TIMING & TOUCH in the entire tournament by dropping the ball RIGHT INTO THE GAP ... in ... overtime ... to beat their money rich NeoColonialist Masters and purveyors of "A Global System of White Supremacy" ... in HD.

Anonymous said...

Ditto @ DV..... not to talk of the fact that the lone US goal was a penalty shot given by a biased Referee!!! Asamoah Gyans OT goal was the bomb!

Who does thee rating of football tems????

Anonymous said...

Go Ghana!!! Strong, African genes!!!! Can't buy them !

Anonymous said...

Kevin Prince Boateng weaved his way through the USA defence like a hot knife through shea butter ...... and the rest is history!

The Ghetto Intellectual™ said...

Anon, actually YOU are biased. The penalty was obviously legit. It was a good call.

The Ghetto Intellectual™ said...

p.s. i am not certain, but the "lone Ghanaian brother" appears to be what Ghanaians (and Brits) call "half-caste" or bi-racial. i bet his mama is a white german. so this might be a case of mixed-race supremacy :O)

Denmark Vesey said...

Half caste?


I don't know what that means.

The cross-over, left-foot kick, blasted into the back of the net was pure black.

HotmfWax said...

The Chinese are pulling for Ghana!


Click here

DV's Favorite White Boy said...

Boateng is a great player because his mother's superior white genes overcame his father's inferior black genes. Besides the Ghanian's coach is a white man, naturally. He taught these porch monkeys everything.

Anonymous said...

"Boateng is a great player because his mother's superior white genes overcame his father's inferior black genes. Besides the Ghanian's coach is a white man, naturally. He taught these porch monkeys everything."

Typical of a sore losing oaf! What happened to all the superior genes on the mostly white US side? coached by a white man? Couldn't over come the porch monkeys eh? Continue to delude yourself into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

Pssst Anonymous..."DV's Favorite White Boy" isn't being serious. He's looking for the exact response you just gave.

HotmfWax said...

Click here

"None of this makes any difference, of course, to the billions preparing to tune in to the match between USA and Ghana. Very few of the world's sporting fans seem to know or care whether Ghana is seen by USA as nothing but a tiny component of AFRICOM, which in itself is simply one cog in the Pentagon's plan to rule the world by force. I know people who will be standing and cheering and yelling "USA!! USA!!" all afternoon, but I cannot share -- or understand -- their sentiment.

I want to see the whole world screaming for Ghana. I want to see the whole world waking up and aligning itself against the USA, not only in world football but also -- much more significantly -- against the American plan to rule the world.

I want ordinary, "decent", "intelligent" Americans to see the unprovoked murder of even one innocent person as an intolerable outrage; then I want them to understand that their country has murdered millions upon millions of innocent people, not just at one time and in one place but repeatedly, all over the world, for decades. And I want them to realize that their chant of "USA!! USA!!" is -- for the rest of the world -- the most obscene of non-violent gestures.

Not that it matters in the slightest to anyone, but it breaks my heart to realize that the country of my birth is a serial mass murderer, and that even despite the horror that is USA, many of the allegedly most intelligent people I know, including elderly and supposedly wise members of my extended family, still support it, while seeing any prospect of facing the truth about it as "difficult for the parents".

Back From The Grave said...

Lift DV's skirt and what do we find? A favorite white boy stuff up his ass.

Denmark Vesey said...

Read that piece Bra Wax.

What's your take on it?

I think the cat makes a fatal flaw in his analysis.

"America" does not murder millions.

Placing the blame for the murder of millions, actually conducted by a handful of arguably non-Americans ... on the whole of Americans ... is to fall into their trap.

It is important to distinguish the Hi-Jackers from the passengers.

Anonymous said...

What is a "black supremacist"? There is a lot of talk about white supremacy, black supremacy, inferior, superior, etc. Please define these terms as they seemcontradictory. It is interesting to see the number of comments complaining one group of people is racist, thinks it is superior, and is furthering some racist agenda, and in the same breath espouse the very same tenets while honestly (albeit ignorantly) believing it is somehow different. Maybe someone can explain to me how it is different. Really we have only two explanations as far as I can tell. First, good old fashioned hypocrisy: it is only wrong when the other guy does it. Or second, two wrongs make a right: he did it to me first so now I am taking righteous revenge. So, perhaps, it is not “different” but is “justified” (which opens up an entirely new can of worms). Please enlighten me and help me understand if I am not seeing this correctly.

Aside from the political, historical, and moral dilemmas and issues addressed by this post, it also touches on the fascinating topic of human biodiversity. Most liberal progressives try to make us believe that race (and even sex) is nothing more than a social construct. I think that is an oversimplification and am interested in your thoughts on that and also other tangentially related topics: the origin/evolution of man, out of Africa, eugenics, physical and mental achievement gaps, etc. --OneLove

HotmfWax said...


"America" does not murder millions.

Placing the blame for the murder of millions, actually conducted by a handful of arguably non-Americans ... on the whole of Americans ... is to fall into their trap."

I hear you DV. However you probably have read the book "Animal Farm" and this is a perfect way for "the hijackers" to use borders and nationality (the old Divide and conquer) whether in war or sport competition.

Don't get me wrong, I like to compete, and truly enjoyed the match, however a part of this is to be "self aware" of the ego gratification that we get from this event to be used up for some kind of pent up insecurties that we have. It is that "weakness" in the EGO that I think the "hijackers" use to exploit us into killing other countries and then killing ourselves(Bad Karma). I think that the "sports" nationality moves us into the "military" nationality very quickly.

We can't blame the hijackers alone DV- without us pulling the trigger and going along with the "con" there is no "murder of millions".

Can't use the "old devil made me do it meme" -We like Israel are the worlds hitman and police.

Like it or not- this is what "we" do.

The passengers are still cheering the mo-foe hi-jackers on. USA- USA! If all the passengers could just loose their fears and says hell no, it can't and won't be no jacking. BTW, the majority of the US is in aggreement with the hi-jackers.:)

It would be nice if it could go down like this:

click here

It would be nice if we all find our inner BRAD. F- the rulers.

The hi-jackers that you speak about do have the world hating us .

The written article is proof of that because it doesn't matter how much we participate or not, his perception is all that matters. His and the rest of the world.


You can "feel" it in his article.

dx said...

"Don't get me wrong, I like to compete, and truly enjoyed the match, however a part of this is to be "self aware" of the ego gratification that we get from this event to be used up for some kind of pent up insecurties that we have. It is that "weakness" in the EGO that I think the "hijackers" use to exploit us into killing other countries and then killing ourselves(Bad Karma). I think that the "sports" nationality moves us into the "military" nationality very quickly."


HotmfWax said...
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HotmfWax said...


Click here

An ABC trailer for the 2010 World Cup shows a subliminal German flash frame. The banner's text translates to "Carried by the eagle's wings, we're going to win"

Germans DV.


BTW, most Americans have no idea the the word God (old English translation) means Germans.

Adam is pissed off and is going to kick some a@@ for those of you who get it! :)

Jun 30, 2010 11:26:00 AM