Is this the Democrats' idea of diversity?
But while leaders in the black community may be upset, the folks who look more like the real targets of liberal bias are white Protestants and Catholics, who still constitute well over half of the U. S. population.
Not in living memory has a Democratic president nominated an Irish, Italian or Polish Catholic, though these ethnic communities once gave the party its greatest victories in the cities and states of the North.
What happened to the party of the Daleys, Rizzos and Rostenkowskis?
And not in nearly half a century has a Democratic president nominated a white Protestant or white Catholic man or woman."
Damn! Until you put this out here, I would have never looked at it this way or make the Jewish connection.
As for black folks unhappy with this pick? Eh... I don't think they really understand the strategy involved. Which would be. To have someone who more than likely would do a good job of representing the interests of the people and argue from that perspective. In other words, do what Solicitor Generals do.
But then again, there's that Harvard/Obama/Larry Summers/Wall Street thing happening with the pick. I'm more concerned about that than the fact that she's not black nor hired any black professors.
"Harvard/Obama/Larry Summers/Wall Street thing happening with the pick.
I'm more concerned about that than the fact that she's not black nor hired any black professors."
With you on that one Rippa
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