Gee-Chee said...

Let's discuss this
Wayne, not even sort of political
That claim’s forced like centrifugal
Yeah, he’s lethal as vaccine needles
but we talk’n memes since crack seen Coleco
My man’s word play, dope like yayo
a cold azz gato
while all up in the month of Mayo
50 insignificant like NATO
his subject matter, fecal
talk ‘bout his fo’fo’
Negro’ll get shot up like Greedo
yeah he got green though
just as meaningful
if that green was his wreath though
Seen more flow [Flo] on Alice
Don’t get it twisted just sounds like malice
Who don’t target dead prez like downtown Dallas
weave this thread into profound fabrics
Denmark Vesey said ...

What’s more political than a million dollars worth of diamonds all up in the dental and a semi-auto on the ankle? What’s more political than a young brother flowing sublingual’s over 808’s and cymbals rebuilding the dismal self-esteem of Negros all around the global grooving off his verbals like the gospel? What’s more political than making the racial and hostile docile by becoming their idol?
DV and Gee Chee in an intellectual tussle. Flexin’ a little philosophical muscle. DV drop bombs filled with memetic shrapnel. My ideas hit Negros like 330 pound corn fed left tackles fresh out a huddle. Realigning paradigms is my daily ritual. My mental is as hot as a kilo of raw under the passenger seat of a rental. My political go full circle. I’m the cat in the grey flannels teaching Plantation Negros the difference between allodial and federal. The cocoa butta complexion startin’ to look like dark caramel. What’s more political than growing your own kale fennel and basil? Leave GMO alone it’s the devil. Flouride in your water is evil. It makes people docile. DV giving you Truth full frontal. Check my shit out. It’s all Falsifiable.
[quote]What’s more political than a rap mogul on his hustle going to prison for possessing a 40 cal nickel plated pistol?[/quote]
ANSWER: Training up young brothers on how to use their FIRE ARMS to PROTECT THEIR COMMUNITY (and later their nation) from OUTSIDE THREATS as they build up their NATION CONSCIOUSNESS.
[quote] What’s more political than a cat dealing with the legal by demonstrating they can imprison his body but not his mental?[/quote]
ANSWER: Having this cat leverage his time of physical FREEDOM to demonstrate that his MIND is not imprisoned by a permanent revolutionary meme that doesn't scale to address the life challenges of the ordinary Joe.
[quote] What’s more political than a super lingual you black sex symbol making damsels tremble post coital from Seoul to Brussels?[/quote]
ANSWER: Making him realize that DV's "Get a chick" mandate also has an upper bound. In the name of healthy male/female relationships this conscious rapper should tell these women that while they are "trembling" over a man that they will never have - there are PLENTY of local brothers of quality that are looking for a female life partner who have measured control over their whims.
[quote]What’s more political than a million dollars worth of diamonds all up in the dental and a semi-auto on the ankle?[/quote]
The knowledge that the neighborhood in New Orleans that he comes from could better use the $1,000,000 for educational purposes among the masses. He TEETH show CONTEMPT for their cause as in "Let them eat cake".
[quote] What’s more political than a young brother flowing sublingual’s over 808’s and cymbals rebuilding the dismal self-esteem of Negros all around the global grooving off his verbals like the gospel?[/quote]
Now apply this concept of this individual who is plugged into a SOCIETY. Is this person made into a more responsible citizen as a result?
[quote] What’s more political than making the racial and hostile docile by becoming their idol?[/quote]
Noting that in New Orleans - one of the "Blackest" cities in the nation - the reduction of racial hostility has not lead to the reduction if INTRA-racial hostilities thus the worth of it all must be questioned.
put some fashion or architecture on this mufucka magne...
Man, you need to put this up. This is hilarious.,0,2355202.story
[quote] What’s more political than making the racial and hostile docile by becoming their idol?[/quote]
thank you!
[beat stops]
Yeah, I sees’em
[beat kicks back in]
They seized’em,
cuz he wants to squeeze some
Different flies same penal system
Aside from that who needs’em
Three different women?
Like The Ropers on top while he live’n beneath th’m
‘least he handles his seeds with a green thumb
Empty meme empty cerebrum
Grey matter completely redrum’d
He a man or a box of crayons?
That’s why he all up in your Samsung
Put chu’ta sleep like Phil Hartman
A few holes what you argue’n
These rhymes more like directions where to get the spackle from
Yeah I heard’m like a cattle run
Spliced Lady Cab Driver w/a NWA song
Some wild sh!t like jackle dung
ain’t got much life though like Don Rickle’s lungs
He know how battles won
but he don’t reach the caliber of a ‘64 Fender Strato’ gun
Hendrix & Wayne? You cutt'n up like sickles swung
Wayne not a catalyst
Just apart of a long list
Claims he’s the Greatest Story Ever Told when he’s just winter solstice
"Spliced Lady Cab Driver w/a NWA song
Some wild sh!t like jackle dung" Gee
I like that I like that I like that I like that.
That was Nice.
(Hell. It was a Lil Waynish actually.)
By what measure are you claiming a reduction in racial hostility in New Orleans?
Compared to when?
Yeah...that's exactly what you need: an angry woman with a gun, a badge, and a police database.
So what happens when that female police officer "gets hurt feelings"? I'm sure you'll find that you are "guilty" of all sorts of "violations".
DV's the resident GOAT, but maaaaad props to GeeChee. He str8up won Microphone Champ on this round. Y'got siiick rhymes.
Wld be nice to see all the lyricists battle it out like the last time with Big Wayne, Big Man, Ill, CNu, Thor etc.
And pleeeease can some sistas stepup to the mic - iKnow y'all gifted.
The thing is, guys like weezy are symbols for male autonomy. Just like Kobe or Will Smith.
When Alpha Male LOSES AUTONOMY, all males lose autonomy UNLESS you pay allegiance to devout dyke scripture.
That scripture of course IDOLIZES and DEMONIZES Alpha Male.
The devout dyke scripture desires Alpha's AUTONOMY, vageen-taming skills and his ability to command man. Hence, the "butch..." The Alpha imposter, anti-man.
Devout dyke also HATES Alpha Male for the simple fact that this is devout dyke nature.
Thus is born the radically autonomous mindset. The living self-refutation. The self-annihilator.
The evidence is all around us that the devout dyke is ascending and the all-accepting indiscriminancy that is coming to define our societal environment is that of the devout dyke/radical homosexual nature.
Where's this leave weezy as Alpha rapper BROUGHT TO HIS KNEES for packin' heat?
If you broaden the picture and take in the kiss on the lips given to birdman then things get murkier.
This dude is SELLING GENUINE LIBERATION (first line of defense is the right to bear arms) but gettin' PUT DOWN...
The effect of weezy's ART/ACT COULD BE TO MINIMIZE all of our freedom to bear arms IN AN INCREASINGLY INDISCRIMINATE SOCIETY.
Look at what the boy dyke in the white house is doing? Surrounded by a cackle of jackels OF HIS OWN CHOOSING.
Are these doods--sold as black "Alphas"--really helping to MAXIMIZE male autonomy (black or white) or have they made a deal with devout dyke?
^^ Brilliant! ^^
Thordaddy Blacker Than Most Of These Negros Around Here.
...which really begs the question of "what is YOUR definition of 'black'?"
Appreciate it Kay-Double-U. That's a big compliment coming from you and DV. Ya'll put me on red alert and push me.
DV I get what you saying in other threads 'bout Wayne. Just having fun with the rhyme bravado.
[QUOTE]This dude is SELLING GENUINE LIBERATION (first line of defense is the right to bear arms) but gettin' PUT DOWN...
The effect of weezy's ART/ACT COULD BE TO MINIMIZE all of our freedom to bear arms IN AN INCREASINGLY INDISCRIMINATE SOCIETY.[/QUOTE]
1) Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP, Most Black Progressive-Fundamentalists are ANTI-SECOND AMENDMENT
2) They were instrumental in erecting the law that got Weezy and my man Plaxico Burris up.
3) Unlike when Bishop Henry McNeal Turner called for all Blacks to arm themselves - Young Weezy would have likely KILLED A BLACK MAN with his weapon if fired.
[quote]By what measure are you claiming a reduction in racial hostility in New Orleans?
Compared to when?[/quote]
Big Man:
You misread my response.
DV asked a hypothetical and I responded with a HYPOTHETIC.
I was saying "It would be great of Lil Wayne could say that New Orleans improved as such".
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