Friday, May 07, 2010


IWonderAsIWander said...

Now THAT'S my type!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's badd. For a Dominican/Puerto Rican she's on the slim side. Fellas, if you've never been to DR, do yourself a favor.


Her Side said...

hehe. His Side complains that "men who like 'em this skinny also fantasize about sleeping with little girls."

He's no chubby chaser, but he likes his femininity served with a little more meat. lol

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Zoe...many a good time with her, (not like that).... Sorry Iwonder you May be her type but she chooses to navigate this life with our paler brethren... ill chick tho.

Constructive Feedback said...

For every picture like that there is some brother man saying:

"Come on out of that bathroom and get dressed. We've got to go!!! Damn!!!"

Then again - that might be at the end of the day where she is about to get in the bed with me.