- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Menstrual irregularity
- Menopause symptoms
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Stomach cancer
- Leukemia
- HIV and AIDS
- Tuberculosis
- Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH)
- Impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction, or ED).

Again, the "cure-all". Classic snake-oil pitch. The sad thing is...if this root does have some good properties, the people pushing it to "cure what ails you" are doing it a disservice, as it will take a long time if at all to be taken seriously.
Thanks for the ingredients.
You probably should mention that Maca root will enhance a woman's fertility so if she doesn't wanna have kids, stay away from it!
LOL.. Ahhhhhhh M.
You know about that huh?
You right.
(Shhhhh... we don't want to reduce fertility "clinics" profits)
Yeah a friend of mine had advanced cervical dysplasia so she physically could not hold a child to term. She was getting cranialsacral therapy and taking maca root. Then her Grandma told her maca root would get her pregnant.She had to immediately discontinue it. But yeah, it is good to know for women who have issues conceiving.
Wikipedia disgrees with some of your claims about the root's abilities.
But it sounds interesting.
How does your maca cost?
Big Man,
See this for costs.
Hey Big Man.
I don't know how much it costs. Something like $10 - $20 a pound.
It's chock full of minerals and micronutrients that are missing from conventional diets.
I drop a little less than a teaspoon in my sons smoothies each day before they begin their training.
Anything more than that and they are bouncing off of the walls.
That pound of Maca lasts about 2 months at that rate. And is well worth the investment.
Some more reading:
Maca root grows in the mountains of Peru at high altitudes of 7,000 to 11,000 feet, making it the highest altitude growing plant in the world. Maca is a radish-like root vegetable that is related to the potato family, and is tuberous and spherical in form. The root itself is about three to six centimeters across and 4.7 centimeters in length. There are four recognized types of Maca Root based on the color of the root. Root color varies from creamy yellow or light pink to dark purple or black.
Chemically Maca root contains significant amounts of amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. Peruvian Maca also includes a number of glycosides.
As a nutritional supplement, Peruvian Maca has generalized tonic effects on the biochemical functioning of the human body. Chief among these effects is the enhancement of endocrine function. The endocrine system includes all of the glands, and the hormones they secrete, that exist in the body and that control such conditions as fertility, sexual function, digestion, brain and nervous system physiology, and energy levels. Hormonal regulation is responsible for all of the physiological attributes that enable us to enjoy the myriad sensations of being vibrantly alive, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and mental-emotional states of being. Maca root has also been called an adaptogen, which means that it increases the body's ability to defend itself against both physical and mental weakening, hence potential illness. It is believed it achieves this by supporting adrenal and pituitary gland health, both of which underlie proper endocrine function.
I read the Wiki son, as is my habit when y'all post something new.
I looked up the prices. I'll add to the list of things I'll remember to check out if I come across them.
I actually just got my wife some coconut oil for her hair and skin the other day after I was able to find a pretty good deal.
It was still more than I wanted to spend, but with the testimonials of all of y'all, plus a friend of mine who likes to use organic products, I decided to give it a shot.
You and Wax made sense when you pointed out that having petroleum as the main ingredient in a product should be off-putting.
We shall see.
If I don't get a miracle, I'm coming back angry. Just so you know.
Yo! DV!!
This root is so underrated, for the simple reason of how it has been marketed in the US.
Like a 'miracle' pill.
Well, it is not viagra and it doesn't kill people either.
Your kids will thank you!
I had a juice almost everyday when I lived in Peru.
Cheaper than coca-cola.
Don't ask me what happened after that!
I make a shake everytime before workout.
That potato is powerful!
Since I changed my diet from meats, chicken, and fake powder proteins to Broccoli juice, Maca shake, Spirulina and Flax Oil I feel much much happier.
... and I am never tired...
Don't need meats to pack some muscle either...
Don't need meats at all!!
DMG, maybe you should try it out!
and feel the difference for yourself!
I'm just sayin'...
Big Man, hit me up if you'd like better prices.
Organic & Raw.
Directly from Peru.
Check me out!
Diversia Peru
Still not in english, but I am sure you can browse through it!
Mmmm okay, I've never heard of this herb before. So DV, if your son's take it, then a li'l is ok for a boost not babies, rite? What's it taste like on it's own?
Some of us don't need a root to "never tire", but maybe that's just y'alls genetics.
Again, the "cure-all". Classic snake-oil pitch. The sad thing is...if this root does have some good properties, the people pushing it to "cure what ails you" are doing it a disservice, as it will take a long time if at all to be taken seriously.
can i get all this stuff from whole foods? and what are cocoa nibs.should i blend all the ingredients once they are done?
See...that is just wrong DV...LOL!!!
...on top of that escorted by the police?
Style and content vs. content
What's hysterical is our host has more in common with MJ's private physician than I do.
Let me repeat: Misinformation is as powerful as information when you aren't in a position to be able to tell the difference.
Again, prove it.
I think I need to rhyme this up!
Let my style be known to ya'll young cats!
Lookin' for truth, but it is all chit-chat
Dr. DMG just said it!
It's all about them genetics.
I cracked up when I read it.
'Cause it is so true,
But he ain't get it!
Ya'll see,
I was born in the roots
In the altitudes of Peru!
I NEED that damn root!
It is part of my people, my truth!
Oh! I need that root!
I juice it up in the blender
All the tools in a glass
Food for the wise
Root for the soul
It can't be ignored
Grasping the power of mother's earth soil!
Tastes just like fruit, sweet and smooth,
My ancestors & the secrets of the powerful fruits,
Moving hundred-tons stones,
built an empire of gold s-tones!
Ya'll think they built that eatin' pork chops?
Let it be known,
the knowledge of the world
Let me tell da' secret
one for ya'll to keep it
I fly high like the condor
while ya'll chocking corn-dogs
Think da' body is no more than a trash can?
Arrogants as if they-re god-like
tellin' the people:
"eat this shit while you can, it
is healthy as long as you crap"
I'ma keep it HEALTHY for myself & my fam
As long as I can,
as long as I breath,
Ain't takin' more chances with the junk of the XXX
XXX = google it! LOL!
(sigh) thank God for this blog.... This Nigger DMG is a true blue plantation Nigger...I know these Wilke muthafuckas exist (see soldiers story).. but I thought that when they had the cover of anonymity they would come around. HE is that dude.
Yo Ces Where are you from in Peru? I was out there livin' there for a while. Miraflores next to Parque Kennedy was my homebase but I traveled throughout the country.
Excuse me anonymous? Don't act like you know me. If you want your master to pat you on the head, all you need do is wag your tail, no need for barking.
So let me get this straight. Black man (our host) tries to push products without any evidence of efficacy. Another black man (me) calls him on it, and this second black man is a nigger?
So what you are saying is a "nigger" (presumably you are referring to me, here) is someone who has the background, training and intelligence to see through our hosts bullshit hustle.
Apparently an intelligent black man threatens you.
Apparently, you prefer black men who are entertaining, loudmouthed, misinformed, uneducated and ultimately harmless.
What exactly IS your job in the Big House? Are you the cat that tells your master that some of the slaves cannot only read, but do complex math?
Interesting indeed.
Anonymous ...
Bra. Please don't call DMG a "Nigger".
That's not cool man.
Particularly not as "Anonymous".
Dude and I don't agree. But he aint no bitch.
I've never seen him dish out what he can't take.
"So let me get this straight. Black man (our host) tries to push products without any evidence of efficacy." DMG
Cacoa nibs
Cacao powder
Almond milk
Brazil Nuts
Frozen Banana
Dates ...
Which of these "products" don't have efficacy?
"Another black man (me) calls him on it, and this second black man is a nigger?"
You pushed the product called H1N1 vaccine.
Do you really feel the H1N1 vaccine has "efficacy"?
Do you realize the alarmists at the CDC and WHO who declare this virus a "Pandemic" are being investigated for collusion with the Pharmaceutical companies who made billions?
If the H1N1 "Vaccine" product that you pushed (tried to frighten) people on this blog into using way back in the fall of 2009 had ... "EFFICACY" ... why did the pharmaceutical companies pressure the government to make them immune to prosecution for people injured by the product?
That was actually nice. Thanks for the back up, truces are nice once in awhile. Words only have power if you give them power. Normally I wouldn't respond, but I just like kicking fools in the nuts too much.
OK, so back to the sparring.
Efficacy needs to be proven, you know that, we've been over it. All that stuff you listed is nice, probably tastes great and is likely good for you. The only place you lose me is when you say "expensive natural food X, cures high blood pressure, bad breath, worts, hemorrhoids, AIDS, cancer, and is better than Viagra and gives you a few inches". If the food tastes good, makes you feel great, isn't harmful and you feel is an important part of your diet...why do you have to give it a "special power"? Why can't it JUST be food, rather than a cure-all? I don't see a great health benefit in Peru...
I never pushed a product. I said "here is what the data says, make your choice, and don't say I didn't tell you so". I also gave you years of data proving efficacy (easily located).
"Do you really feel the H1N1 vaccine has "efficacy"?"
Do you realize the alarmists at the CDC and WHO who declare this virus a "Pandemic" are being investigated..."
First, investigate by whom? Second, you realize these two sentences have little to do with each other. What's your point?
Why would I want to frighten people on a blog? You seem to be doing a good job of it.
I lived in in a few places around Lima, last stop was Surco.
I also lived in the country side, traveled a few places in my childhood.
I am very familiar with Miraflores, LOL...
Fun place!
Live in the US since 15.
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