Thursday, May 27, 2010

2 Year Old Boy ... Gotdamn Shame

An Indonesian baby is hooked on nicotine because his mother feels she is powerless to deny him his habit. He smokes 40 a day. “‘He cries and throws tantrums when we don’t let him smoke. He’s addicted,” says father Mohammad to the Daily Mail. Mohammad allowed Ardi to start smoking at just 18 months.

Are parents who give their children Doritos or Pop Tarts or Frosted Flakes or Pepsi or IHop any better?


Big Man said...

He is handling that joe like an old pro. Little man got all the mannerisms down pat.

Anonymous said...

...except the hacking bloody cough.

Big Man said...

that will come with time.

IWonderAsIWander said...

LOL. That lil' dude got some style while smokin' that bad boy!!

Kalena said...

Look at how fat he is! These parents have effectively murdered their child by introducing him to a lifestyle of overindulgence at the age of 2 in a vacuum sort of environment void of any discipline or respect that he will be unable to sustain much beyond puberty! Regardless of the tool used, be it cigarettes or Doritos, any parent that nurtures self destructive habits in their children is scum in my book.