Friday, April 02, 2010

Thank God For Brothas

UglyBlackJohn said...
"You run a hot fucking club"
(said Mills) is still the most apt description of your spot.

While Mills (and the rest of us) run our own clubs (blogs) often doing and saying what we may be expected to do - this is the after hours spot where everyone gets to do or say what they WANT to say or do.
Where else would an MD be called on his work?
An engineer on his understanding.
Or a noted writer for his skills?

Mills was Frazier to your Ali.
Bird to your Magic.
The rivalry is what made both points of view more valid.

SeeNew says that we are closest with those with whom we share a "communion of persons".

If the ideas, concepts and theories being debated on this site are "food for thought" then we all dine together.

Some get served like a good patron who never requires reservations - other 'get served' like a weak dance crew.

While I don't like the Head Cheese favored by Mills - I'll miss talking shit about him for eating it and expecting everyone else to enjoy the same.

(But yeah DV, I gotta' agree with the others - Good on you for these last few posts.)


KonWomyn said...
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KonWomyn said...

A li'l suggestion, plse change the avatar. UglyBlackJohn's not meant to taken quite so literally, its a smokescreen, he was a cutie as a baby. Peep his blog.

uglyblackjohn said...

@ KayDub - The avatars are meant to convey an image of the words not the real person (unless a photo is provided).
Like much of the imagery here - they are metaphorical.

KonWomyn said...

Yes that did occur to me after I'd written my comment, but then I figured an avatar, like words do not exist in isolation of anything. They are attached to an online personality. IMO a brotha with a bull ring doesn't portray the blogger known as UBJ or the opinion the expressed here - at least in how I read it.

Yea one cld argue its a clever play on the name, but still I dislike the pic - and yes I know I'm being petty, but hey.

Truth is tho', if you're cool with it, my opinion doesn't count. So it's cool.

Denmark Vesey said...

I feel ya Kay Dub.

You don't want to give the wrong impression about a character as dynamic as is UBJ.

You right.