"I told him it wasn't OK, no, [gratuitous repetition of nonsensical feminist meme 'no means no'] we don't need to do this and I proceeded to get up and try to leave," she said. "I went to the first door I saw, which happened to be a bathroom."
According to her statement, Roethlisberger then followed her and shut the door.
"I still said no, this is not OK, and he then had sex with me," she wrote. "He said it was OK. He then left without saying anything."
Yeah right. A millionaire athlete takes his Johnson out in the dark hallway of a bar ... and you seek refuge in an even more secluded bathroom. Then "he had sex" while you did what? How about you drank too much. Got drunk. And do what people do when they get drunk. Nah. That involves too much personal responsibility. Supporting this meme is an insult to all the billions of women in the world who aint ho's.
Imagine the cats languishing in a prison cell 9 years into a 20 year sentence for rape, cuz some drunk girl without enough heart to come clean and admit she had just as much to do with what happened as he did.
Look at the conviction displayed by these women as they lie. They seem to actually believe what they are saying is the truth. Imagine if they were testifying in court.
Gotta agree here. I've seen this happen. Alcohol is an excuse to do things you've always wanted to get away with.
There have been times when I was younger that I was so drunk that I couldn't see straight. Never did anything I wouldn't have done sober. Never blacked out only to hear reports that I'd robbed somebody or anything else. Maybe that's just me, but I don't buy the excuse of alcohol.
You "ho'd, because you wanted to ho".
" 'then he had sex with me' ... while you did what?"
good question.
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