Sunday, April 11, 2010

Plantation Media Reports Plantation Negro Congressmen Called "Nigger" By Tea Party Protestors - One Problem - Video Shows It Is A Lie

Sam Stein | HuffPost Reporting

Abusive, derogatory and even racist behavior directed at House Democrats by Tea Party protesters on Saturday left several lawmakers in shock.

Preceding the president's speech to a gathering of House Democrats, thousands of protesters descended around the Capitol to protest the passage of health care reform. The gathering quickly turned into abusive heckling, as members of Congress passing through Longworth House office building were subjected to epithets and even mild physical abuse.

A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) had been spat on by a protestor. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a 'ni--er.' And Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a "faggot," as protestors shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams. Frank, approached in the halls after the president's speech, shrugged off the incident.

Only Problem... IT IS NOT TRUE. The Story is a Fabrication.

A $10,000 Offer has been made for any video or audio of such slurs directed towards these men. Of the hundreds of cameras and digital recording devices on the scene... not one person has produced a recording of any such incident. Peep a video of the moment NOT produced by the Plantation Media.
Why Is The Plantation Media Attempting To Portray The Tea Party Phenomenon As Anti-Black, Anti-Hispanic & Anti-Gay? Why the Balkanization of the proletariat? Do most black people support the National "Health Care" Bill because they perceive it as some type of race advantage?


SimonGreedwell said...

Vanity: Jason Levin (xenex11)-the man behind the "Crash The Tea Party" website(Pics)

This is some Cass Sunstein approved cognitive infiltration, taken to the level of home-spun domestic espionage. Straight up agent provocateur stuff right here.

Why Is The Plantation Media Attempting To Portray The Tea Party Phenomenon As Anti-Black, Anti-Hispanic & Anti-Gay?

The Tea Party folks routinely step outside the bounds of the officially sanctioned debate parameters. Portraying them as xenophobic anti-gay extremists in the media effectively places them outside the "respectable" and "serious", "mainstream".

Our media is the worst in the world when it comes to covering politics. They're irritated by the fact that the Tea Partiers don't have a single spokesperson or leader, since it would be a lot easier to discredit the movement using a flawed figurehead.

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is
to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion,
but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."
-Noam Chomsky

It's all about making sure that the Tea Partiers are perceived to be outside the spectrum of acceptability.

Denmark Vesey said...


Good stuff man.

As always.

Love the Chomsky quote.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are those who want to dismantle the Tea Party. They are misguided. I for one, enjoy watching the Tea Party speak in their own words, much the same as I enjoy watching Sarah Palin speak. Both of course are repugnant to me. But why would I want to dismantle a group of rabble who, despite claims otherwise, really ARE a loose collection of bandwagon jumping racists, conspiracy theorists, "birthers", xenophobes, religious fundamentalists, anti-gay, gun-wielding, anti-abortion types.

No media manipulation need be applied.

I wandered by one of these "uprisings" in Chicago. It was as amusing as frightening that people like this exist at all.

The masses are easily whipped into a frenzy. Private dislike of gays, so-called "minorities", "non-Christians", etc. may be magnified very quickly. We've seen this in history repeated over and over.

Folie à deux in the age of mass media and the internet has become folie des milliers...or more.

This isn't a grassroots movement, this is staged, targeted, and manipulated. There are many scapegoats to chase into the wilderness...the teabaggers aren't the ones with the silver ring around their necks...they are the ones chasing the goats.

Denmark Vesey said...

As usual Brother DMG falls for the Plantation head fake.

The issues he's parroted have nothing to do with Tea Party movement.

The rejection of this corporate fascism masquerading as "government" has nothing to do with "disliking" anybody.

That's the shit the news teaches to dupes to keep them stuck on stupid fascist apologists.

Anonymous said...


Parrot? Come on now. The only one parroting seems to be you two. Corporate Fascism? Didn't Ron Paul use that very term?

You all talk about "fascism" all you like. There is nothing fascist at all about this government, nor is this current administration more corporate than those previous. We both know this, let's just skip the usual dance.

How about this instead. You walk me through why the Obama administration is a fascist government. Don't just use the usual talking points, show me some real scholarship. And this time rise to the challenge...not like the last time when you tried to fake everyone out by lifting your skirt and flashing your recently soiled panties (that's for you UBM).

Brother Taney said...

Thank you, Mr. DV. The Tea Party movement is a true movement for the liberation of all true Americans and for a return to our most basic constitutional principles. Mr. DV you deserve great praise. You may not be a true American, but you most certainly are a bright boy.

Anonymous said...

Yes are a very bright boy. Wow. I really do hope that is Mike Fisher screwing with you. Otherwise, anyone with balls that large should probably seek to get an ultrasound.

SimonGreedwell said...

Parrot? Come on now. The only one parroting seems to be you two.

You two?

Who else are you talking about?

cadeveo said...

There are at least two Tea Party movements. One is orchestrated and manipulated, the other actually is grassroots. The latter preceded the former, but it's in the interests of the PTB to get everyone looking at the fake one, which is the one that the GOP Machine has created to try and steal away those who might be inclined to have sympathy for the real thing. The Tea Parties began with Libertarians, not Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. What is that bird that sneaks into the nests of other birds, eats their eggs and then lays its eggs in their place, unbeknownst to the nest's owner until the damn foul hatch? That's exactly what's being attempted against the Tea Party movement.

There was no "N" word said to those Congressmen. But, if you get enough people to "think" that that is what the Tea Partiers are all about you not only delegitamize them, but you also *attract* the very people you are accusing the Tea Partiers of being into that movement. It's a very effective way to turn a movement into the noxious enemy you claimed (and wanted) them to be all along.

As for Corporatist...That was Mussolini's definition of Fascism...the marriage of the corporations with the government. He should know, since he invented Fascism. And yes, this government is fascist, as was the last one under Bush II, and the one before that under Clinton...same shit, just with a different wig on.

When the the guy in charge of the Treasury is a former head of the Federal Reserve (the secretive banker monopoly that is responsible for the crash in many ways), when you have lobbyists for corporations being appointed to positions of power in government who act in ways to benefit their corporate buddies; when these same guys go back to sitting on boards of those same corporations once their stints in so-called government is over--and this is the order of the day, in both so-called political parties, well shit, my man, you're talking about a separation between Corporations and Government that simply does not exist except in fantasy land.

Sounds like Fascism to me. But I guess unless you've got Nazi's skipping through the streets singing the Sound of Music, you're not supposed to think so.

Sure, gotcha. Makes fuguvalotasense.

As for Ron Paul, love that dude. Unfortunately, we're in a situation where people have been conditioned by dependence on the present arrangement for so long that were any of his ideas to become policy, you'd see even worse chaos than right 300 million deformed and crippled birds pushed out of their cages and told to fly. It will take generations to breed self-reliance and a spirit to build communities of strong individuals back into many nooks of the American consciousness.

Anonymous said...


Tea Party. Please, dude. It was never a grassroots movement. Just sulking fools who can't get over the fact that after 8 years of looking the other way while "YOUR" President was busy pillaging and burning things in his own private war, rubberstamping policies written by lobbyists that put us IN this economic situation.

Your grassroots is clammoring to take us back to the early 2000's.

Nobody cares about gay marriage, or private medical decisions...except a very vocal minority. You don't find yelling tyranny, and fascism is a bit offensive to people who ACTUALLY LIVED under tyranny and fascism??

This government is in NO way fascist. Let me repeat that. This government is in no way fascist.

I challenge you to prove fascist ideaology.

"Sounds like Fascism to me. But I guess unless you've got Nazi's skipping through the streets singing the Sound of Music, you're not supposed to think so."

Well, I guess you don't understand the term fascism.

Gray Conservative,

Pardon me. I suppose you weren't parroting. I'll remind you when you are.

Pink said...

I was reading an article about Clarence Thomas' wife Ginnie starting her own branch of a tea party movement. I think that's kind of a bad look for the wife of a sitting SC justice but I guess he must be cool with it.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

DMG, you are not right. Cadveo is. The Tea Party movement started on college campuses many years ago and Professors were at the helm. It was an exercise in airing grievances to the government. They based themselves after the original Boston Tea Party goers.

The media shows the angry WASP Tea Party goers which live in an orthogonal plane to the grassroots guys. The grassroots guys were pissed when GW Bush, Clinton, Bush and Reagan were President. They don't believe in the FED and the IRS with good reason.

I know it must be hard not to believe everything you see on tv but tv is a powerful tool for framing events. In one breath the Tea Party goers are racist ignoramuses, but in another breath they are erudite professors with Constitutional reasons for protesting the current governmental order.

Sadly we rarely get to see the truth, only twisted, bastardized versions of it...

I was thinking of joining a local chapter but when I saw the Glen Beck moniker, I knew they were of the angry WASP type protestors. What have I to do with them?

Big Man said...

So, I'm wondering when you're going to get around to posting this story:

Just curious, since it directly contradicts your chosen meme.

Then again, I've never known that to stop you from pushing something.

KonWomyn said...

Thanks for the school Mahndisa and Cadeveo.

& Mahndisa thanks for your feedback on the integration thing, personal experiences always helps put history's consequences into perspective.

Denmark Vesey said...

Pushing something?


What you talking about Big Man.

Them PussyAss Plantation Negros claiming to have been called the "N"igger word are the ones "pushing" something.

If a muhfuggah called me a Nigger I would have stopped and dealt with it right then and there.

Whining about it to MSNBC after the fact ... as if it is some sort of badge of honor ... is ... is ... some Plantation Negro shit.

So maybe you can explain to me why you feel this particular story is significant.

What jumped out at me about the story was the $100,000 offer for any recording of the the "N"igger word from that event.

With the dozens of professional and amateur cameras on hand ... somebody would claim it.

Don't ya think?

Oh. The point about planting people in groups to discredit the group (false flags) is important.

Think about that.

This movement is about fiscal conservatism and limited government and they were able to distract ya'll Plantation Negros with a made up story about the "N" word.

Some cats are addicted to that paradigm.

Big Man said...

What jumped out at me was the conservative cat saying he never thought the video he was pushing as proof was in fact "conclusive."

What stood out to me was that the video used at proof was actually taken AFTER the time when the incident was supposed to have happened, but it was still held up as "proof."

What stood out to me was that the same cat asking for video evidence had his partner in crime in the Acorn fiasco busted for doctoring and splicing video to push a meme, and outright LYING about what actually happened.

What stood out to me was that you have the accounts of four or five folks, and that's not good enough because no video existed.

That's bogus. The majority of the folks up front at the rally were members of the Tea Party, they have a vested interest.

What's amazing is that you're ignoring that vested interest to push a meme.

The Tea Party movement is about fiscal conservatism and limited government the same way the Confederacy movement is about celebrating the history and beauty of the Old South.

What's the quote from Upton Sinclair you like quoting again?

Seems like this a perfect example of you falling for the trap.

Denmark Vesey said...

What stood out to me was that the video used at proof was actually taken AFTER the time when the incident was supposed to have happened, but it was still held up as "proof." Big Man


Wrong again Big Man.

One can't prove a negative.


The video was a demonstration of what happened.

These Plantation Negro dupes walked through the crowd.

They were booed for rubber stamping this Tax & Drug scam called "National Health Insurance".


If they were called "Nigger" ... in the digital age ... PROVE it.

Aint nobody call them monkeys niggers.

They are just playing that Sambo role to please the Hegelians who are playing both sides of the equation.

And if they did call them Nigger ...


cadeveo said...

DMG, why do you assume GWB was "MY" president? Never, ever. There hasn't been a single dude in that seat who has been "MY" president during my whole lifetime, let's be clear on that.

I distrust Obama the same as I distrusted the guy before him (GWB) and the guy before THAT guy (Clinton) and the guy before THAT (Daddy Bush)...

I voted for none of these fools. I may think Obama would be easier to hang with on a personal level than those other guys, BUT! that doesn't mean I trust him not to f*** me something terrible while smiling and smooth talking to distract me from all the blood draining out of my body.

I respect and honor the catharsis his election provided for many people and as a symbol Obama is something else. But as an an actual person party to determining the direction of millions, as someone responsible for signing off on decisions that affect billions...he is no less a horror movie, in my humble opinion, than what came before him.

johnny horton said...

yeah nigger, SO WHAT!!!

Denmark Vesey said...

"I respect and honor the catharsis his election provided for many people and as a symbol Obama is something else. But as an an actual person party to determining the direction of millions, as someone responsible for signing off on decisions that affect billions...he is no less a horror movie, in my humble opinion, than what came before him." Cadeveo

Can't argue with that.

Anonymous said...


Sorry...busy day. So you are saying the Tea Party movement started on college campuses? This is strange, because I rarely see anyone who appears under the age of 40...but I suppose it could happen. So, where are you getting your information about the origins of this group (I find it REALLY odd that a primarily anti-tax group would gain support on a college's just not their fight). And even if you are correct, today's Tea Partiers aren't what you describe...not even close.


You've shown me nothing but your opinion. Sorry, I need something more to go on than just that. You haven't given any indication that Obama leads anything resembling a fascist government or that he has much in common ideaologically with W. In other words you are just talking. And you say you haven't voted for ANY of the past Presidents? Were you always on the losing side or did you just not participate?

KonWomyn said...

When right wing populism becomes a movement through which people express their frustrations and can legitimize having a milita (Oklahoma tea party militia), it's def a sign of the rise of a particular brand of reactionary/protectionist fascim.


Submariner said...

The Tea Party movement is about fiscal conservatism and limited government the same way the Confederacy movement is about celebrating the history and beauty of the Old South.

Big Man is ineradicable truth. I would ask Mahndisa the same question asked recently by the executive director of the Cato Institute, "If you had to choose, would you rather live in a country with a department of labor and even an income tax or a Dred Scott decision and a Fugitive Slave Act?"

SimonGreedwell said...

"If you had to choose, would you rather live in a country with a department of labor and even an income tax or a Dred Scott decision and a Fugitive Slave Act?"

I read that David Boaz piece last week and I still don't understand that particular question.

Sub, in your opinion, what does the Dred Scott decision and the Fugitive Slave Act have to do with the Department of Labor or the federal income tax?

It seems like a forced, convoluted meshing of ideas which were thrown together to make an (inchoerent) point about how we should go about measuring freedom.

Take this for instance:

"The dramatic issue of slavery reminds us that the level of taxes or the number of federal agencies is by no means the only measure of freedom. And we can imagine other examples where the common libertarian focus on economic issues could lead us astray."

What the hell? What is he trying to say here? The modern-day alphabet soup of federal agencies and the institution of the federal income tax do not compare in any way to the unvarnished insanity which was inherent in Primitive America's sanction of slavery.

What I'm seeing him saying is, "Yeah, we have a huge alphabet soup of federal agencies and the income tax, but would you rather have Dred Scott and the Fugitive Slave Act?"

In what universe does that make sense? How is that not identified as a basic false dichotomy?

submariner said...

I read that David Boaz piece last week and I still don't understand that particular question.

And nor do I expect you to. It's probably going to be as hard for you and like-minded others to comprehend as it was for your intellectual forbears in England because liberty is a fundamentally progressive endeavor. If you truly wish to understand then I'd direct to you read Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation.

SimonGreedwell said...

And you say that to say what, Sub?

Enlighten me then. Answer the first question I asked you in the previous post.

Denmark Vesey said...

"the Confederacy movement is about celebrating the history and beauty of the Old South." Big Man / Submariner


It isn't?

Then what is celebrating the "Confederacy movement" about?

Let me guess ... ' Hating Negros '?


If the only tool in a Plantation Negro's toolbox is a hammer ... every issue looks like a nail.

Let. That. Paradigm. Go.

submariner said...

Enlighten me then.

Sorry Gray but you are going to have to do the heavy lifting on your own.

SimonGreedwell said...

I'll do the "heavy" lifting. It's up to you to convince me that it's a feather or an anvil though, and thus worth my time. It's looking kind of feathery, from where I sit.


Anonymous said...

Typo: You've shown me nothing but your opinion. Sorry, I need something more to go on than just that.-DMG

Correction: You've shown me. I need more.-DMG

Typo: You haven't given any indication that Obama leads anything resembling a fascist government or that he has much in common ideaologically with W.-DMG

Correction: You've given indication that Obama leads a fascist government, much in common ideaologically with W. I'll chill now.-DMG

Anonymous said...


That's it? That's what you are going with as a response?

Lazy. When are you all going to quit with the nonsense and debate?

Anonymous said...

Meddling you D. On the thread learning. Thought Codeveo and M. Rig layed a lil' Rowdy Piper and Paul Orndorff on you.

Anonymous said...

You date yourself, and much like WWF wrestling, it was all contrived, fake blows.

MR hasn't ever laid a glove on me. And I'm still waiting on the new dude to give me something.

Nathan Bedford Forrest said...

Denmark Vesey says:

"Then what is celebrating the 'Confederacy movement' about?

Let me guess ... ' Hating Negros '?


If the only tool in a Plantation Negro's toolbox is a hammer ... every issue looks like a nail.

Let. That. Paradigm. Go."

Lord, I do declare. I love this Negro.

submariner said...

Gray you can take that approach if you want but don't try tojustify it by saying that I failed to convince you this is an area worth exploring. Take a look again at your statement. You read the piece by a privileged insider who presumably shares your convictions. If you were confused then it is up to you to delve into the ambiguity or contradiction and find what you discover.

It is easy to despise what you cannot get

SimonGreedwell said...


We aren't going to get anywhere here, because your replies to me are brimming over with assumptions about my political beliefs.

I'll quote what you wrote back to you:

I read that David Boaz piece last week and I still don't understand that particular question.

"And nor do I expect you to. It's probably going to be as hard for you and like-minded others to comprehend as it was for your intellectual forbears in England because liberty is a fundamentally progressive endeavor. If you truly wish to understand then I'd direct to you read Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation."

As if that wasn't patronizing enough:

"Gray you can take that approach if you want but don't try to justify it by saying that I failed to convince you this is an area worth exploring. Take a look again at your statement. You read the piece by a privileged insider who presumably shares your convictions. If you were confused then it is up to you to delve into the ambiguity or contradiction and find what you discover."

See what I mean?

You hide behind these assumptions about my political beliefs. This allows you avoid explaining anything or answering any questions in your own words. You failed to convince me because your reply basically boiled down to, "This is something someone like you can't understand."

You're all, "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to understand it because of your political beliefs, but you can learn it if you wish, grasshopper."

It can't be that Boaz's comparison didn't make any sense or was confusing. No, that couldn't be it. It must be Gray is simply not understanding it because if his politics.

Ugh. This partisan steez you're on is beyond played out.

Fact of the matter is:

"Sub, in your opinion, what does the Dred Scott decision and the Fugitive Slave Act have to do with the Department of Labor or the federal income tax?" don't seem to be able to answer this in your own words.

Spare me the Karl Polanyi and path-to-enlightenment spiel and tell me in your own words how those concepts are related with regard to how we go about measuring freedom.

I can understand if you're reluctant to engage in such an exercise on account of the many twists and hoops you'd have to leap through in order give such a comparison a modicum of validity.

Or better yet, why don't you ignore my question and explain why you would ask Mahndisa this question:

"I would ask Mahndisa the same question asked recently by the executive director of the Cato Institute, "If you had to choose, would you rather live in a country with a department of labor and even an income tax or a Dred Scott decision and a Fugitive Slave Act?"

How does that apply to anything she said?