Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You Might Be A Plantation Negro ... If You Think The Answer To This Is More Insurance


uglyblackjohn said...

The insurance industry is not the answer to insurance.
If the government made direct payments to doctors and hospitals - there would be no need for this segment of profit taking.

But back to your point.
People are addicted to their current choices and those choices cause them to become even more addicted.
We need a 12 step program to wean people from these distructive life choices.

Denmark Vesey said...

Very true John.

Very true.

Plantation Negrodom is addictive.

The notion that the Plantation / System can take "care" of you is an addiction to the drug called slavery.

Doctors / Hospitals / Processed Foods / Surgery / Drugs are a religion.

Weaning Negros from genetically modified pork and corporate pharmaceuticals is like getting a Muslim to turn their back on Islam.

uglyblackjohn said...

BTW - Have you red the story about how nanomaterials used in many products are effing with life at the DNA level in lab experiments?

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah not really. Something passed my way, sounded like that a few months back. Rings a bell.

But I'm not really hip.

What is it?

uglyblackjohn said...

Just that if a chemical reaction in say Dynamite can cause a lot of damage and the smaller nuclear reaction can cause even more damage - then nanotechnology additives can cause even more damage in humans than does a larger chemical.

DMG said...

Nice article UBJ, thanks. I'm reading it now.

uglyblackjohn said...

@ DMG - Colloidal Silver (used as a supplement) is banned in Europe - does it pose the same danger?
Europe has also banned Nano-zinc in sun-screens but it is legal in Australia.
Is it the compound or the size which matters?

DMG said...


Google Argyria. There's a good reason it's banned. This guy was using it. It's the silver particle. And because it's unregulated, there's no way to know the true percentage of particles in the bottle. Some samples varied from percentages in the teens to well over 120% of what was listed on the bottle.

Denmark Vesey said...

"And because it's unregulated, there's no way to know the true percentage of particles in the bottle. "


Regulation guarantees nothing.

Meat is "regulated". Look at the escalating cases of e coli poisoning.

"Prescription drugs" are "regulated". Look at the tens of thousands of deaths. Look at the recalls and the side effects often worse than the disease.

The Plantation MD is hostile to colloidal Silver because he has been conditioned to reject products that compete with his Big Pharma sponsors.

It cracks me up when Plantation MD's hold up cases of people ODing on Colloidal Silver as "examples" of what happens when you stray from the products they sanction.

Look at the thousands of heart attacks caused by the leading Diabetes drug Avandia.

That shit makes colloidal silver safe as spring water.

uglyblackjohn said...

Yeah... I saw that story a while ago.
Could Argyria be what killed off some Native American silversmith tribes in the Southwest?
Or could it have had an effect on them similar to what lead is said to have had on the Romans?
If so, could all these chemical additives be having the same effect on our current society's health?

DMG said...


Send me your address, I'll send you a years supply gift basket of Colloidal Silver if you like...but you gotta get DV.TV up and running first.

No UBJ, I think that was the US Army more than anything. But who knows, exogenous silver could have had a part.

Denmark Vesey said...

Been taking colloidal silver off and on for years. Immune system gets a little weak. Or traveling. Little drop of some of the finest colloidal silver in the world to protect me from the cooties of you pork eatin' Negros and I'm good to go.

Denmark Vesey said...

Send me your address. I'll send you a year's supply of Avandia and Vioxx.

Hot Wax said...

Trivial discusion on the possible harm of Colloidal Silver ingestion as mega dangerous by Doc, but not a blip on his US boys using Depleted uranium on their own soldiers and the people in Iraq (soon to be here). Yah house , I just make this stuff up. Life is insignificant. Your military family is so pure and there is also no "THEY". I am just a conspiracy theorist. Nobody is trying to kill us. The PTB does not want to maim and kill psychopathically. You win again. These vet will be in your care soon just like this.

DMG said...

Don't need Avandia, not a diabetic...and don't spend a grand a month on specialty foods. And my immune system never gets weak. I might feel sick for a half a day every year or so. That's about it. But hey, I work alot more than you do. So why do you need supplements if your exquisite diet is so complete?

And you put a whole lotta faith in the folks selling you silver...that's unregulated. How do you know they aren't pissing in every 10th bottle without independent quality control? Maybe you just think it's a familiar taste and don't think much about it.

Wax...when discussing dubious supplements, why would I suddenly spout out anything about depleted uranium? If you want to discuss it, suggest it. For the record I think may be dangerous and should be banned as a precaution.

YOU ARE a conspiracy theorist among other things. That much is obvious. You also seem to be paranoid...what makes you think you are so important that someone would waste a bullet on you?