Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Will National Health Insurance Cover The Purchase of Aloe ... Or Are These Billions To Only Be Spent On Prescription Drugs?


Anonymous said...

Explain why it should.

Sasha said...

It should also cover medical marijuana.....

Anonymous said...

Speaking of aloe, when we were young, my father grew cactus in the garden. When we skinned our knees he would cut a piece and rub it on the wound. When we were sick, after waiting a day to prove to our mother that prescription meds didn't work, he'd squeeze the juice onto our tongues. Worked like a charm. It was an intersting juxtaposition to be the daughter of a jamaican born black man and an american born black woman.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Lets keep this thread crypto-fascist free. Thank you.

Typing certain words like "garden" more than three times could summon CNu from his crypt.

yours truly,

PSA: NEVER say prescription meds don't work.

Big Man said...

My mom had aloe plants too.

And she used Vick Vapor Rub.

She believed in the efficacy of both.

CNu said...

GeeChee's feminine side gettin the better of him again..., brushing her teeth with the sacred name "CNu"...,

Anonymous said...

Aint no such thing as a feminine side in a man CNu. Don't let them quack scientist boys back at Illuminati headquarters preach that junk about "man periods" and "feminine sides."

Anonymous said...

Speaking of periods, cupping is a male's way of releasing toxic blood from the body. Women do it naturally.

CNu said...

Aint no such thing as a feminine side in a man CNu.

Precisely my point bee-hotch!!!

Not the quickest lil'imp on DeeVee's payroll, are you?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Aint no such thing as a feminine side in a man CNu. Don't let them quack scientist boys back at Illuminati headquarters preach that junk about "man periods" and "feminine sides."




That's some pretty funny shit right there ^^.

"Illuminati HQ"

Anonymous said...

Cupping? Women aren't releasing "toxic" blood...oh nevermind, it's not worth it. You all DO realize you have a liver correct?

Anonymous said...

Unwanted blood DMG. Is that better? sweat, feces, blood, urine recycled in the liver or is it released from the body?

Anonymous said...

My fault CNu. I can't always keep up when you telling one of your Uncle Remus Tales.

Yo's gots the best stories in the whole United States of Geo'gia!

You know, how you tell:

how the leopard got his spots,
how the camel got his humps,
how billions are going to tilt the Earth off it's axis.

Anonymous said...

Yes DMG cupping. Centuries old. I can perform cupping and you're asking about it. I thought YOU were the doctor.

Probably couldn't "be one" if you were thiamine mononitrate.

Anonymous said...


No. Substances are filtered through the liver first. Called the first pass effect, when given medication. Meds given in rectal suppository form, may actually bypass the liver. Let me help you out here is a basic tutorial.

I'm not asking you what cupping is, I'm asking you why the hell you'd want to do it. There's no good reason to do it...people used to try to bleed patients too for everything (now the indications are rare).

Anonymous said...

There's no good reason to do it...people used to try to bleed patients too for everything (now the indications are rare).-DMG

There you go with that history stuff again DMG.

"people used to try to bleed patients too for everything..."

What is that statement? What has replaced cupping. A technique that is accessible to the common layperson...out of the hands of a doctors appointment. What is scary is the idea of a do-it-yourself health care system when a physician is rare occurrence in people's lives.

Why does your blood come out like dark thick jello DMG as oppose to a red liquid when you cup? You believe there is no need to release blood from the body? You don't detect health benefits in that?

CNu said...


Next thing you know, GeeChee'll be telling us all about how she approaches men and boys alike with a standing offer to "suck all the poison" out your body....,

Anonymous said...

What's up with that Cnu spelled backwards to read Unc'. You on that coded Illuminati stuff Unc' Remus?

Your heterophobia showing. You the one every December trespassing school grounds in a trench coat, draw's and shades talk'n 'bout you Santa Draw's.

But we need brothers like you with them excess X chromosomes on your chest so when that yin pendulum swings in your favor it balances off my surplus of Y chromosome yangness.

Anonymous said...


Not even worth my time discussing this with you. It's assinine. Period. As is do it yourself medicine...when most people can't name the contents of their abdominal cavity, let alone know what they are for or how they function.

KonWomyn said...

Gee Chee,

Having a period is not a form of "natural cupping" nor is it releasing 'toxic blood' that's some ancient humeral medicine talk right there. However, it has been said cupping can be used to treat ovulation disorders, by Muslim medical practitioners.

Anonymous said...

My homeboy's 4 year old son doesn't need to know how his abdominal cavity works to know peanut products gives him an allergic reaction. Is that the profound logic of two degrees? Western medicine or rather "Hillbillie medicine" wants to be Daktari with the native Negroes. The masses are to dumb to remember don't eat hog, use aloe, don't live at the liquor store, eat small portions, eat green...No, it has to be "you dumb simple minded degreeless nigga, you can't understand health. You have to pay student loans for the next 20 years first. The Earth can't offer you ginger pills."

Communities need physicians and the invention of the hospital that "random desert people" created. They do not need Hillbillie medicine to corrupt the advancements in civilization charging $300-$1,000 doctor visits.

Anonymous said...

Having a period is not a form of "natural cupping" nor is it releasing 'toxic blood' that's some ancient humeral medicine talk right there.-Kon is an ancient practice. Has the body "evolved" that specific medicinal practices have become non effective. I'm trying to understand how cupping is obsolete. It's an ancient Chinese practice. Is acupuncture also obsolete because it's not widely used in the West?

However, it has been said cupping can be used to treat ovulation disorders, by Muslim medical practitioners.-Kon

Ovulation disorders? Really? That's the extent of cupping's use?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Can cupping help endometriosis?

Anonymous said...

Cupping is used from removing the poison of a snake bite before it reaches your heart to purifying your blood. Women bleed naturally. Men do not. Is a man's blood pure from birth to death...even if he's on an Unc' Remus diet? Where does bad blood go in your system if it is never released?

KonWomyn said...

Gee Chee

My ref to ancient humeral medicine talk was its bias towards women in the perception of periods as unclean and toxic. Not knocking the practice, but the perceptions at the time.

I don't see cupping as obsolete, in fact the ref to ovulation disorders was one example of its uses in modern infertility treatments for both men and women. I'll see if I can find the link to something I once read.

Anonymous said...

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

GC Ostensibly your body is supposed to be able to excrete waste products through urine and feces elimination along with sweating. But if something occurs to weaken the elimination system you get backup.

Even only now are allopathic physicians recognizing leaky gut syndrome as exactly a situation where the intestinal walls get considerably more permeable due to buildup of toxins in the feces and even parasitic infection. Therefore, your question about what happens to bad blood if it doesn't come out naturally sort of makes sense to me;)

Anonymous said...

I had another book that I gave away (was a loan actually) but this one is interesting. It's not one of those cryptic books full medical lexicons to lock the common person out of living life like what DMG is familiar with.

KonWomyn said...

iDont believe in cutting the body, there are other herbal methods of blood purification.

Denmark Vesey said...

" the perception of periods as unclean and toxic." KW

Are there some that are clean and nourishing?

CNu said...

DMG, DMG, let me tug your coat a sec, aight?

Big Man dropped straight science on the hustle being run at LaRoosh Noir in general - and in particular on this very thread.

it's called NYAUOT, or Nigga You Ain't Up On This, is a peculiar disease that causes patients to go to great lengths to prove they are ahead of the curve when it comes to some subject.

This syndrome does not fall within the scope of hippocratic responsibility, so don't waste another valuable keystroke on it.

Simply watch.

Watching an Iceberg Slim vignette play out in near real time in the digital aether is as high an entertainment as you're likely to find anywhere - particularly when you're not identified in any manner, form, or fashion with the perpetrator(s)/victim(s) of the hustle.

The evolutionary filter of keen discrimination is among the most valuable of Life's tools for separating bipedal wheat from bipedal chaff...,

These are not innocent children succumbing to NYAUOT - rather - they're grown and ought to be responsible for the quality of information they admit across their cognitive thresholds.

just let God's work play out with the credulous.


each will only get EXACTLY what he or she richly deserves...,

KonWomyn said...

Are they 'clean and nourishing'? DV

Bra, what gift from God is unclean? A period is a blessing.

And periods are a sign of nourishment, many things in the diet can affect the regularity of a woman's cycle.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yes KW, and folks don't know that if you put period blood in your plants they will get nourished; old wiccan knowledge;)

Denmark Vesey said...

And periods are a sign of nourishment, many things in the diet can affect the regularity of a woman's cycle.

true true.

good point

Denmark Vesey said...

"Watching an Iceberg Slim vignette play out in near real time in the digital aether is as high an entertainment as you're likely to find anywhere - particularly when you're not identified in any manner, form, or fashion with the perpetrator(s)/victim(s) of the hustle." CNu


An organic mental disorder of consumers of genetically modified factory animals resulting in a generalized atrophy of the brain with no evidence of cerebrovascular disease.

To the delusional NeoNegro Bolshevik ... the people promoting the natural healing qualities of the aloe vera plant are ... "hucksters".

Those promoting the toxic products of international pharmaceutical companies are saviors.

The NeoNegro Bolshevik is an intellectual and spiritual mercenary who will agree with and support anyone supplying him cheap supplies of pork.

CNu said...

ain't said a thing about aloe or avandia LaRooshifer..., keep some of them plants around me dayyum self, along with a few other hardy and valued botanicals.

So pause, back up, and don't come blindly and dishonestly flailing away in here at me pretending to be captain-save-a-ho in defense of an imp in distress.

Matter fact, start checking your ignorant little imps anyway. Fools stay out of pocket - trying to get they teeth shiny and white by keeping my name in their mouths.

School your imps and forget about trying to school me.

Forget about trying to make me your unwitting foil {you know that shit backfires every.single.time}

In particular, school your imp GeeChee Suckadamus, an ashy kneed, big foot, fiddy-page book peasant du jour - incompetently struggling to peddle NYAUOT to the peanut gallery...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"keep some of them plants around me dayyum self, along with a few other hardy and valued botanicals." CNu

If you think Aloe is a good thing Mooky Malthus ... what are you bitching about?

CNu said...

Reading is fundamental Larooshifer, so read the muhphuggin thread...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Maaaaan I can't decipher that Nerd meets Riddler Sci-Fi Negro Kansas bong water shit you talking.

If you agree that Aloe is a valuable health aid ... WHAT ARE YOU BITCHING ABOUT?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

DV Cnu wasn't bitching on this thread. From what I saw, he was telling DMG to observe the psychological makeup via the responses and even framing of the posts on this blog. From what I understand, he has a garden and is into 'green' things. So he wasn't bitching about aloe vera at all!

KonWomyn said...

Interesting factoid Mahndisa. I didn't know that at all.

And yep, Nulan's comments were in response to GeeChee and an aside remark to DMG(& eavesdropppers). Big Man's blog post is an interesting observation on the behaviour of conspicuous consumers.

Denmark Vesey said...

No no Ladies.

I think you misunderstand me.

I asked the Mad Blogger why he's bitching?

Not necessarily regarding this thread. But why is he bitching in general?

Why is he posturing as if he rejects that in which he wallows?

He's like a fat kid, pretending he doesn't like cake.

With icing all over his face.

CNu said...


stop strugglin.

You ain't foolin nobody no mo.

Pretty soon, even them little slower-than-molasses imps you keep gassed up gone figure out your game homey.....,

Anonymous said...

iDont believe in cutting the body, there are other herbal methods of blood purification.-KW

Cool, but it's not a cutting that you imagine, no scars are left.

Bra, what gift from God is unclean? A period is a blessing.-KW

Feces. Pork. Urine. Blood. That's why nobody has the right to pose as they are gods of their own lil' world so long as they have feces in their intestines. Some things are a reminder that you are a created being, and a form of humility. It is only human. That's why it is illogical to make an animal, human etc into divinity because creation succumbs to nature they have no power over be it waste discharge, sleep, hunger, ignorance.

The blessing is in the body having the ability to discharge waste not the waste itself.

KonWomyn said...

Gee Chee

It's not about the scar but making an incision into the body.

Everything created by JAH is a thing of beauty, it's whether you're in tune with JAH to see that beauty.

A woman's body is timed by the moon, she is connected to the earth's cycle through her period. There is something self-affirming in having that 4-6 day female ritual and it has been so since time immemorial.

Many cultures and religions across the world celebrate menstruation as symbolic of life. I'm sure you know this.

Pigs are the Most High's creation, pork is man's invention. Difference. And even if demons were cast into the pigs, they were cast out. Pigs are still God's animals.

Faeces are a neccessity. The body is an amazing creation that is programmed to cleanse itself and develop from a baby to an adult through eating, taking in nutrients and crapping out the rest. ; )

That you and I take a dump does not mean we are not gods, god-status has already been conferred upon us as we are made in HIS I-mage. Being a god does not mean you lack humility - humility and grace are in fact what brings someone closer to God, not the unrelenting kwest to transform oneself from a god into God. It will only end in failure.

iDon't co-sign on not seeing the divinity in a human being or an animal; if God translates as HIM Haile Selassie I for a Ras or if a Hindu believes cows are sacred animals iDon't look to judge, but to see how that belief in their God manifests in them. iLook to see the qualities of God in someone.

Anonymous said...

I disagree on some thangs, but I hear you. Don't want to conjure up some cats that got the devil manifested in them.

KonWomyn said...

LOL. Ok Gee Chee, things always come back around on Anutha thread then.


Anonymous said...

On the road, I'll get at you all in the morning.