Monday, March 08, 2010

Morgan Freeman Is The Blackest Man In America

Black History Month Is Ridiculous. A Hegelian Head Fake. Scheduled Memes Intended To Reinforce The Plantation Race Narrative. - DV

Mike Wallace:
Black history month you find ridiculous. Why?
Morgan Freeman: You’re going to relegate my history to a month?
Mike Wallace: Oh, c’mon.
Morgan Freeman: What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month? Well, c’mon, tell me.
Mike Wallace: I’m Jewish.
Morgan Freeman: OK, which month is Jewish history month?
Mike Wallace: There isn’t one.
Morgan Freeman: Oh, oh. Why not? Do you want one?
Mike Wallace:No.
Morgan Freeman: No, I don’t either. I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American history.
Mike Wallace: How we gonna get rid of racism until…
Morgan Freeman: Stop talking about it. I’m going to stop calling you a white man. And I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman.


Anonymous said...

Been saying this for years. Funny if I had said this to here (and I have been for years) you would have found some way to disagree.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ lol.

Still trying to obscure the fact he is in school.

Anonymous said...

MOTI:Too dumb to realize when he's proving my points.

Anyway, Morgan Freeman is speaking the truth. That's the main point.

Her Side said...

One month of "Black History." What a convenient way to marginalize our massive and powerful place in "AMERICAN History." I agree.

Denmark Vesey said...

"What a convenient way to marginalize our massive and powerful place in "AMERICAN History." Her Side

Exactly Sista. Exactly.

I submit that the same memetic architects behind the Hegelian Headfakes of Plantation Negrodom:
The term "African-American"
The puppet organization "NAACP"
The impotent "Civil Rights Movement"
The nonsense of "Affirmative Action" ...

are behind the social engineering charade we call "Black History Month."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's an ideology that black people finish last. The concept of giving a guest a special seat in your house, and that they are just visitors. Yet they’ve been paying higher rent than you for years and their name still isn’t on the lease.

Anonymous said...

By finishing last I mean that whatever a black person is celebrated in doing first, there is someone who has already accomplished that thing.

Michael Jordan. But there is a basketball league called the NBA that thrives long after Jordan has retired.

Bill Cosby. Wasn't permitted to purchase a network.

Anonymous said...

So this month interestingly becomes symbolic of the proportion of black success compared to dominant culture.

bigbusta said...

IOW - STFU you mealy-mouthed media & quit agitating sh*t jewboi