Whole Foods, 11:31 am
um ..
excuse me miss ...
no, no.
We haven't met.
but they call me DV
the blackest man on the internet.
What's your name?
Ah ... nice to meet you Jeannette.
My wife sent me here to get something,
but you made me forget.
This my little girl ... I call her Snack.
See her spirit?
Credit her diet.
You know, you've got an exceptional palette.
I can tell by what's in your basket.
Living food is the best food on the planet.
I write about natural and organic
on my little pamphlet. I also
encourage De Facto Homos to get a chick.
What's that?
Ha ha. Yeah, I guess you could call me a pundit.
Maybe a poet. Sometimes a prophet...
But I prefer memetic Mack.
You should check me out:
Boy you good!
When on the hunt a pimp must spot weakness, a girl's softness to the pimp and to the fast life. His personality must be like his clothes and his jewelry - flashy, bold, and fascinating. If he also has a handsome face and is young enough so that sleek muscles still writhe under his skin like a tiger's, he is going to have instant and pulse-leaping impact on a large percentage of the females he faces. The quality and quantity of response from a particular prospect will depend upon her background, her set of values, and the state of her love life.
I can't say how other pimps spot weakness in a girl. I usually was able to spot the weakest ones by a glance held a fraction of an instant too long and of course the excitement in their eyes was obvious. I have always believed that anything I could touch I could get. I would maneuver myself into rap range and watch arteries in the temple and throat pulsate wildly, tipping me off that the girl would probably go for a turnout.
This type would also stutter under pressure and would follow me like a little dog to my pad and to a contract.
In others not so clearly weak, I would use powerful funky pimp dialogue to test for signs of weakness. Another type of jazzy prospect will hide her weakness behind a cool front of indifference, even hostility. A seasoned pimp, however, will know from the texture and possibly outrageous degree of such a response whether it is real or fake.
I have often said that pimping is like the watchmaker's art. To outsiders it may look easy, but it's tough. When a pimp meets a girl with a curvy body and a weak mind and she is not a whore, he must turn her out. Iceberg Slim.
I'm all about healthy foods but Whole Foods? Come on. First of all, there gimmick is making food beautiful when really it should look like well-- food. Not pretty little prepackaged items with bows and whistles wrapped around them.
And the prices are obscene. Insulting, actually. What you spend at whole foods for a bag of spinach you can get a cart full at a local farmers market. Support local businesses not corporate giants!
This guy doesn't want the truth. Whole Foods is a major corporation that beautifies food enough to convince you its worth paying three times the price for. They also claim to help out small farmers and the local community but I know from experience from working there this is false. Explain why whole foods has an entire website dedicate to debunk what they call "false truths" about whole foods? SUPPORT LOCAL FARMERS MARKETS NOT BIG CORPORATIONS DISGUISED AS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MART. DV--just another black man who pretends to know everything. Sigh.
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