Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Swine Flu Hoax Is All But Official - Plantation MD Quiet As A Church Mouse

Off the Reservation: Swine Flu Hoax
Written by Jed Morey on Feb 3rd, 2010

It seems the World Health Organization (WHO) is reluctant to answer the question posed by its eponymous acronym. Specifically, who are the special advisors to the organization that made the determination that H1N1 was a pandemic best prevented by the use of mass vaccinations? Less than one year ago, the world was introduced to the Swine Flu. The headlines and reports of Swine Flu (the pork industry lobbied to curtail the colloquial reference to pigs by insisting the media refer to it by its clinical name, H1N1) gripped the world.

Thus far, the only thing that wound up going viral was panic.


Anonymous said...

I'm quiet only because I've been too busy dealing with patients whose lungs have failed...after severe viral pneumonia....what do you think the culprit is?

IWonderAsIWander said...

There was an article in today's LA Times about how there used to be a "shortage" of swine flu "vaccine," but now there is more than they know what to do with. Don't nobody want that shit.