Monday, February 01, 2010

Rosicrucian Science of Initiation

This is a very interesting presentation, by an unknown presenter, on the topic of Rosicrucian tradition and their system of initiation. He goes though some of the background and the different traditions that are connected to the Rosicrucian’s. He talk about angelic hierarchy, history, mythology, spirituality, consciousness, the dark age, G. I. Gurdjieff, H.P. Blavatsky, Lucifer, Jesus, Christ and Sacred Geometry.

Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D.
Robert Gilbert is a former U.S. Marine Corps Instructor in the Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Defense field, and holds a Doctorate in International Studies. Dr. Gilbert is the Director of the Vesica Institute of Holistic Studies in Asheville, North Carolina. He teaches Sacred Geometry, Vibrational Energy Research, and Rosicrucian Studies. He also is one of the very few instructors of Egyptian BioGeometry(R), and was the first non-Egyptian ever granted instructor status in that field.

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