Look your paranoia is wearing thin. You suggested watermelon was alkaline, I gave you the pH and it clearly ISN'T. Your website is bullshit. Pure and simple. If you don't believe me, go get a watermelon and some pH sticks and check it out yourself.
Denmark Vesey said ...
Doc,Stick to vaccines, radiation and prescription drugs.
pH stands for Potential Hydrogen, which tells us whether or not food leaves an alkaline or acidic residue once metabolized.
After food is metabolized in the body, it leaves a residue. It is the pH factor of the residue that determines its pH factor, not the pH factor of the food prior to consumption. Lemons, let alone watermelons, are acidic as hell prior to consumption, yet they leave a tremendous alkaline residue once metabolized, and therefore Plantation MD, even lemons are alkaline.
thank you!!!
What I don't get is this. they are over 1000 websites that will tell you what is the most alkaline fruits to have etc., etc.,
If I say it I am dumb, no background weak etc. dummy.
If I link it . "my website" is full of shit.
If I paste it. I am boring an no substance.
Come on DV
what gives,
,is doc a plant? -just to puck with us?
un flippen believable.
Nah man.
I feel you Wax. But I don't believe the brother is simply a plant. He's a real dude.
Yet, you have to appreciate the cognitive dissonance the cat must be experiencing.
Imagine the Twin Towers collapsing in Super Super Super ... Super Slow Motion HD.
DMG's entire worldview is crumbling much the same way. Everything he was taught was true, what he was taught to value is slowly being revealed false and valueless.
That's not easy for anyone.
Give the guy some time.
The doctor is having a difficult time accepting that the Massa has no clothes.
But give him time.
The dude is still paying off student loans on an education we are demonstrating to be not only worthless but down right harmful.
Just a few months ago, he was playing God.
Today he is thinking about the reality of the dangerous vaccines he's been indirectly peddling.
He's being forced to acknowledge this business of managed sickness.
He can no longer ignore the predatory business model of allopathic medicine.
No matter what happens, his life will always be 'Before DenmarkVesey.Net and After DenmarkVesey.Net'
Maybe the brother will come around and do the right thing and share with the rest of the world harmful backwards nature of the Epistemological Cartel which employs him.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair
The pH of watermelon is between 5.2-5.8. LOOK IT UP in a textbook, or go out and purchase pH Indicator strips. If you CHOOSE ignorance than you are at fault that all that befalls you.
This cat who claims to channel Denmark Vesey is nothing more than a 21st century hustler. I've said it before, in years past he'd be on the corner sitting on a stoop talking shit...that of course he can't back up, so I have NO idea why you are thanking him.
Maybe you are one of those dudes who believes anything from a blog or website. But of course you can't know any better, because you don't have the background to distinguish sublime from subpar scholarship.
Again, I say whatever, live in ignorance. Not my problem.
actually DMG dv is right
"food is considered either acidic or alkaline based on the effect consumption of the food has on urine pH. For example, if a food tends to increase the acidity of urine after it is ingested, it is classified as an acid forming food. Conversely, if a food increases the alkalinity of urine after it has been ingested, it was classified it as an alkaline forming food. The effect foods have on urine pH may be quite different than the pH of the foods themselves. For example, orange juice is a highly acidic food due to its high citrus acid content, but after being metabolized it will cause urine to become alkaline."
DV, I can see some one jumping from the tower right now, Hold on I see a Muslim passport(slow slow motion)..... oh my got it is slowly floating to the ground...
oops here it is....
I am going go make sure I that I paid of my student loan right now........:)
OK, I suppose the idiots are coming out in force.
When you morons are done with amateur hour, give me a holler.
Yes, yes, I see it too Bra Wax ...
The passport is floating through the ball of fire, it passes 1 of the 8 black boxes that were never found, it is approaching a white van, it has landed on the passenger seat right next to the "Koran" with bomb making instructions written on the inside cover ... in the background are dancing Israelis on the roof of a truck video taping and Hi-Fiving.
When you and Wax are finished with your homoerotic tug-fest, could either of you two scientific geniuses care to explain how you get alkaline from a fruit whose pH is 5.2?
@ DMG - Do lemons (acidic?) really help to purge ones liver?
Do they act the same way as when one cleans the filter on their household vaccum cleaner?
Can this acidic food help the body better regulate itself?
Why would you want to "purge" your liver?
check this video:
@ DMG - I just read that it is part of a program to help ones organs function better.
If the people who are telling you this cannot explain how it's supposed to work, then...be skeptical, especially if it's going to set you back alot of money.
Read from reputable sources, learn how your body functions.
Since I've seen UBJ whom I greatly admire drop a few comments on these related threads, I feel obliged to do a bit of cognitive infiltration. An honest and fair appraisal would reveal that this debate has nothing to do with physiology and biochemistry. It's why I would suggest that DMG not take it so seriously. Slip a pebble of uncomfortable truth in Denmark Vesey's fashionable wing-tips and move on.
The ideas being milled here are not new nor revolutionary. It's a deep seated angst and fear of modernity that came about with rise of capitalism and was confirmed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The only defense against this modernity are discipline and art. That's why the opposition to vaccines and pharmaceuticals.
But of course, as our host acknowledges, discipline only goes so far. It certainly did not prevent his aching knee. And the prohibition against pharmaceuticals did not apply to the sedatives and narcotics used in the arthroscopic surgery to treat his modest ailment. Neither does detailed examination of synthetic compounds apply to the inks comprising his permanent body art.
The concept of vaccination, for example, is verifiably not a creation of modern or even Western medicine. (Oh yes. West of what? Surefire rhetorical target.) Furthermore, Denmark Vesey unknowingly revealed the depth of his crippled epistemology by promulgating that the introduction of attenuated viruses and bacteria can impair human functions but that exposure to naturally occurring microbes does not. And Louis Pastuer, contrary to the dishonest appropriation cited here, along with Robert Koch developed the germ theory of disease. Certainly, this model is not perfect and doesn't explain every observation. We've come to learn that factors specific to the host are essential. Good health is primarily determined by a functional immune system, with intact skin being the most important, serviceable roads, clean water and food, adequate sewage treatment and waste disposal, and good social relations.
Oh yeah, right on Subby! Modern medicine and Gov.- we are here to protect you. They don't need any more customers:
Chemo is good for you.
Putting mercury in your mouth as a dental filling is a good thing.
Ingesting fluoridated water is very healthy.
Pasteurize milk is safe and healthy.
MSG, Asparteme, yeast extract, etc.e etc are not neurotoxins and are not hamrful, HFCS will not make you fat and phosphates in sodas won't harm you.
I just have a fear of modernity.So sorry to be worried- Damm Japanese!. American soldiers using Depleted Uranium on the battlefield won't hurt women and children Iraqis.
Antibiotics won't puck up your body.BVP are fine along with GMO soy (won't give me bitch tit's) and viagra has no side effects. I just got to get over my angst. Corporation and technology good. Me cave man and bad.
Sub- how u sleep at nights? I am just sayin...
SB is one of the most thoughtful and deep thinking bloggers out here. HW if you read anything he wrote, you'd see that he doesn't propagate the attitude you would ascribe to those in his profession. His statement was simply to point out the inconsistencies in dialog here and to put things in proper historical perspective. Like this gem:
"The concept of vaccination, for example, is verifiably not a creation of modern or even Western medicine. (Oh yes. West of what? Surefire rhetorical target.)"
Sorry, Rig.
My apologies sub. Just reading this on my iphone and thought that you were saying
"Slip a pebble of uncomfortable truth in Denmark Vesey's fashionable wing-tips and move on. "- from there I took it as you were advocating my distrust of medicine cartel as "FEAR OF MODERNITY". RIG is right and I should have ask more questions on your point of view.
I am just a little hot that no one really questions the cartel as much as I feel we(folks that are saying something is wrong) we should.
Reading the article about the "fat kids" right before did not help.
Rig- you are right on checking my "spirit". Thank you.
Dang Sub... THAT'S how it works.
Earlier I said, "DeeVee is Old School School" - what I didn't mention is that Sub is "Old School Church".
To steal a line from SeeNew, "Sub is truth - accept no substitutes.".
y'all so crazy;)
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