Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Blackest Cat On The Internet Is About To Tee Off ...


large, pork-eating, $11/hr, red-jacketed TSA goon said...

You ain't got the balls for that!

uglyblackjohn said...

Man... did you start playing before or after Tiger?
I've been playing since I was a kid but I suck.
I shot a 62 my last time out.

A 62 on the front nine - I quit for the day after that.

Denmark Vesey said...

Black John!

I forgot Tiger was playing today. My boy called me told me that he shot 6 under in his first round since the divorce.


A 62 huh?

Shiiii. I remember them numbers Bra.

Muhfuggas with over-inflated egos ...

I aint gonna say no names Denmark Vesey ...

need something like Golf to humble us.