Then the lurid details really began to pour in to reinforce the Islamic terrorist stereotype – Hasan screamed “Allah Akbar!” before opening fire, he made “outlandish comments concerning U.S. foreign policy.”
As Michael Yaki highlights, the media characterization of Hasan as a Muslim terrorist was assumed by default, and almost from the first moment it seemed as though news anchors were reading from a script prepared well in advance.
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Empire strikes back – right when when public support for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan sinks to all time lows, an anti-war Islamic extremist with links to suicide bombers goes on a shooting rampage at a U.S. army base, reinvigorating support for the war on terror and demonizing opposition to it as anti-American extremism. The scam would be believable if it wasn’t so perfectly staged.
Without getting into convoluted conspiracy theories about mind control and whatever else, not that they aren’t without merit, the facts we already know about Hasan and his behavior prior to the deadly shootings just screams out “patsy” and “set-up” and almost exactly mirrors other terror scams the Empire has run in the past.
Just like the would-be liquid bombers that were supposedly planning on bringing down multiple airliners in August 2006, who were caught on CCTV buying bulk supplies of cake in the very hours before the plot, Hasan’s pre-shooting behavior contradicts completely the idea that he was preparing for a deadly rampage.
Shortly before the massacre, Hasan was caught on camera shopping at the convenience store located on the army base – laughing and joking. Is this the behavior of a man psychologically readying himself for the high-intensity horror of gunning down dozens of his colleagues, or someone unaware of what was to follow?
We learn that Hasan “Showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store’s manager.” ” He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal,” she said, “nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary.”
CNN feverishly seized upon the CCTV footage and began broadcasting it relentlessly because Hasan is seen wearing Arab garb and
The Smiling Assassin? Hasan’s pre-rampage behavior is completely at odds with the idea of him preparing to massacre more than a dozen of his colleagues.
Just like the 7/7 bombing patsies who were filmed laughing and joking, getting into arguments and generally doing everything a terrorist would want to avoid, Hasan’s pre-attack behavior should set alarm bells ringing.
Just like the 7/7 bombing patsies and the liquid bombing patsies, the description of Hasan by those reinforcing the official characterization of him as a vengeful jihadist is completely at odds with how his own family members described him.
Hasan’s cousin laughed when an interviewer asked him if the shooter was “violent.”
“He was just normal, loved sports, never got into trouble.” He said his family was “shocked and baffled” by the incident.
“His parents didn’t want him to go into the military,” Mr. Hasan said. “He said, ‘No, I was born and raised here, I’m going to do my duty to the country.’ ”
The backdrop behind Hasan’s alleged motive for the rampage also represents an inch-perfect staging for subsequent characterization of those opposed to the war on terror as lunatics, crackpots and extremists.
In the hours after the event, we were told that Hasan was upset about being deployed to Iraq at the end of the month. This then mutated into the notion that Hasan was “anti-war” and later we were informed that he was “facing an FBI investigation for expressing sympathy with suicide bombers.” The fact that this was known by authorities six months ago and still Hasan was not only allowed to remain at the Army base, but also invited to participate in Homeland Security exercises only raises more red flags.
Muslim headdress, fitting the carefully pre-arranged stereotype perfectly.
Uhhh... what's the difference between the "Islamic terrorist stereotype"... and Islamic terrorists?
If a Jew had shot up the joint, DV, "stereotypes" would damn sure NOT be your talking point of the day. His Jewishness would be central to understanding the deed.
Why not so concerning a Muslim and/or Arab??
Here you go David.
I'll kill two birds with one stone and make bofe-a-youze happy!!!
Consumate zio-nazi supervillain stereotype, engaged in DV's LaRouchian Malthusian conspiracy du jour, and tapped from exclusively mainstream media outlets instead of having been cycled through the dubious precincts of the LaRouchian zone....,
and to make matters really interesting, it happened in bofe-a-y'alls backyard!!!
LOL ... Ahh CNu. Cute. I like this post. It's kind of a way of saying ... "Denmark Vesey is school".
Guess you had to hear it from some crackas before you could give it up.
"Baxter" aint your friend.
Gnaw fool...,
I just had to see some hard facts not predigested and shat back out through a LaRouchian digital sphincter.
Lyndon LaRouche is church.
DenmarkVesey an usher on the church payroll...,
Absolutely a Mossad Manchurian Candidate used to rile up more anti-Semitic hatred.
The CIA MKULTRA assassin camp for this is located in Blacksburg. Same place Cho was, as well as this patsy.
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