Thomas Malthus authored Essay on the Principle of Population, a treatise premised upon the spurious thesis:
“Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetic ratio.” Although Malthus articulated his observations in succinct mathematical equations,
the complexities of the natural order typically defy such numerical reductionism. Nevertheless, Malthus concluded that society should adopt certain social policies to prevent the human population from growing disproportionately larger than the food supply.
Malthus’ genocidal policies specifically targeted the poor. Through the promotion of hygienically unsound practices amongst impoverished populations, Malthus believed that the “undesirable elements” of the human herd could be naturally culled by various maladies.
The spread of disease could be further assisted through discriminative vaccination and zoning programs. Worse still, Malthus
promoted infanticide for illegitimate children, a practice that is still advocated by many bioethicists today.
By Phillip D. Collins
the complexities of the natural order typically defy such numerical reductionism.
purest comedy gold.
knowin godd-and-damn well that the complexities of simple algebra defy your LaRouchian usher's cognition.
DV - why does it come as no surprise that a google query of "Phillip D. Collins Lyndon LaRouche" turns up close to 3000 positive hits?
Probably for the same reason CNu Lyndon Larouce turns up 560 positive results.
You have a firm grasp on the "messenger" CNu ... not the truth.
aight then, so now we down to brass tacks brah...,
why you phukkin around with these nimrods? i.e., Lyndon LaRouche and his many and sundry fronts, covers, and peculiar associates?
I discovered just last week that my former LaRouchian roomie is now deceased, and I know brah-man had some very, very rough periods in his mental life - and - that his pops had been a bigwig negro LaRouchian before him, i.e., on their direct payroll as a political organizer and so forth.
Say it ain't so DV?
Please don't tell me that you're yet another coincidental shill for this organization, its aims, etc..., and that you've put swag/jes grew in service to these crypto fascist chumps?
Your being associated with Lyndon LaRouche's monkey bizniz is damn near as bad as UCBM's association with the Sun Myung Moon's Unification newspaper and its funky aims and ideology.
CNu ... you losin' me my man.
If Lyndon Larouche walked in here right now and sliced my avocado sandwich ... I wouldn't know it was him.
Now you implicating me in the demise of your ... roommate.
Pump your brakes Bra. Let's get back to the operative point of the piece regarding your spiritual advisor: Tom Malthus.
"the complexities of the natural order typically defy such numerical reductionism. "
Were that succinct acknowledgment of the obvious uttered by Adolf Hitler, Ariel Sharon, Abe Foxman ... or LYNDON FUCKIN' LAROUCHE ... it's truer dan a muhfuggah.
If Lyndon Larouche walked in here right now and sliced my avocado sandwich ...
You'd commence to grinnin and say;
"I surely thank you boss!!!"
"You gone take the big piece like usual suh?"
After which Lyndon - or one of his subordinates like Henry Makow or David Livingstone - would smile, wink, and rub your nappy head and walk off with a big-assed chunk of your no-meat having "sandwich" on some $5.50/slice soylent tofu bread - no doubt purchased from a LaRouche alternative foods establishment and liberally seasoned with LaRouche imported pink pakistani salt.
Now you implicating me in the demise of your ... roommate.
I'm jus sayin, crazy LaRouchian kneegrows are known to come to a bad end...,
Pump your brakes Bra. Let's get back to the operative point of the piece regarding your spiritual advisor: Tom Malthus.
I ain't even thinkin bout given a phuk about what LaRouchian shill Phillip D. Collins had to say about Malthus. Instead of accepting the LaRouchian brochure as gospel up in here Mr. Ursher man, crack a book and get up on some Malthus for your dayyum self.
Holla at yo boy when you resume being the Blackest man on the Internet instead of coming off as the most LaRouchian kneegrow on the Internet....,
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