"Just get pregnant, show him the sonogram and get married."
Of course, when her time comes, you'll give your daughter the same advice. Right, "DV"?
Denmark Vesey said ...

My daughter won't have to be warned about De Facto Homos at 30 because they were being pointed out to her at 3. Being a mother and a wife is something my daughter will look forward to, because it is celebrated now. It is not something that is presented to her as an afterthought to "Law School".
Michael Fisher said...
Well, that one is easy. Give you soon-to-be-ex-husband full and sole custody of the boy and make sure that you pay generous child support.
Now that is the DV I know. Beautiful girls.
...So are you "arranging" your son's marriages and talking to them about marriage too? I mean you wouldn't want them turning into de facto homo's now, would you?
Kaaaay Duuuub!
The young lions? De Facto Homos?
Nooooo. We look forward to marriage and family the way most bourgeois Plantation Negros look forward to college.
Continuing the Thousand Year Bloodline is a valued priority.
I expect my boys to be married and raising families by 25. My daughter by about 21 or 22.
I'm starting to suspect the devaluing of marriage and family over the past few generations was another Hegelian head fake.
The Plantation conditioned women to pursue "careers" ... and men were conditioned to pursue ... punany.
I submit that a radical reinvention of the mating ritual is the only thing that can save the family.
Dropping girls off at coed dormitories when they turn 18 ... and after 12 years of serial monogamy, expecting them to not only find a mate ... but find the "right" mate who wants the "same" things they want is insanity.
A family should provide their daughter with a short list of potential husbands before she sets foot on a college campus.
i should just drop out of uni...buy a notepad and get a degree from your school!
From DV: "Continuing the Thousand Year Bloodline is a valued priority.
I expect my boys to be married and raising families by 25. My daughter by about 21 or 22.
I'm starting to suspect the devaluing of marriage and family over the past few generations was another Hegelian head fake.
The Plantation conditioned women to pursue "careers" ... and men were conditioned to pursue ... punany.
Dropping girls off at coed dormitories when they turn 18 ... and after 12 years of serial monogamy, expecting them to not only find a mate ... but find the "right" mate who wants the "same" things they want is insanity."
On those points, I couldn't agree more. Been thinking like that for over 20 years. Raised my kids to embrace early marriage too. My son is thuggish but not a man whore. He loves to love a woman and wants marriage and a family. Needs a better job though.
All this monkeyshine with the economy is only one NWO method of mass birth control. They started in the late 60s when they exploited women's rights for equal pay by making it impossible for one provider to take care of his (or her) family with one paycheck. End result: Grown ass folk living at home with their parents, or the married couple who both have to work will have fewer babies.
What up Lex?! Where you been?
School huh? LOL. Don't worry. DMG about to flunk out. We going to have a spot open.
"All this monkeyshine with the economy is only one NWO method of mass birth control." KIT
See, that's what I'm talking about.
That's about as Anti-Plantation Negro as it gets.
Good stuff KIT.
How you get so hip?
dv how do expect your daughters 21 year old husband to support her? with no plantation education?
By the time my daughter is 21 ... Plantation educations won't be able to "support" anyone.
I mean, how is a "Psych Major" with a degree from VA Union or UC Long Beach going to compete in the global economy of 2022?
What's a Law Degree from University of Maryland going to be worth in 2025?
I don't really expect the Plantation to be quite the same in 2020 as it is today.
The present course is unsustainable.
Plantation medicine is unsustainable.
I think the economic future belongs to cats like CNu.
dv what are your expectations of your children after they finish high school? You dont want them to further their education?
Enlighten me regarding cnu. How does he support himself?
Classic, DV. I love it.
Jesus and Paul are De Facto Homos.
dv what are your expectations of your children after they finish high school? You dont want them to further their education? MF
LOL. "further" their education?
Of course I expect them to "further" their education.
However, I submit that the value of the Plantation education ... is declining faster then the value of the Plantation dollar $.
In fact, that product, sold as "education" is more indoctrination than education. I submit the millions of dumb muhfuggas lining up to be injected with monkey virus juice, who also happen to hold college degrees degrees ... as evidence of my point.
As a matter of fact the white boy who details my car mentioned to me he "furthered" his education at Cal State Fullerton.
Laid off from some dotCom company he started his detailing company in 2001.
Today he vacuums up gluten free pretzel crumbs from my car.
He'z Pizza Hut obese, has diabetes, ADD and monkey virus juice dripping out of his nose.
I hope to God, my children don't get their educations "furthered" like that.
(In fact "Anonymous" you may not know this ... but .... [between me and you] [don't tell nobody] ...
You can get education from places other than the Plantation.)
Don't Tell Nobody.
Enlighten me regarding cnu. How does he support himself?
Easily. He doesn't expect the Plantation to support him.
My girls are 5 and 10. Like your children, my children have experienced natural births, no vaccinations, no synthetic medicine & only herbs for healing. They're conscious eaters (vegans), independent thinkers and being raised w anti-plantationist beliefs.....hmmm.
How old are your boys? We might have to talk about some "arrangements." ;-)
See! That's exactly what I'm talking about.
Gotta protect that bloodline. Can't let the Plantation tamper with the neurology.
Stylistic MF. That's what we going to do! Start us a little Black Organic Non-GMO "Jack and Jill" social club, like back in the day.
No brown bag test. Just immunization records.
I need a lot more than immunization records but Im down!!
LOL. I feel ya Ill. (you aint' lyin)
From DV: "That's about as Anti-Plantation Negro as it gets. Good stuff KIT. How you get so hip?"
At the top of the list: Kudos to God for an analytical mind, to several free-thinking nuns in my elementary Catholic school who taught me how to think for myself, and discovering Evolutionary Psychology aka Evolutionary Psycho-Biology.
I will say this though, DV. There are a few topics I will not touch with a ten foot pole, either as a blogger or a commenter. I don't know if you're sittin' pretty in Denmark, but here in the US, you know that times have been a'changing after GWB & Co. entered office. Them boys made lots of lists and checked it twice. They been had the FEMA "camps" and body bags ready.
As one of my nuns would have said, that insanity has the stink of a new Third Reich all over it. I can't tell you how relieved I was that Obama, not McCain, was elected. I don't know if you're still diggin' on him, but he still reminds me of David fighting a gang of Goliaths, or Daniel in the Lion's den. Time will tell...
Until then, come visit me; you'll like my blog. Read my old stuff listed on the left sidebar labeled Kit's Worse Case Scenarios. That ought to entertain you for hours.
Just get pregnant…
Mia Washington puts the DV theory into practice.
[Mia Washington discovered her twin boys, Justin and Jordan, were fathered by two different men.]
Heteropaternal Superfecundation!!!!!!! Now that’s the Global System of Black Supremacy in action.
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