Tuesday, November 24, 2009

CBS News Declares H1N1 "Pandemic" Exaggerated - Can DV Call 'Em or Can DV Call 'Em? DMG When Are You Going To Concede?


Sasha said...

It's funny, I was just thinking the other day how there has been virtually NO coverage of H1N1 in the past 2 weeks or so.

submariner said...

DV University?

DMG said...

I'll concede when all the patients in my hospital who are intubated or on ECMO go home alive. How about that?

DMG said...

All this video does is confirm that CBS News and the rest of the networks are less interested in journalism than they are headlines. To even allow Mercola on TV as any kind of expert is just fucking laughable. Thanks for the chuckle. We are in Week 7 or 8 into the flu season...we aren't at peak yet. The census of intubated patients with ARDS in my hospital has been at or near an all time high. Sub, what about yours? If you'd like to throw stones and puff out your chest, have at it.

submariner said...

intubated a seventy-something year old lady in septic shock later confirmed influenza A presumably H1N1 type last month; twenty-something female DOA during cab ride to ER for URI symptoms and notified later by M.E. that she was positive for flu A. I agree that perceived threat was exaggerated but not for malevolent reasons.

DMG said...


I think people were expecting something out of the movie "Outbreak" where millions are dropping dead. Still this indeed is a PANDEMIC. People who should not be dropping dead after feeling a bit fluish are doing just that. ICU's were overrun in the Southern Hemisphere in June-August. Is it not prudent to prepare for the worst? Please excuse us for trying to be prepared and taking this seriously. When ICU admissions are 15-17 times the previous years...something is wrong.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I agree that perceived threat was exaggerated but not for malevolent reasons." Submariner

Than for what reasons were they exaggerated?

Denmark Vesey said...

"I think people were expecting something out of the movie "Outbreak" where millions are dropping dead. Still this indeed is a PANDEMIC. People who should not be dropping dead after feeling a bit fluish are doing just that. ICU's were overrun in the Southern Hemisphere in June-August. Is it not prudent to prepare for the worst? Please excuse us for trying to be prepared and taking this seriously. When ICU admissions are 15-17 times the previous years...something is wrong." DMG

Remember 'Baghdad Bob'?

The Iraqi general who kept giving the TV press conferences swearing up and down that Iraq was winning the war and driving out the invaders?

That's DMG.

LOL. Dude. Give it up. H1N1 "Pandemic" was a hoax.

250,000 people died from medical errors last year Doc. Doctors and nurses killing people practicing your particular brand of medicine killed 250 TIMES more people than did the H1N1 virus.

(think about that before you respond Doc)

I told you months ago. The numbers are in. It aint happening. The Pandemic was Fake. A propaganda stunt. Mass mind control.

The rush to get the obedient Negros vaccinated was about something else.

Admit it.

Even Submariner trying to separate himself from this vaccine nonsense without taking an 'L'. That's why he's gettin' all philosophical.

But not DMGeeeeeeeeee! To hellllll with REALITY huh Doc? lol

All the H1N1 Pandemic did was make some people rich and dumb people sick.

DMG said...


You speak from your comfortable chair (is it that one a few posts down? It looks comfy, you'll have to tell me where you got it), while I speak from a position of experience and knowledge ACTUALLY TREATING REAL LIVE PATIENTS WITH PANDEMIC H1N1 VIRAL PNEUMONITIS AND SEVERE RESPIRATORY FAILURE.

MOTI: chair.
DMG: Intensive Care Unit.

MOTI: ACTS like he knows something.
DMG: Backs up what he states, with facts and evidence.

Chair vs. ICU.
Loudtalker vs. Physician with evidence

The reality is that no matter how you puff up and loud talk, you still don't know what the fuck you are talking about, and are too much of a narcissist to admit it.

I come back time and again, because I simply cannot believe someone who outwardly seems to be intelligent is actually a twisted little dumbass bent on spreading one ridiculous falsehood after another, without so much as catching his breath. Fascinating.

CNu said...

simplest explanation.\

Adrian Gibbs, the virologist who said in May that swine flu may have escaped from a laboratory, published his findings today, renewing discussion about the origins of the pandemic virus.

The new H1N1 strain, which was discovered in Mexico and the U.S. in April, may be the product of three strains from three continents that swapped genes in a lab or a vaccine-making plant, Gibbs, and fellow Australian scientists wrote in Virology Journal. The authors analyzed the genetic makeup of the virus and found its origin could be more simply explained by human involvement than a coincidence of nature.

DMG said...


If someone put a gene sequence in front of you to prove that this virus emerged from a lab or from nature, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. As a matter of fact the number of people who COULD is amazingly small. You'd then want to that this was a malicious act...which you couldn't. So why even bother speculating?

There is a virus. It is killing folks who shouldn't be dying. Conspiracy theory only serves to whip folks like MOTI into a frothy mouthed frenzy. Blogs like this are merely 21st Century sandwich-boards...

CNu said...

So why even bother speculating?


seriously brah?

you really do need to give the technical arrogance pipe an occasional break.

If I put three lines of PERL script in front of you, or heaven forbid, a snippet of actual "C" - or asked you to set up a routing table - it might as well be arabic for all you'd know and understand.

That said, you sit at your browser communicating far and wide thanks to contructs built up from these automagic cyphers that will remain utterly enigmatic to you until your dying day.

Why bother communicating via an infrastructure you can barely comprehend?

But to answer your question, the curriculum at DenmarkVesey consists of identifying, tracking, monitoring, measuring, comparing, and sometimes even "wagering" on memes in a vast and intensifying, world-wide memetic evolutionary threshing floor.

That's why we "speculate"!!!!

It's what we came here to do!!!!

Get it!?!?!?

Methinkst your cumulative GPA would improve considerably if you paid a little closer attention to the curriculum at hand - instead of repetitively, solipsistically and tourettishly perpetrating an educated kneegrow's medical-industrial version of thorpimple's "radical autonomy" monologue.

DMG said...


It's a moot point. Whether it came from nature or a lab, it's here.

"If I put three lines of PERL script in front of you, or heaven forbid, a snippet of actual "C"..."

You are proving my point. Yeah, I'd admit to you that I had NO idea what the hell was in front of me. You could tell me that it was a terrorist code, or a hack on how to get free porn, I wouldn't know the difference. But thanks to some nice geniuses, I don't need to know any programing languages to use these here intertubes (but you are probably busy cooking turkey and having a few drinks otherwise you would have given me a better analogy...).

Why can't you do the same and admit you have no idea if Gibbs is correct or incorrect?

Can you decipher what Dr. Gibbs is putting forth? Did you read that 20 page paper he published recently? Does it make ANY sense at all to you? I can tell you I understand the terminology very well, but I can't look at those sequences to agree or disagree with his argument. He's one retired scientist who raises an interesting point. What good does it serve to shift the debate to his thesis? If it escaped from a lab or if it occurred naturally makes no difference to me. The treatment is the same. If it escaped from a lab, that's an issue for biosecurity.

Folks here tend to take things to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence. Why spend your time woofing about something you can neither prove nor disprove?