Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Plantation Negro Self Examination Check List

  1. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think Eugenicists want to straighten your teeth.
  2. You might be a Plantation Negro if you describe yourself as a "Democrat".
  3. You might be a Plantation Negro if you describe yourself as a "Republican".
  4. You might be a Plantation Negro if you have ever said "The Troops Should Come Home When The Job Is Done"
  5. You might be a Plantation Negro if you plan on getting a Flu Shot.
  6. You might be a Plantation Negro if you have more than $500 in the bank and less than 5 days worth of food and water in your home.
  7. You might be a Plantation Negro if you don't own a handgun.
  8. You might be a Plantation Negro if you send your kids to school so they can get a "job" when they grow up.
  9. You might be a Plantation Negro if you confuse Health Insurance ... with health.
  10. You might be a Plantation Negro if you ever thought Ron Paul's political platform was "kooky".
  11. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think high fructose corn syrup is a vegetable.
  12. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think Bilderberg is where they manufacture BMWs.
  13. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think The Federal Reserve is any more of a government entity than is Federal Express or G Unit Records.
  14. You might be a Plantation Negro if you don't realize that Plantation Medicine causes over 250,00 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes (when MD's & Presc Drugs kill your ass)
  15. You might be a Plantation Negro if you hate 50 Cent but love James Bond.
  16. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think Israel is 'Our Only Friend" in the middle east.
  17. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think "Hip Hop Glorifies Violence", but went to see The Terminator
  18. You might be a Plantation Negro if you consider Bill Gates a genius and Tupac a thug.
  19. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think "Global Warming" is caused by man.
  20. You might be a Plantation Negro if you didn't know H1N1 is a synthetic virus manufactured in a laboratory and the patent for the vaccine was filed 1 year before the first case of H1N1 appeared.
  21. You might be a Plantation Negro if you didn't know that Vaccine Manufacturers have been granted IMMUNITY from liability because of damage caused by their flu vaccines.
  22. You might be a Plantation Negro if taking your shoes off at the airport doesn't piss you off.
  23. You might be a Plantation Negro if you think guns kill more black people than forks.
  24. You might be a Plantation Negro if you have neither plans nor prospects to marry a sister.
  25. You might be a Plantation Negro if you don't understand "Save Darfur" is a hoax.


sprewells said...

26. You voted for PNIC Obama.

Cés said...

I need to work on 6... LOL
...and 7... damn it! I hate you're right about that one. xD