Michael Fisher said...

"Well Mike. It looks like he did say it. Now what?"
Now, nothing. The white guy who likes to call black people "Nigger" is still "DV"'s favorite white boy who, according "DV" has more in common with a black woman and DV than with UBM, DMG and me.
More "DV" Kool Aid, anyone?
Denmark Vesey said ...
Well ... actually "Mike". TD is a bit blacker than you. He definitely has more soul. At least he is no pseudo-intellectual, secular humanist wannabe trendy Plantation Negro atheist. Boy got some lyrical skills and even a tiny bit of rhythm. He aint scared. He aint no punk bitch hater. He doesn't try to garner affection from women by pretending to defend them from being called "bitch" when they weren't. He can take what he dishes out and he doesn't attempt to divide brothers and sisters by pandering to old anachronistic notions about skin complexion. ("DV prefers light skinned women!" MF).
TD is my favorite white boy. If you try real hard, find God and Get A Chick ... maybe you will be one day.
Let's say he did call you "Nigger". Did you die? Did you cry? Did it hurt? Tell me why?
Cause it don't mean shit.
Damn Mike. Read dude's lyrics again. Even the white boy told you "YOU GIVE ME TOO MUCH POWER".
Giving white people power is asking to be enslaved. It is asking to be confined to THE PLANTATION. Ergo. Plantation Negro.
You been in Denmark Vesey school for years now. When you going to learn? Stop seeking opportunities to play the victim. It's a booby trap.
Dang, "DV". You lap up white racist excrement like no other. Almost feel sorry for ya. However, those black folk that still wanna drink your made-of-Farst-and-byrde-urine Kook Aid, I feel even worse for. Though, like I said. that's their prerogative.
That picture is funny.
We know this game of "gotcha.". I say a magic word and you feign a traumatic experience. When it's pointed out you don't believe in God, I have to ask, "Are you serious?"Are you delirious? Mikey, you like me... Your days full strife? You're like Pavlov's dog eating a bowl of Life. But life is eating at you because you're faithless with two-face. Got more investment in a magic word than NASA have in all of outerspace. Why you want it so bad, Mike? Is it the empirical evidence you like? Unequivocal proof of this dog's racism...? An indisputable clue to this white boy's supremacism...? Hear the magic word and Mike go cataclysm...? All this in a word sounds like Fisher's own personal catechism...
Let's say he did call you "Nigger". ... it don't mean shit.
And if I were to call you a faggot... you'd be ready to fight. Am I right, DV?
Michael Eric Dyson: Message to Young Black Men
Let's suppose I call u UBSlim
Would it getcha n tha gym???
Or would it make ya grim
Have ya snortlin'
Spittin' sum flim???
Let's suppose I call ya UBDim
Would it light up uh lightbulb
Say I need ta get trim???
Uzza dead man talkin'
But if ya wuzza fat man walkin'
Add sum days of life
Start ta feel ya Hulkin'
It's incredible...
What ya can do when embrace tha veracity
Play "I suppose" with tho'daddy
An' feel my tenacity!!!
TD is my favorite white boy.
So glad you came into his life, DV. Fucker haunted my blog for two years, and I wouldn't give him the time of day.
Why UB? Cuz the cat's white?
What happened to the spirit of diversity?
Undercover Black Man said...
"And if I were to call you a faggot... you'd be ready to fight. Am I right, DV?"
Not if had called him a bitch first.
Come on UB.
I didn't expect you to join that little "hurt" bandwagon.
Names have been called in both directions.
But let's be honest here.
These cats don't think they can go head to head with a whiteboy.
They are looking for a chance to play "victim".
I'm trying to free Plantation Negros from their self-imposed mental slavery.
Realizing a white boy typing the word "nigger" is means nothing is part of that process.
What happened to the spirit of diversity?
I had a very diverse group of regular commentators. But more than its diversity, I was proud of its intelligence and wit.
Thordaddy inevitably came up short in those departments. He just never had anything useful to contribute to any conversation.
After he vacated my premises, I seem to recall him trying to hang out at Subrealism, lifting his skirt and casting come-hither glances at CNu.
Before you could say "Hefty Hefty Hefty," Nulan dispatched him to the nearest landfill.
Now here Thordaddy is, finally getting the black dick he's been dreaming about. Which is a lesson to horny slags everywhere: Be persistent.
Are we talking about the same TD?
Nothing useful to add? A blog that had intelligence and wit?
You don't find this intelligent and witty:
"We know this game of "gotcha.". I say a magic word and you feign a traumatic experience. When it's pointed out you don't believe in God, I have to ask, "Are you serious?"Are you delirious? Mikey, you like me... Your days full strife? You're like Pavlov's dog eating a bowl of Life." TD
Thordaddy is a gift from Jah for Mike Fisher.
A cat dedicated to the God of White Supremacy has been sent a reformer from Nazareth.
"Thordaddy is a gift from Jah for Mike Fisher."
"DV". Until now I suspected that you were merely cynical. You're now making me think that you are merely stupid.
I don't give rat's ass about Farst. That ain't the point. The point was to demonstrate who your, "DV"s, heroes are. Your being in bed with Farst is the same as some dude getting a hard on for for a unwashed, crusty-ass, diseased one-toothed crack ho. It just shows what your true taste is. That's all. Which should make folks who get praised by you for one thing or another think twice about the honor. Such as: "If 'DV' loves crusty-ass crack hos like that, what does that say about me?"
Like I said, folks wanna drink that Coon Aid of yours, hey...
"These cats don't think they can go head to head with a whiteboy."
Now that's even dumber than your earlier statements. Farst, like all white racists, would never call me "Nigger" or anything else to my face without some army behind him. Just ain't gonna happen. Thus that "head to head" bullshit you're talking about is moot anyhow.
he might call you that, though. Since he can expect for you to happily grin and slap him on his back as "your favorite white boy". Then he'll happily progress on to your wife and daughter and little John, your son. All while you'll be happily grinning since he's your "favorite white boy" and "ain't scared"... of you.
Man Be Unda
Uh spell or two
I never knew
Had no clue
That tho'dad haunted u
Taunted u
Givin' ya nightmares
Only chimed n
When ya grab white boy
By tha short hairs
Ya story so deformed
Had ya grownin' three ears
Definitely listenin'
Ya neva rebutted
Treated lika Fisher
Fillet, fried and gutted
Ain't no different
Here at DV
U attack, I respond
Now ya n tha Guiness
World's longest bad dream...
Mr. Fisher
Black people want ta kill me
They don't even know me
That's ur ID-ology
U identify with it
That's y I know u, UBM and CNU...
Get it grandpal
That's y I fold u
Anda ya pappy prolly told u
Pusha dog back Ina corna'
Y am I teachin' u this!!!!!!!
Cuz ya stupid
Put tha wrong man ta tha tess'
I give ya one guess
Who that b
That's right ole timer...
Mr. Thor Daddy...
U lookin' fo' punk-ass pushover
Here dawg, let's play red-rover
Send Mikey right over
Im uh four leaf clover
Say sum evil down n Dover
On the field
I'm tha rover
U uh dozer
Fast asleep
Fluffy sheep
Think I owe ya sumptin'
Cuz ya cheap
U been hatin' so long
Ya n real deep
Emotionally invested
That's y uh magic word
Can make ya so restless...
"Then he'll happily progress on to your wife and daughter and little John, your son. All while you'll be happily grinning since he's your "favorite white boy" and "ain't scared"... of you." MF
Um. Interesting. Now that you mention it "Mike". Only person ever to even allude to my family or children in that context ... has been you.
Not the "racist" white boy, but the "Global System of White Supremacy" preaching Plantation Negro.
"Only person ever to even allude to my family or children in that context ... has been you."
"DV", it's quite interesting how your defense of your favorite white boy is progressing.
Now why don't you show how I "alluded to [your] family in that context".
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