"Simply put, it is past time to talk about starting negotiations. It is time to move forward," Obama told reporters before a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"It is time to show the flexibility and common sense and sense of compromise that is necessary to achieve our goals," Obama said.
What else can he do? Pretend he's in charge? haha
That's actually a good point.
Ralph Nader in Time Mag:
"What's your take on Obama so far?
Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous and overwhelmingly concessionary. "
Anonymous said...
Ralph Nader in Time Mag:
"What's your take on Obama so far?
Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous and overwhelmingly concessionary. "
The image of President Obama that’s emerging is one of weakness. In the UK Telegraph Obama has been called the “weakest president since Jimmy Carter.”
An article in the Jerusalem Post said, “Everybody is saying no to the American president these days. And it's not just that they're saying no, it's also the way they're saying no.”
The basic assumption is that if you say no to Obama, and you really mean it, just stick by your guns and he will cave in.
None if this surprises me because it is consistent with the politics of concession and timidity Obama displayed as a candidate as he tossed one former friend, supporter, or aide, after another, under the bus.
Barack Obama appears to believe in an imaginary “we.”
“It is time to show the flexibility and common sense and sense of compromise that is necessary to achieve our goals." -- Barack Obama
Our goals? Such terms don’t exist in the Zionist lexicon. If you’re speaking to the Geneva Initiative this term makes sense, but you may as well be speaking Kiswahili to Binyamin Netanyahu, who basically told Obama to go screw himself on the issue of freezing the expansion of Israeli settlements on the Occupied West Bank.
Why should Netanyahu take Obama seriously when he says the US "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements???” Uri Avnery reports, “This week he [Obama] allowed the American navy to conduct major joint war-games with the Israeli Air Force.”
Would Obama allow the Border Patrol to conduct war games with the Mexican drug cartel? Okay, I suppose there are some limits to Obama’s hypocrisy. Those limits just do apply to Israel.
Uri Avnery summed up the Obama, Abbas, Netanyahu photo-op in these words:
“In one of his essays, Karl Marx said that when history repeats itself: The first time it is as tragedy, the second time it is as farce.
The 2000 threefold summit meeting at Camp David was high drama. Many hopes were pinned on it, success seemed to be within reach, but in the end it collapsed, with the participants blaming each other.
The 2009 Waldorf-Astoria summit was the farce.”
The Plantation charade is falling apart.
Maybe this will help Plantation Negros & Plantation Crackas realize our entire electoral process is a fraud.
The sooner cats realize we are closer to inmates than citizens the sooner we can do something about it.
But as an international figure he's a man of sorts, BO a Jerkyl/Hyde like Champ/Wimp of very mixed success/luck. On the one hand he's managed to get the UN Security Council to pass a resolution on nuclear weapons - albeit a modest one, but a move nonetheless towards the elimination of nukes - even Libya's on board.
But on the other had he's also backtracked on April's decision on the misile defence shield with Russia - much to the annoyance of the Republicans but to the delight of Russia. The Guardian UK reckons there's been a secret deal to befriend Russia and eliminate Iran as a nuke threat as an exchange for the US u-turn The Guardian suggests Russia have agreed to call for sanctions against Iran.
If Russia defects to the West that means Iran's only support is China who wld be isolated if this plan works. A sanctioned Iran wld embolden Israel - Iran's other allies aren't quite up to taking on a US-backed Israeli strike. And China's support is shifty and determined by economic gain.
BO can't/won't stand up to Israel and IF this analysis has any truth to it. I think this would only happen as a sequence of actions by others, rather than a determinate action from BO.
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