The laws of statistics have convinced all who have bothered to calculate that even a protein molecule, consisting as it does of a chain of hundreds of precisely arranged amino acids, could never arise by chance. And such a protein molecule is trivial compared to any of the working parts of a cell. When it is recognized that all of these parts must be present and functioning at the start, it must be admitted that life from non-life is impossible without intelligent design.
Actually, any living thing gives such strong evidence for design by an intelligent designer that only a willful ignoring of the data (II Peter 3:5) could lead one to assign such intricacy to chance. Every living thing, from simple bacteria to people, possesses the marvelous DNA code, which contains a library full of precise information, and without which life is impossible. - by John D. Morris, Ph.D.
GREAT DV!!! love it...however it seems to me that even creationist...religious folk...have a problem with "the origin of life from non-life"...that too is a problem...you cant prove life from non-life from the bible.....
Evolution doesn't explain how life began, only how life evolved.
You're misrepresenting evolution.
thats it!! we are using them plantation crackas definition....
Evolution has to have a beginning to evolve from!
Evolution's beginning is when the 1st self replicating cell was born.
Evolution has nothing to do with HOW that 1st cell was born.
That is unknown.
Religion makes CLAIMS about the unknown, while science ADMITS that there is no know evidence as of yet.
Science is honest at it's core.
Religion is a fraud at it's core.
thanks keith...
that's the issue....
Evolution is a concept for a free mind. A plantation mind need that great overseer in the sky.
Da revolutionary,
A human mind needs to know that Truth exists and one can embrace that Truth. Evolution holds nothing and tells us nothing other than our perpetual change is undeniable. Meaning, because WE are in a constant state of change, it is useful to ignore this invisible change and instead see ourselves as something more permanent and identifiable. We do this because we desire to form relationships. People who pursue a path of radical autonomy reject such relationships and evolution stands as their rational justification.
If space is endless and time is endless isn't life inevitable? I believe in God just don't know in which capacity
@ illy from cali
that's an honest answer...bravo!!!
DV, you seem to find these right-wing religious nuts by the boat load. Dayyuumm son!
Actually G, I demonstrate to cats like you that the shit you believe is crazy as a straight banana.
Your daddy wasn't a monkey bra.
Actually, on my side, shit ain't as crazy as you make it out to be. As an example,there's some little sweet bananas in Jamaica that are tasty and straight bra.
Once again evolution doesn't teach that man came from monkey.
We are cousins is more like it.
Man is a TYPE of monkey/primate.
Our dna is 95% exact.
Ahhhh Keith, you speak too much sense. Evolution does nothing more than explain the current diversity that exists.
Tell me folks, where did god come from (other than from the minds of men)? If something cannot come from nothing, then where does god come from?
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