Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Hegelian Mind Fuck - Abortion Is Now A "Good"

"nobody but morons - and the deceivers who mislead them on false sentimental grounds via propaganda - believe the "abortion apparatus" to be problematic" CNu

Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.

This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated "Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America's Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member."

A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had any abortions.


CNu said...

This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated "Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America's Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member."

in that same period there have been 48 million white abortions.

Given current unemployment at 11% and rising - and at least two or three times that percentage among Black folks - exactly what do you propose all these additional 64 million people since 1973 would be doing to sustain themselves?

or do you zealous anti-Illuminati types only do the math that suits your propaganda, ignoring the basic thermodynamic and supply and demand material constraints of physical existence?

Denmark Vesey said...

Well CNu,

Why not just go ahead and kill the Black people who are living too?

'DD' said...

Only socialists can have intellectual consistency in being anti-abortion.

If the unborn are in any way "not your problem," then it's not your call on whether they ever get born or not.

Interestingly, the socialists can also make a compelling case for forced sterilization, for the same reasons.

Not being a pure socialist, I can't ban abortion just because I find it distasteful.

If you want to take the right to abortion away with one hand, you need to grab the responsibility for the offspring with the other.

'DD' said...

Or, to follow the format used here so often lately:

For DV’s crew from my funky little spot
I’m telling you my thoughts so hot my melanin straight dropped
To read my words, the poetry gives a phosphorescent glow
But this ain’t written word, if you could hear me I straight flow

My auditory ambiance is smooth like liquid lead
Drop my knowledge through a murder hole upon your medieval head
You wanna stand on your own feet take pride in responsibility
But don’t pretend your neighbor owes you jack but base civility

If you won’t live the life of man you look down on then stop
Cause a broke ass fool does some dumb ass shit but you don’t share his lot
Cause those who say ‘what’s mine is mine,’ just took a piece of y’all’s
To give advice or censure you must first share your ball

Don’t tell another to get it done if you ain’t gonna do it
If you don’t want the heavy load then leave the fucker to it
In either or it’s a cold world, but at least a man is free
But if you share my bills well then it’s all your call, DV.

Denmark Vesey said...

I like this cat! He's got style.

Dorca's Daddy Welcome To The Spot!

KonWomyn said...


CNu: I'm trying to wrap my head around your rationale and I have a whole lotta questions for you:
Within your neo-Malthusian framework how do you respond to the question of Black women's reproductive rights; which although advocate for contraception, abortion etc; would be an oppositional stance to your musings on mass population control which seem to be framed within patri-capitalist logic? (patri - patriarchal)

If someone is not economically productive in the plantation, that means they automatically cede their reproductive rights - don't you see the connection between joblessness and reproductivity as symptomatic of the system's historic and continued destructive agenda?

& what about the recent fertility transitions of African Americans? The video suggests that Black people are on their extinction? You happy 'bout that?


KonWomyn said...

When I said Black feminism(s) advocating for abortion rights I am not referring to supporting things like Planned Parenthood n such, but feminism(s) historically campaigned for the right to abort to be afforded to Black women.

Plantation Owner said...

"Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss"

Read my lips!

It's not about quantity but quality!

I don't have enough prisons for those extras anyway!

CNu said...


I'm going to pretend that what came tumbling out in your first comment - just didn't happen.

That way, we can maintain an intelligent and civil dialog.

feminism(s) historically campaigned for the right to abort to be afforded to Black women.

all "ism's" be damned.

In my simple, straight up, and plain world view, women inalienably possess ALL gestational prerogatives up through and including the right of not supporting infants.

Everything after that is merely extraneous opinion and conversation.....,

Do you now clearly understand my position on this subject? It's very simple, direct, and non-negotiable.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Your opinion is quite clear. You support infanticide and legalized murder. Sicko.

Plantation Owner said...

"The video suggests that Black people are on their extinction? You happy 'bout that?"

ahhh!... KW... did you forget about all those islands to the south of you... and the one big island to the far southeast of you full of and ready to replenish your need for dominant pigment???

KW...simple question ...has the colored population increased or decreased since abortion has become legal??

KonWomyn said...

LOL! Ok. But to get to this point of understanding reproductivity as right, pple had to go through all the "isms". & the "isms" stay relevant IMO because that's why I'm pro-choice but anti-abortion centres in neighbourhoods as frequent as liquor stores & as a tool of capitalism & population control.

& PO Cracker did you forget the figure is inclusive of ALL Black people - "newly come" immigrants from the Continents you refer to.
And no your question is not that simple I like to put things in historical context; to just answer that its increased or decreased wld be simplistic.

Plantation Owner said...

"And no your question is not that simple I like to put things in historical context; to just answer that its increased or decreased wld be simplistic."

So history matters in this post but Egypt and abortion history wasn't important to you in the other post? What gives?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Whether or not abortion started out in Egypt is a non issue. Ancient societies had good and bad practices. Egyptians also practiced slavery which is the foulest form of human degradation aside from murdering of innocent life. What is your point, troll? To distract from the real point which is that we have wackos like Cnu who honestly believe that it is okay to kill innocent babies.

I wonder what he would do if someone harmed any of his children. Oops I'm sorry -blobs of cells.

KonWomyn said...

A WHOLE, FULL HISTORY is what gives.

fupaman said...

Why not just go ahead and kill the Black people who are living too?

Well, that's how they do it back in the Black homeland of Africa. Millions are weeded out by violence yearly. Probably an integral, evolved part of their quality-controlled social homeostasis, in fact.

Besides, what's so worthy about a 2-cent parasitic niggas slangin dope, mugging & murking innocent citizens, making tons of daddyless baboes and leeching off welfare and affirmative action anyways? Wouldn't our hoods & country be MUCH BETTER OFF WITHOUT ANY OF THEM draining us? Just like Asia or Europe?

Big Don said...

Race Differences inAbortion Rate - The ability to plan a wanted pregnancy is proportional to intelligence...

conspiracynut said...

Damn, and i thought i was a conspiracy nut. How about all these people bitching about abortion start paying for the kids that their biological dads don't? How about picking up health care costs and educational costs, right through post-secondary education?

Or, you could follow a thought that went through my mind the other night when pondering the health care debacle: The rich elite don't give a fuck about any of us grunts making their livings, because we are expendable; a few good workers die early? No matter, set up antiabortion clinics and call it immoral and we poor fucks on the bottom will be stupid enough to just keep making more, babies born into indentured servitude. Now that's compassion; that's moral, ain't it?

But hey, never mind that jesus was a jew and jews even supported full term partial birth abortions, by LAW (here i disagree, but there MAY be cases i might agree it's ok, haven't seen one yet) and what did he say? Oh yeah, 'i came to fulfill the law,' or something to that extent...

Funny how we can pick and choose what part of our gods to listen to and what parts are discardable; but my o my if i discard something you hold relevant, then i am a devil or bound for hell. Do any of you prolifers ever think about that while cheering on muslim killing or invasion and pillage of other countries (not saying anyone here, specifically supports that but replace what i said with whatever you support that your version of god condemns)?

Denmark Vesey said...

"How about all these people bitching about abortion start paying for the kids that their biological dads don't?" CN

Or ...

Why don't we just get it over with and kill all the kids whose ... "biological" ... dads "don't pay for" them?

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Pro abortion nuts are so brainwashed they think aborting babies is a form of child "care".

Like they are doing the kid some favor.

Do you think a woman with a 6 month old child should be allowed to toss that child in a dumpster if she decides she "is not really ready" to be a mother?

Are you willing to adopt that child?

Why not?

If you aren't going to adopt that child, what right do you have to tell her she shouldn't kill it?

CNu said...

Do you think a woman with a 6 month old child should be allowed to toss that child in a dumpster if she decides she "is not really ready" to be a mother?

who are you to "allow/disallow" said parental perogative? how you gonna enforce compulsory parenting, much less compulsory "good parenting" as opposed to the serial torture and abuse likely to arise from compelling an adult to raise a child they're unprepared or unwilling to parent?

and don't even try the pathetic tactic of turning around the adoptive responsibility question.

DV, your stance is so played out and just downright stupid on this whole issue

1. you lie about the facts
2. you resort to flagrant group identity politics
3. you take no responsibility for what you recommend

the list goes on, but bottomline - what you've been saying about this whole topic makes no sense whatsoever.

please just leave it alone until you can construct a cogent, fact-based argument that doesn't make you sound as retarded as the f-lying monkeys you keep around for amusement.