Monday, July 20, 2009

Plantation Negro Deconstruction 007

"Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection." - Dr. A. Sabin- Developer of the Polio Vaccine

"Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin Polio vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue has been directly responsible for the major increase in Leukemia in this country." -Dr. Frederick Klenner, Polio Researcher, USA

"The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization."
-Dr. R. Mendelsohn, Author and Pediatrician


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Perhaps Submariner or DMG would like to take The Vaccine Challenge and pay off those pesky student loans.

Anonymous said...

...and I'd waste my time with that Quack for what reason again? For some publicity stunt to consume vaccinations that I already have? Thanks for your "concern", but you guys are really getting tiresome with this thrice weekly vaccination thing. Is this an all consuming endeavor for you guys? You have nothing else to do?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Well, I figure that since members of your profession feel no shame to whore themselves out to pharmaceutical companies to make an extra buck or two, the chance to make $200K in one gulp would be a no brainer.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, II...aren't you a lawyer? But still you have the fucking audacity to talk about whores and gulping. Wow, perhaps you can give me lessons. Move along, before I take interest in you.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

So, tell me, why hasn't any doctor or Big Pharma rep taken up this guy's offer?

Anonymous said...

Qhat a stupid question II.

Quite frankly it's beneath any self-respecting professional to give this charlatan any press. You know as well as I do that this is nothing but a stunt aimed at garnering attention. There is no way to prove anything by engaging in this sort of thing. And accepting $200,000 will do nothing but bring into question the professionalism of any physician engaging this activity. Would you put your hard earned reputation on the line for something this stupid?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

The so called doctor is up to his old tricks of insulting people and demeaning their intelligence, yet quoting wikipedia stubs as if they are an authority on actual facts. PFFFF I know somebody is full of shit...and it ain't II!

Anonymous said...


I pity you so much, that I can't even bring myself to offer anything as a retort.

CNu said...


Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Your opinion of me is not needed required nor desired. You shroud your intellectual dishonesty with insults and links to wikipedia, not even bothering to cite some of your precious peer reviewed journals. Then you flippantly dismiss some of II's questions because you are an arrogant asshole. Only fools feel pity, as your aptly have pointed out.

Anonymous said...


Did you even read the discussion on this thread? Or are you just reflexively foaming at the mouth because you saw my name?

If you've received a wikipedia link from me previously, it's likely because you needed the information pre-digested. You've proven that you don't have the teeth for anything more in depth....your Physics "professors" notwithstanding.

Seek help, if you haven't already.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

I read the thread and saw that you were up to your old tricks as usual:

You have posted wikipedia stubs before not directed to me. Anyone who has the scholarly credentials that you claim to have would not use wikipedia to cite anything without a caveat at least.

You have shown that you are an arrogant, ignorant person who isn't the least bit serious about dialoging with those who have opposing viewpoints. Instead you choose to insult their intelligence and or state that their very questions lack merit.

You quote statistics that you have no understanding about and when questioned, you obfuscate the discussion to divert from your incompetence.

I don't believe that you are anyone other than some person on the internet that can quote wikipedia stubs and insult others. You haven't demonstrated knowledge or expertise in any area of significance and blow smoke up your own ass.

You don't have the acumen to have a discussion about any topic without resorting to personal insults or anything else.

So I advise you to seek help for your apparent personality disorder and delusions of grandeur.

Anonymous said...


Your envy is palpable. But no word salad of SAT words, nor constant unprovoked attacks on me will ever be able to make you feel better.

Maybe you just need something to "restore the right perception of reality"...whatever you need, I do hope you somehow find peace, and no longer need to foam at the mouth like Pavlov's dog when seeing the initials DMG.

Or maybe you should just try Yoga?

CNu said...

oh schnapp!!!!

and there I thought "Alize" or "Lysterine" was about as ghetto fabulous as it got.

This shit hurr takes things to a WHOLE nother, never previously encountered, level of g.h.e.t.t.o.f.a.b.u.l.o.s.i.t.y