Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"I dare say that there are quite a few Badassbitches out there..I am one of them" TGN


Anonymous said...

Hatshepsut, Nefetari, Tiye, Makeda, Nzingha, Yaa Asantewaa, Harriett Tubman, Nana Prosser, Maria Stewart, Kate Delany, Sojourner Truth, Ida Wells-Barnett, Mary Church Terrell, Mary McLeod Bethune, Amy Jacques-Garvey, Anna Julia Cooper, Shirley Graham Du Bois, Rosa Parks, Constance Baker-Motley, Septima Clarke, Ruby Doris Robinson, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Jo Baker, Mabel Williams, Shirley Chisholm, Kathleen Cleaver, Ericka Huggins, Josina Machel, Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King, Myrlie Evers-Williams, Queen Mother Moore, Dorothy Height, Frances Cress Welsing, Marimba Ani, Julianne Malveaux, Maxine Waters, Nomzamo Winifred Madikizela-Mandela, Cynthia Ann McKinney, and numerous other courageous women of Afrikan descent would never refer to themselves as any kind of bitch.

It is a damned shame that any Black woman would commit such an act of psychological self-mutilation by calling herself a bad bitch, and it is equally shameful that she would allow all of these silly ass, punk ass negroes on this site to call Black women by that name.

Mabel Williams would have busted a cap into the ass of these cowardly punks if they dared to call her a bitch.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

It is a damned shame that any Black woman would commit such an act of psychological self-mutilation to allow someone else full and exclusive ownership of the term "bitch".

Anonymous said...

thank u II..
I own the definition of who I am. I will not allow anyone..even the anonymous one above to somehow feel I should be placed into a box or even my self expression to be limited. Words only posess the power we attach to them. I choose to use badassbitch to define the swagger that is the good u.

Anonymous said...


Thordaddy said...

There is no limit to the "liberalization" of the language or the apparent ability of one to self-create and self-define. But one should not be surprised when no one understands you and the rest just think you're a liar.

There is no doubt that some will think that the title is a badge of honor while others see it as nothing but subservient denigration. The liberalism in our culture doesn't ask the next question which is whether one view is closer to the truth than the other?

It seems that DV is taking the radical autonomist view, but it remains to be read whether he accepts the consequences?

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah TD.

It really aint that deep.

Black people revolutionized the English language they way we revolutionized boxing and basketball.

We recreated it. We give it flair, rhythm and expand its meaning.

What you call a layup, we crossover and clap boards.

Sista Nurse's statement of self-aggrandizment was not "liberal", but liberating.

Those who feign offense, are simple thinkers.

Thordaddy said...


I don't know about all the revolutionary stuff, but allowing individuals to denote the meaning of words or phrases has certain consequences that most liberals are weary of accepting.

What is a "bad ass bitch?"

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Or, is it both depending on the "truth" of the title-holder?

What is the limit to redefining words or phrases to suit one's needs?

Denmark Vesey said...

"What is a "bad ass bitch?" TD

It's the female equivalent of "a baaaad muhfuggah."

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Or, is it both depending on the "truth" of the title-holder?" TD

Neither. It is what it is.

"What is the limit to redefining words or phrases to suit one's needs?" TD

It's only limited by one's imagination and swagger.

I submit Sista Nurse's swagger as an example.

Sasha said...

Anyone who has to ask what is a "bad ass bitch and is it a good thing" clearly was not 1) raised by a black mother or 2) is not married to a black woman.....

Anonymous said...

It is a damned shame that any Black woman would commit such an act of psychological self-mutilation to allow someone else full and exclusive ownership of the term "bitch".

I choose to use badassbitch to define the swagger that is the good u.

Only mental slaves like these two ladies believe that they can define themselves by redefining a word powerful patriarchs and their lackeys have used to denigrate, oppress and exploit women for centuries.

Same goes for these ignorant negroes trying to redefine nigger as nigga.

This is the epitome of asininity.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

a word powerful patriarchs and their lackeys have used to denigrate, oppress and exploit women for centuries.

Now we know you're just repeating some silly talking points from NOW or whatever femiNazis are in vogue these days.

Because your suggestion that one word has so much power that it has oppressed "women" for centuries just by its mere utterance is the epitome of asininity.

Only mental slaves let words oppress them.

Thordaddy said...


By downplaying the powerfulness of "words," you inadvertently downplay your own view communicated to us via "words."

This is the flaw of liberalism and its extreme evolution, radical autonomy. Things mean something and then they don't.


You seem to unknowingly make my point. By your criteria, I can't know what a "bad ass bitch" is and whether such a thing is good or not?

Which is cool until you act like I should know...?

CNu said...

farcedaddy - accept the fact that there are entire cultures of competency -

- it's not a race thing

it's a lack of comprehension thing.

physics, denied.

medicine, denied.

Christianity, denied.

Blackness....., rotflmbao.

no matter how hard you try,

access denied!!!

Thordaddy said...


In order for competency to mean anything, clowns like you should not be able to define such a thing AND then redefine it when it suits your needs. Yet, your core belief in radical autonomy allows you to do such a thing.

My exclusion from knowing is in reality your inability to convey any meaning. This is why you are an intellectual fraud... Because you are a radical autonomist.

CNu said...


Mr. "radical autonomist"...,

I'll grant you this. Were it not for you and your butt-buddy coonservative feedback - I wouldn't have believed it possible for the levels of unselfconscious stupidity that the two of you routinely express - to even exist.

you're like a cross between a lab specimen and sideshow attraction.

Clearly not eligible for membership.

Simply here to serve and to entertain.

learn your place farcedaddy...,


Anonymous said...

I don't know, does this even need to be argued?

The main point here is the meaning BEHIND the words being spoken and the context. Everyone knows there's no difference in meaning when someone screams FUCK or FUDGE, after slamming their finger in the car door, but little kids still get soap in their mouths for uttering the former. One is just more "polite", I suppose. As far as calling someone a bitch, badass or stupid, it's your intent behind the word. Praise or insult. Of course in company who might not be up on your terminology there will be disagreement and maybe offense taken. But why pretend like you don't know certain people will misunderstand your intent or otherwise find offense? Word choice is memorialized on national news and YouTube these days. If you are OK watching these words spew forth from your mouth with your family, boss, and church without aid of context or explanation then say what you gots to say and argue away. Just don't chastise your 4 year-old when she stands up and loudly proclaims 96 year-old Mother Jones with the big Sunday go to meetin' hat is a badass bitch in the middle of Church service...Stand by your words, because even if nobody else gets it, you know what baby girl meant: That hat is fly.