Wednesday, July 15, 2009

DV Jr. Amateur Debut

DV Jr. black shorts, white trim, 10 years old, 80 lbs vs. Sabian Ruiz, blue shorts, 11 years old, 92 lbs from Houston Texas.
SHE said...

Lil' man got some skill. Is he on an almost exclusive vegetarian diet? Any herbal supplements?

DV said ...
Thank You Elle.

Since a baby Lil Man's diet has been about 50% raw. Vaccine free. No antibiotics. No prescription drugs. No corn syrup. Nutrient dense foods. As organic and unprocessed as possible. Strictly Himalayan Pink Salt. No herbs but plenty of spirulina smoothies. Bee pollen. Cacao. Nothing he has to open. Occasional wild fish. (Farm raised fish are swimming swine.) He's been asking for eggs lately, so his mother found a local farmers market with organic eggs directly from a local farmer. Stayed away from doctors except Dr. Jay Gordon in Santa Monica who practices natural medicine.

It hasn't been strictly vegetarian for Lil Man. I think "vegetarian" is a played out term. I like to think of myself as a Selectarian. Which simply means carefully selecting what one eats and customizing ones diet to live the way one wants to live.

It sounds easy enough but it's not. The Honorable Elijah Mohammad said 'it is easier to change a man's religion, than it is to change his diet'. It's a never ending process. Eating well is a full time job. The compensation is not money. The paycheck is great health.


fitedoc said...

Dam dat kid in blue shorts is gettin pwned

Someone remind him to open his eyes when he starts swingin

CNu said...

lil'DV did you proud magne!!!

older, larger boy, yet he rocked him and socked him at 54 seconds in.

Kept his game tight and surgical for the duration of those wild swingathons that was the Ruiz boy's plan of action.

I was praying for him to plant another one of those surgical bombs on that kids head and send him to the canvas. Particularly after it looked for a minute like Ruiz wanted to try and wrestle.

Illmath said...

Go 'head Lil soldier!!!

Denmark Vesey said...

"it looked for a minute like Ruiz wanted to try and wrestle." CNu

LOL. Man ... I love black people.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Junior with the Sweet Science.

I may have to ease up on Dad---Not!

Keep up the good work young warrior.

TonyOntario said...

DV, half of the time I hate your guts. But that's very cool. Your boy looks good. You must be doing something right.

SHE said...
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SHE said...
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SHE said...


Lil' man got some skill. Is he on an almost exclusive vegetarian diet? Any herbal supplements?

Anonymous said...

Composed, disciplined, smooth, good balance & footwork, solid defense w/good head movement, keeps his eyes on the target at all times, nice strategic rope game w/no panic at 3min mark, takes adv of telegraphed offense, knew he had the kid yet stuck with what he's been taught.

Kept his left hand low alot but hell he's only 10.

I'd love to see him vs a better opponent.

Kudos DV. He's talented.


DV Jr said...

Thank you very much Mr.KP Next fight I will definitely keep my left hand higher.


DV jr.

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome lil DV. Keep up the good work and consistently seek out the guy who's better than you. Your trainers and your father are doing a great job so I thank you for listening to my two cents.

I see natural ability and an honest respect for the sport in you.

If you don't mind, and assuming you watch boxing, share with me a few of your favorite boxers.


DV Jr said...

Thank you agian Mr. KP. My most favorite boxer is Muhammad Ali. I also like Sugar Ray Robinson, Wilfred Benitez, Mike Tyson and my favorite boxer that is fighting right now is Floyd Mayweather Jr. If you don't mind could you tell me if you ever boxed?



Anonymous said...

Nice moves, good coordination. Very impressive. Keep the head gear on.

Anonymous said...

DV Jr,
Wonderful skill sugar...girls like nothing better than knowing a boy can protect them...keep it up!
Ms the good nurse

DV Jr said...

Thank you Ms the good nurse!



Anonymous said...

Good thing you didn't raise him on plantation meds like that white negro, Mike!

that dude said...

When did he start training?

Anonymous said...

Hey Lil DV,

Nice list. I'm particularly impressed by your selection of Benitez because I was 6 or 7 when he defended his title vs Hearns. He gave sugar ray leonard fits too.

I never boxed but I love the sport and watch all levels when I can get a spare moment.

If you get a second, find the Winky Wright vs Fernando Vargas fight from about 10yrs ago. Winky was a solid boxer and big name guys were ducking him at the time. He didn't have much of a name and Vargas was a media darling.

Winky is robbed in a decision so Vargas can fight the prearranged matchup with De La Hoya where De La Hoya KO's him in what turns out to be a weak contest. Winky is in his prime in this fight and it may be worth watching with your Dad.

I'm excited for you and wish you well.


DV Jr said...

Hello Mr. KP I saw Wilfred Benitez fight Surar Ray Leonard, but I didn't see the Hearns fight. Who won that fight? I will look at the Winky Wright vs Fernado Vargas fight today. Do you have an email address? I will ask my Dad to send you the video of my sparring match with my brother yesterday.



Anonymous said...

Lil DV,

My email is Feel free to drop me a line any time. I'm looking forward to seeing you spar.

Benitez, the champ, was the first man to take Hearns the distance, 15rounds back then. Hearns' explosive jab & reach made it very difficult for Benitez to score and by round 10 it was clear Benitez would need a KO to win.


Anonymous said...

As well as possible!

Anonymous said...

Useful idea