Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"To See What Is In Front of One's Nose Requires A Constant Struggle." George Orwell

Big Man said ...
I totally agree with this statement. I think a lot of what DV posits makes sense on a certain level, but often he loses me with the massive conspiracy thing. Then again, stranger things have happened.

Denmark Vesey
said ...
Why you frontin' Big Poppa? I can't believe your chutzpa. Conspiracy theories are so bourgeois. So cliched ... so comme çi, comme ça.

Not your boy. Nah. I'm exposin' Plantation Negros to Jah. The shit I spit make squaws come out their bras even makes haters guffaw and hurrah. Look deep into my retina. You'll seee DV is pa poppa and Pasha. My babby call me dada. You can call me The Black Shah. My memes are caviar from Russia. I salsa at my villa in Costa Rica. It was me who told ya GMO will give ya nausea.

The problem is I'm spoilin' ya.
I give away for free what I should be chargin' ya. Hit up your Visa. The complexion is mocha. I speak truth like the Torah, pray like I'm in Mecca. My flow is lava my intellect does yoga. Till we find out who put AIDS in Africa. No Monkey Virus In My Babies Plasma. Me tell de doctor dem, "Na Na". I'm a man not a Gabon. God made this rye_huh.

Not bloggin', creating mantras
hotter than magma. Your future I already foresaw. To your imagination this is a spa. Blog got style like the Casbah. Country Negras need to be on HeeHaw. Flow in English, French and patois.

Know another cat getting down like moi?
Painting pictures like voila? Shedding light like Ta da?

Drop a link.

My good brother Big Man. I'm not pushing conspiracy theories. I'm showing cats what they already believe IS a conspiracy theory.


Constructive Feedback said...


This is the first female image on your blog that is below your standard.

I'm not feeling you on this trashy image man.

Keep it at the Beverly Johnson standard bro.

Denmark Vesey said...


Thank you.

I appreciate your aesthetic advice.

What you don't understand is that "first female image" is a juxtaposition to the Beverly Johnson image.

Nigga I got dis.

Denmark Vesey said...

That's like a muhfuggah calling up Picasso talking about ... "Pablo, I don't like that cube thing you doing. It's not up to your usual standards!"


"Miles! Miles! What's that note your playing! Noooo! You should play it in G major, don't ya think?"


"No Kobe! You're not SUPPOSED to toss the ball off the backboard, pass it to YOURSELF, and dunk on your opponent ...duh!!"

Feed, the words "DV the image ..."

should never come out your mouth.

CNu said...


hot black coffee out the nostrils.

(thank you for sharing that indignant moment of truth mang)

Illmath said...

that girl is nutty block! DV I'd have to say thats the nicest flow Ive ever seen you drop playa... It's almost up in my strata bruh. Ill though bruh.

SimonGreedwell said...

DV, I wonder how many people would throw out the term "conspiracy theory" if you simply posted some choice quotes from the Congressional Record.

Denmark Vesey said...

What UP Ill!!

"Lil brutha you know I'm the nicest, coldest, blackest, tannest, proudest lyricist you never met -

Pass any Plantation Negro litmus test. Ill... I know you wan tess. Nah son. Not yet. My style change mindsets. Make Atheists. Say "Allah The GreatEST".

I'm the guide. Ya'll cats philosophical tourists. I turn hoods into Taoists. Don't eat food made by geneticist. I'mma place the Illuminati under arrest. DV is a slug piercing a bullet proof vest. No time for evil theorist. Only God's love can save us."

Big Man said...

My apologies if the term "conspiracy theory" was a problem.

Let me be clear. I think powerful people make decisions that the general public is unaware of and that have a profound impact on the world.

I'm not so sure those powerful people are members of the groups you say they are members of, and I'm not sure they have the amount of power you say they do.

Now, I could be wrong, and you may be proven to be very right. We shall see.

Besides, I don't worry that much about stuff like that. Given my faith, I'm convinced that no machinations of man can overcome the supreme will of God. So, whatever happens is what he allows to happen. I'll deal with it.

Denmark Vesey said...

Brother Gray! Where you been man?

You know I need you to referee this War To Free The Plantation Negros.

"DV, I wonder how many people would throw out the term "conspiracy theory" if you simply posted some choice quotes from the Congressional Record."

Ummm ....

Not sure what you mean Gray. Give me an example.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Man said...

My apologies if the term "conspiracy theory" was a problem.

Let me be clear. I think powerful people make decisions that the general public is unaware of and that have a profound impact on the world.

Nah Big Man. I feel you.

I chose to addressed the notion of "conspiracy theory" directly because it is my belief that the Plantation Media and Plantation Education system has programmed people to THINK & HEAR "Conspiracy Theory" whenever confronted with a world-view contrary to that promoted by the Plantation.

Like Pavlov's dog hearing a bell, many people stick their heads in the sand to avoid an issue by labeling it a "conspiracy theory". Then they can dismiss it ... or take the intellectually lazy position that ... they can't do nothing about it anyway.

That's the problem Denmark Vesey encountered in Charleston South Carolina in 1822 when he organized his slave revolt.

Denmark pointed out to the ... Plantation Negros ... that there were 9,000 blacks in Charleston, serving 2,000 whites.

He argued the numbers alone supported the probably success of a revolt. They could be free, if they truly wanted to be free.

Raised on plantations and kept in the dark about their true numbers, Blacks were taught by the slave owners that the whites of Charleston were ALL POWERFUL and too well armed to possibly be defeated.

When Denmark Vesey said "Look about Charleston. How many whites do you see? How many blacks do you see?"

He was accused of being a "Conspiracy Theorist".

Some Plantation Negros told on him. He was arrested and killed for ... Conspiracy.

Big Man. You know from where AIDS comes. I've laid it out in cartoonish detail. It's right here on this blog. You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist. It's Right In Front Of Your Nose.

It's either
a) From Africans eating Monkeys
b) A Rockefeller Employed microbiologist who immunized 1 Million Africans in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1956 with an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine made from a polio virus taken from Monkeys.

Anyone who fails to acknowledge it - is afraid.

Now, what's interesting, 80% of ya'll will read that, and Understand it, and STILL allow your babies to suck on Monkey Virus Juice marketed as a "Oral Polio Vaccine".

That's why I call Plantation Medicine a religion.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Vaccines are the holy sacraments of the secular religion.

Or more like the baptism and first communion.

The pharmaceutical drugs that will necessarily follow are the secular sacrament of marriage, till death do us part. No divorce allowed.

SimonGreedwell said...

DV said: "Brother Gray! Where you been man?

You know I need you to referee this War To Free The Plantation Negros."

Yeah man, for sure, but I usually keep silent whenever discussion of such topics as abortion or vaccines pop up around these parts because nothing good ever comes of it. I said a while ago that no resolution would come from discussing toxic subjects and I think I've been proven right. I prefer to work the political angles and stay above the fray on certain topics. I don't like what it reduces people to. I could have swore I saw Mahndisa up in here cursing like a sailor the other day in another thread. That's not me.

DV said: "Ummm ....

Not sure what you mean Gray. Give me an example."

Not a problem. Here's what I mean.

Last week, The Independent ran a piece about the ten best conspiracy theories.

They cover: Apollo 11 Moon landing; the 9/11 Pentagon conspiracy; Shakespeare is "Sheik Zubair"; "Free energy" suppression; The Bermuda Triangle; the New World Order; Tin foil hats; "Paul is dead"; Princess Diana's death; and The Roswell cover up.

My point is that it's very easy to dismiss certain things on the basis of a safe tautology such as, "powerful people make decisions that the general public is unaware of." Of course everyone would agree with that and that's not a swipe at Big Man (who I respect as a very rational commenter).

It's just my personal belief that it's a lot harder to dismiss actual, recorded statements that were made in relation to what some have termed a conspiracy. Full-length statements that have been laid bare and recorded in the congressional record carry more weight than the pronouncements of private individuals and anonymous sources.

I've noticed that whenever you put up an actual quote from someone who speaks directly to some of these "conspiracy theories", the comments are always low in number.

Here are some examples:

Louis T. McFadden (1933):

"Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.

This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."

Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (Father of the famous aviator)

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."

Paul Warburg (to the Senate Foreign Relation Committee, 1950)

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

I bet if you put those two quotes up with pictures in your usual style, the number of comments would be zero.

Denmark Vesey said...

The G.C. Said ...
"I usually keep silent whenever discussion of such topics as abortion or vaccines pop up around these parts because nothing good ever comes of it. I said a while ago that no resolution would come from discussing toxic subjects and I think I've been proven right."





Nothing but good comes from them. You were mistaken if you thought these topics and posts have been about Abortion and Vaccines.


Not at all.

The Abortions and Vaccines topics served as examples for a more fundamental point.

These posts were emancipation exercises. They were about power. They were about freedom. My blog is a Memetic Boston Tea party.

Funny. I always thought you or CNu would peep it first. Or Submariner before he started acting funny.

Agreement was never the goal. Agreement is overrated. Fuck agreement.

The goal was 'fertile thinking with fertile minds'. - Asia Argento

Agree with DV or not. Next time somebody puts Monkey Virus Juice to the lips of you and yours, you going to think about it a bit differently.

The next time they encounter propaganda which changes the graphic reality of abortion to the intellectually lazy distraction of feminism and "choice", they'll recognize it for what it is.

Agree or disagree. Doesn't matter.

How Did 15 million Africans die of AIDS in 10 years?

Bushmeat or Oral Monkey Virus Vaccines?

The Plantation says one thing. Evidence says another.

Men believe that which makes them comfortable.

SimonGreedwell said...

DV said: "Nothing but good comes from them. You were mistaken if you thought these topics and posts have been about Abortion and Vaccines."

I thought no such thing good sir. I make a clear distinction between the blog entry itself and the discussion of the topic in the comment section. I certainly recognize the blog entries for what they are, but there's always the comment threads that exist underneath them. The comment threads are where those of us who aren't the blog's primary author get to interact with the host and the other lurkers. All I was saying is that certain topics tend to produce more toxic, heated commentary. That's all.

DV said: "These posts were emancipation exercises. They were about power. They were about freedom. My blog is a Memetic Boston Tea party.

Funny. I always thought you or CNu would peep it first. Or Submariner before he started acting funny."

Oh, I've been peeped it a long ass time ago, which is why I stick around here. Without a doubt, you are the unparalleled Master of the Memetic Meta Argument. You're the only blogger I know of that can argue almost exclusively with images and lyrics.

CNu said...

Bears repeating; Without a doubt, you are the unparalleled Master of the Memetic Meta Argument. (MMA)

The interesting thing about the MMA is that it puts into stark relief those whose mentations operate in the language of form, and, those who might as well have gotten the forceps on the forehead at 6 weeks, long before their little monkey wings were fully formed and prior to their heaping failure and shame on what their ancestors bestowed upon them...,

Jesus taught about this trichotomy....,

Big Man said...


Good point about conspiracy theories.

I actually believe in quite a few things that cats deem "conspiracy theories."

And I think DV raises interesting questions, which is why I consistently return here.

I had a convo with a friend of mine who is really interested in the NWO and Illumunati thing. I told him that his theory is plausible and possible. Yet, I don't quite understand the point. If the point is to make people aware of this possibility, then cool, that makes sense. But, I haven't seen where cats are advocating some widespread action to deal with what so many folks think are threats. Or, is the action supposed to be just a personal arming or something?

I get that DV wants cats to think, but then I'm curious about where folks are supposed to go after they start thinking.

Unknown said...

I think it's up to us what we do with knowledge

Denmark Vesey said...

The GC said ...

I thought no such thing good sir. I make a clear distinction between the blog entry itself and the discussion of the topic in the comment section. I certainly recognize the blog entries for what they are, but there's always the comment threads that exist underneath them. The comment threads are where those of us who aren't the blog's primary author get to interact with the host and the other lurkers. All I was saying is that certain topics tend to produce more toxic, heated commentary. That's all."

Ahhhh ... Ok Ok Ok. Big Ups! Big Ups. Gun salute! Pop! Pop!

Good point.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Man said ...

I get that DV wants cats to think, but then I'm curious about where folks are supposed to go after they start thinking."

Big Man said ...

I get that DV wants cats to think, but then I'm curious about where folks are supposed to go after they start thinking."

Big Man said ...

I get that DV wants cats to think, but then I'm curious about where folks are supposed to go after they start thinking."

Big Man said ...

I get that DV wants cats to think, but then I'm curious about where folks are supposed to go after they start thinking."

Well actually Big Man, I cover that in the DenmarkVesey2.0 upgrade.

$29.99 / month

or $300.00 / year.

No Discount Codes

SimonGreedwell said...

Big Man said ...

"I get that DV wants cats to think, but then I'm curious about where folks are supposed to go after they start thinking."



Each of us must choose which course of action we should take: education, conventional political action, or even peaceful civil disobedience to bring about necessary changes.

But let it not be said that we did nothing. Let not those who love the power of the welfare/warfare state label the dissenters of authoritarianism as unpatriotic or uncaring. Patriotism is more closely linked to dissent than it is to conformity and a blind desire for safety and security. Understanding the magnificent rewards of a free society makes us unbashful in its promotion, fully realizing that maximum wealth is created and the greatest chance for peace comes from a society respectful of individual liberty."
- Ron Paul (Before the U.S. House of Representatives, May 22, 2007)

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yeah TGC:
I certainly was cursing like a sailor the other day. DV's spot is the only place online aside from my own blog that I felt free enough to do so. Thanks it was a relief! I don't even talk like that in my own affairs, generally anyhow... :) heehheheeheh