Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Plantation Negros Have Been Programmed To Attack The Messenger • Got A More Relevant Take? Post A Link

Monckton lays out the cast that the United Nations, under the guise of climate change is working toward the implementation of a Marxist one-world government.

"If we must have a world government ... why can't we elect it?"


CNu said...

Since you asked Beelzebub......,

{doesn't the futility of trying to frost the LaRooshian turd with a coat of Black swag ever get a little old and tiring? sirusly magne - it's the intellectual equivalent of peddling Amway}

Denmark Vesey said...

As if on cue ...

Sci Fi Plantation Negro pops up with ... you guessed it:

"AhTak Da MessN Jah!"

lol. What happened to all that talk from you A Students about 'Da Scientific Method'?

All you are doing is calling my man names like a bunch of bitches.

Where is ANY contention of the relevant issues at hand?

I know you Malthusian Nerds are disappointed because you need "Global Warming Climate Change End Of The World" scenarios to fuel your little cult ... but come on bra.

How you going to line up on the wrong side of this issue?

I noticed summin' CNu. For all that Internet Smart Guy / Know Everything / Polysyllabic yick yack - you just as much a conformist as the other sheep.

I read your little link, and as predicted, it was 100% "AhTak Da MessN Jah!"

from LeVar's link:

1) "Lord Monckton: Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley. His bio includes receiving a diploma in journalism from the University College, Cardiff. (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 1

2) "He performed as a policy adviser for Margaret Thatcher. He has spent a great deal of energy lately attempting to establish himself as offering 'scientific' perspectives on human caused global warming." (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 2

3) "Rebuttal to Lord Monckton's arguments: his perspectives largely contain facts out of context, non sequitur and red herring arguments, as well as straw man constructions that are anything but scientifically sound when examined in context of the relevant science."

(Uhhhhh ... example LeVar?)

4) "Lord Monckton was born into his title." (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 3

5) "Apparently he has chosen to use his position and risk his reputation by spreading disinformation regarding the science of global warming." (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 4

6) "His opinions aside, his perspectives on the matter can best be described as naive, ignorant, or at worst fraudulent, or some combination of the three." (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 6 (No example)

7) "As to his title 'Lord' Monckton admits: "I'm afraid I do exploit it quite shamelessly." (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 7

8) "His main claim to fame is having worked for Margaret Thatcher as a policy adviser. It seems he was not very good at it though, at least not in the context of global warming. Margaret Thatcher was a very vocal proponent of moving quickly and meaningfully on the challenge of our time, that being 'human caused global warming'." (AhTak Da MessN Jah!) 8

um um um .... whoever wrote this for you LeVar is a straight bitch.

Thordaddy said...

The ONLY antidote to ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT is the rejection of ALL all-inclusive ideologies and an embrace of moral seperationism.

CNu said...




You asked for a more relevant take, and I gave you exactly what you asked for.

Monckton's collected pseudo-scientific scribblings accompanied by the specfic, relevant, scientific rebuttals of the same.

Now you got your lip poked out?

So much so that you feel compelled to cobble together 428 words and still ain't.said.shit?

That's checkmate kneegrowdamus!

Denmark Vesey said...

"Monckton's collected pseudo-scientific scribblings accompanied by the specfic, relevant, scientific rebuttals of the same." Sci Fi Negro

Even more ... "AhTak Da MessN Jah!"

Come on bra.

You don't even subscribe to the "Man Made Global Warming" cult anymore.

Why are you pretending to do so?

What? A little scientific jealousy? You mad because Monckton right ... and you ... and you ... just aint got nothing to say?

Come on man. Never took you for a Hater.

CNu said...

Never took you for a Hater.

Did that "queen-bee" shit you poppin ever even work for you in highschool?


What? A little scientific jealousy? You mad because Monckton right ... and you ... and you ... just aint got nothing to say?

Monckton's never said anything capable of withstanding scrutiny.

I've linked the relevant facts of the matter - as you "requested" - so that anyone interested can check and see for themselves.

That's why you strugglin so hard right now to try and change the subject.

You don't even subscribe to the "Man Made Global Warming" cult anymore.

Why are you pretending to do so?

I'm not.

What I am doing, however, is throwing cold water on a "special interest" corporate shill being handsomely compensated to run around attacking science with psuedoscientific blather.

Thordaddy said...

So this "Eastern Orthodox" cat is whimpering about "attacking science" while claiming his children didn't have any special life protection until around six or seven. A cat so "discriminating" that his woman can do as she pleases with said children because the science must say so or the religion doesn't oppose so. Only thing that makes all this coherent is radical autonomy. Dude is at war with reality.

Denmark Vesey said...

"What I am doing, however, is throwing cold water on a "special interest" corporate shill being handsomely compensated to run around attacking science with psuedoscientific blather." Sci Fi



"Attacking Science"?


Real science can no more be attacked than can math.

It speaks for itself.

You Plantation Negros Don't Know When To Stop.

Bunch of white nerds in Copenhagen with European accents shit out a few graphs and muhfuggas become the custodians of SCIENCE istelf.

1) You reject the meme that Man Made CO2 IS the Cause of Global Warming.

2) Monckton rejects the meme that Man Made CO2 IS the Cause of Global Warming.

3) You agree with Monckton that Man Made CO2 Is NOT the Cause of Global Warming.

4) You don't like Monckton.

Because Monckton gets paid.

To tell the truth.


Those cats getting paid Billions to LIE ... get a pass.

But you got time to call men names, who tell the truth.

Denmark Vesey said...

Somebody paid your monkey ass to shoot holes in the Anthropogenic Global Warming scam you'd be walking around with Platinum teeth in 2 months.

CNu said...

Too late Farce...,

Runnin up in your little pink booty shorts now - can't help your man escape what he asked for..,

CNu said...

Somebody paid your monkey ass to shoot holes in the Anthropogenic Global Warming scam you'd be walking around with Platinum teeth in 2 months.


pork chops ain't free DV!!!


The fact of the matter is that I effortlessly shoot down corporate shills - and the crypto-fascist propagandists who promote them - simply for entertainment value and out of the kindness of my truth-loving heart.

Denmark Vesey said...


Good man.

Thordaddy said...

This dude is shooting down corporate shills while he's SELLLING less production at a hefty price. This dude is corporate devil.

CNu said...

Going forward, significantly reduced production and consumption are and will be the defining parameters of civilized life.

Whether you all get that through your thick skulls or not, makes little or no difference to me, having spent the past 33 years of my life strenuously preparing for the alternatives.