Hang it up, dude. Seriously.
Denmark Vesey said ...

- Between 1962 and the year 2000, the number of obese Americans grew from 13% to an alarming 31% of the population.
- 63% of Americans are overweight with a Body Mass Index (BMI) in excess of 25.0.
- 31% are obese with a BMI in excess of 30.0.
- Childhood obesity in the United States has more than tripled in the past two decades.
- According to the U.S. Surgeon General report obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year.
"Fat boy"? Oh, it's like that now?
What's the matter, DV? I tag you too hard when we were slap-boxing last night?
According to the U.S. Surgeon General report obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year.
Deaths from polio: zero.
Deaths from smallpox: zero.
Deaths from rubella: zero.
Deaths from diphtheria: almost zero.
Deaths from whooping cough: 10.
Deaths from tetanus: 15.
Yaaay, vaccines!
Nah Bra.
Not like that.
You my man.
You know I mean nothin' by it. I don't know if you fat or not. It just sounds good to set off a post:
"OK. Fat Boy ..."
But seriously.
Do you really ... really ... REALLY .. think you won something last night?
I mean. You don't think them dudes are gassing you up? A little bit? Little bit?
I mean of course CNu and DMG going go through the motions like you "said something".
They too took the Plantation position: 'Unprocessed salt is of no more benefit than processed salt'.
I'm on the side that says there is a health consequence to eating processed salt.
That the Plantation Medical Paradigm wants to TREAT sickness instead of PREVENTING sickness by avoiding what causes hypertension and high blood pressure - Sodium that your body cannot metabolize.
Don't you feel like those dudes defending Vioxx before it was pulled?
Do you know how many more people will die from eating the processed salt in processed foods than died from Vioxx?
Bacteria in the salt? LOL
What natural foods don't have bacteria on them?
Do you really ... really ... REALLY .. think you won something last night?
Ask the peoples. Put it to a poll, brohamton.
Sodium that your body cannot metabolize.
DV, you ignorant slut. What proof do you have that the body "cannot metabolize" Morton's salt?
If MOTI gave me any indication that he actually knew anything about metabolism, or even why we recommend a low sodium diet, I might waste more time here correcting him. Does he really think invocation of the word "plantation" really sets anybody off? Again, to paraphrase Submariner, ain't nobody calling MOTI at 3am when they have chest pain and can't breathe...for good reason.
"even why we recommend a low sodium diet" DMG
Who is "we" Doc?
Is there anything YOU recommend that the Plantation doesn't recommend?
I mean, don't act like you are not just parroting drug industry / HMO mandates.
"Low-Sodium" diet.
What in the HELL is that? Talk about quackery.
1) 90% of the Plantation Negro diet is processed foods.
2) Processed foods are made with processed salt.
3) Processed salt aint nuthin' but sodium.
Straight. Do you know the difference between SALT and SODIUM?
So is it better to have a shorter and more healthy life -
Or a long life filled with illness (or the side-effects of medications)?
You don't get it, ugly. Life used to be shorter because it was filled with illness... awful diseases like polio and smallpox which, if they didn't kill you, crippled or blinded you.
Life is longer now because of the "plantation medicine" that DV be dumping on because he thinks it makes him sound cool.
It's obvious you are out of your depth by the veracity with which you avoid my questions.
Again, do you know why we (YES Mufugger WE) recommend a low sodium diet?
DV, do you have health insurance?
Yes Michael. I have insurance.
Car accidents. Shootouts. Shit like that.
Do you have it?
Seems like people had more problems with diseases back in the day, but ate better and got more exercise.
The solution seems simple.
Most of the "increased lifespan" is due to decreased infant mortality.
IOW, let's say some dude in 1930 lived until 94, but his baby brother died at birth. Average lifespan then is 47.
Now, some dude lives until 80 but his baby brother survives - and lives until 78. Their average lifespan has now "increased" to 79.
Although in reality, once they survived infancy, the modern folks actually lived less long.
Not to mention, back then, a lot more men died young from World Wars, more dangerous hard labor jobs, etc etc.
So what's really increased here is more infant care - not necessarily lifespan (although that may have increased some too, but not nearly as much as it may appear).
^Car accidents. Shootouts.
If you are shot and need medical attention. Do you intend to forgo any anesthetic drugs during surgery as well as any anti-biotics to prevent any possible infection?
medical attention?!?!
jes put him in a warm tub of pink himalayan sea salt water and let the essential ionic vibratory perturbations realign his cellular matrix with the optimal lion on the throne configuration that's his birthright via centuries of highly selective breeding....,
Anon Said
"Most of the "increased lifespan" is due to decreased infant mortality"
So what changed Anon? I don't understand your logic??
Casper said...
"So what changed Anon? I don't understand your logic??"
If you are shot and need medical attention. Do you intend to forgo any anesthetic drugs during surgery as well as any anti-biotics to prevent any possible infection?
Mike, I'd probably just heat up a knife and cauterize the wound. Maybe sprinkle a little gunpowder in there to fight off gangrene.
No pussy boy anti-biotics.
Just enough so I could clip up and bang back.
The funny thing is that most of the gangbanger gunshot victims I've seen are usually crying for moms...or whining about the needle the nurse is putting in his arm, or throwing a fit when I'm putting a finger in his anus to check for rectal tone (which might tell me that he has suffered injury to his spinal cord).
Obviously MOTI is making a joke. Right? Because even the most "ignant nigga" isn't going to pretend that a 9mm round entering his chest or abdomen didn't do damage beyond opening the skin.
I can tell you that if you are shot and require surgical exploration you will be getting antibiotics, and anesthesia. Your consent is implied as you possibly have a life threatening injury. Later you'll be crying for all of the best pain meds that the "plantation" offers. I promise I won't give you away.
Please don't forget to thank the "plantation" doctors who saved your life on the way out.
Cauterize the wound...you made my day with that.
DV, it is bad enough that black folks on the average have limited access to quality health care. Now there are plenty of examples of irresponsible drug companies and medical professionals, but overall we need an extension of quality health care and modern medicine, not a return to conditions where "just heats up a knife and cauterizes the wound. Maybe sprinkle a little gunpowder in there to fight off gangrene."
... we need an extension of quality health care and modern medicine...
Fisher is correct. Africans in Africa need it even more so.
Or they can stick with the "traditional healers" who make "medicine" out of the body parts of murdered albinos.
@ UBM - Nah... I get that.
Medication applied correctly is a good thing.
The over-dependence is what's bad.
Giving medications as the ONLY answer is also bad. There has to be an attempt at natural healing first - medication second (Not the other wat around).
Medication should not be confused with the practice of medicine.
Doctors are not the ones the create medicine, pharmaceuitcal companies do.
Focus should always be on prevention, then treatment of the person, not the disease. Even most holistic approaches to illness use this as a rule. People get sick because some energy in their body is out of balance. Any sickness, mental and physical. Some Westernized medicine works better for trauma instances and Eastern medicine works better toward long-term prevention. A combination of the two would be most beneficial.
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