Monday, February 07, 2011

“That a peasant may become king does not render the kingdom democratic.” - Woodrow T. Wilson

DMG said ....
"You all can couch it in any terms you want. You are just too weak (or stuck on yourselves) to admit that you all are a bunch of goddamn racists."

"Stay in my place? Who the fuck are YOU of all people to tell me anything. There's nothing profound in what you are writing. You've never written anything to suggest critical thinking above a third grade level. You are too predictable."

"You go back to the same tired argument of "you've been taught this, and that", or "plantation...excreta, excreta" on que. Do you really see yourself as some sort of beacon of enlightenment? You are a dullard and a fraud. You haven't proven otherwise."

"All this talk about peasants makes me nauseous, coming from this group, one of the worst informed groups of people I've met online. You all act as though you are descended from kings and queens. And even if you were, this doesn't make you any better or worse.

Denmark Vesey said ...

Ahhhh shut up Jigaboo.

Dude. You here more than me.

Because this is school for you. I am reinventing you Negro. One meme at a time. Stop fighting it. You will thank me for it later.

Here's something "profound" for you to chew on doc. Prince Charles "acts like he was descended from kings and queens". When in fact he is descended from a bunch of big nosed inbred dimwits who never picked up a sword in their lives.

But your punk ass would curtsey in his presence. If he knighted you Sir Plantation Negro MD, it would your greatest joy in life. Why? Because you swallow every Plantation meme hook line and sinker. You've never had an independent thought in your life.

Maybe if you considered yourself descended from kings and queens you wouldn't be squirting monkey virus up your nose to protect yourself from a hoax. But you are. Which is a statement about your own self worth. Monkey.

Deep down inside you really believe you were descended from slaves which is why you still act like one. You hate a black man who scoffs at your voluntary servitude and disdains that joke you call a "medical education" because you allow it to define you.

You hate anyone who dares create memes other than your precious Plantation massa. You confuse authority with truth, orthodoxy with creativity and knowledge with understanding. Your education is limited and linear. You know the price of everything and the value of nothing. You are a peasant with a paper degree and student loans. Stay in your place. Let the Kings and Queens do the heavy thinking.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Gotdamit, did I hear the fight bell ring, indicating this round is over!

Anonymous said...

"Dude. You here more than me."

Of course, there's alot of bullshit to clean up.

There's nothing informative about your site just one outlandish statement after another for shock value.

"Here's something "profound" for you to chew on doc. Prince Charles "acts like he was descended from kings and queens". When in fact he is descended from a bunch of big nosed inbred dimwits who never picked up a sword in their lives."

And you negros are steady trying to emulate that big nosed welfare king aren't you? You even base your concept of royalty on him. Talking about bloodlines.

"But your punk ass would curtsey in his presence"

Don't assume you know me. Don't forget who you are talking to. You aren't exempt from my size 12 in your ass. So let's take a step back into reality. I don't bow to anyone. Not you, not some overpaid welfare recipient.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe if you considered yourself descended from kings and queens"

So I can walk around like the pseudo-intellectual ghetto motherfuckers talking about "god" this and that? No, thank you, I prefer to live in reality.

I know my worth. I don't have to invent a history to be proud of what I see in the mirror? What? You didn't think I picked up on your self invented narcissistic history...heavy on the high yellow side..

"Deep down inside you really believe you were descended from slaves which is why you still act like one."

Slavery was a reality. Or do you think your "king/queen" ancestors got off the ship running things? The people who act like slaves are the ones who are still talking about you Mr. Plantation. Plantation this, plantation that. You can't seem to disconnect yourself from where you feel comfortable, sitting your house negro ass on the plantation, worshipping all things light skin and bright (I've peeped the pics)

"You hate a black man who scoffs at your voluntary servitude and disdains that joke you call a "medical education" because you allow it to define you."

I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you. You couldn't do what I do, you don't have what it takes. Not the intelligence, not the humility.

"You hate anyone who dares create memes"

I live in the real world, I couldn't give a fuck about your "memes".

You are creative. You create a nice fantasy world, where you sit as leader of your own private fiefdom, dropping turds of twisted "wisdom" on those stupid enough to open their mouths like baby birds to swallow all of those festering half-truths and outright lies you defecate into their trusting throats.

"Your education is limited and linear."

On the contrary, my education is wide and varied. Medicine is but one aspect. I've lived in every part of this country, done just about every kind of job, been hungry, seen the grime that is the ghetto, walked past bodies burned from close air support, and artillery fire. Traveled across the planet without aid of credit card, other financial support, or or pretty nonfunctional shoes you like to show off. I can speak with pedigreed twits, or homeless geniuses. No sir, you are one dimensional, as you have the same retort for everything. You cannot fight with facts so you resort to lies, twisted logic, and your own definitions.

I take you calling me a "peasant" as a badge of honor.

That King you described as a big nosed usurper, sucking off the sweat of the people is you. I don't come from money, nor think my blood and DNA is better than the next man. I don't look down my nose at people.

But the fact still remains, you are rhymes and diversions. I am facts and solid arguments. You can't fuck with me, and it pisses you off. Guess your bloodline has failed you.

Stay in my place? Isn't that something a coddled, soft handed, lazy minded person whose status is not earned but bequeathed would say to someone who has fought hard for every stitch of clothing and position?

...usurper of the Royal couch imposter RAdio of Moses' bush...(motherfucker you are Set, and don't even know...trying to keep black folks ignorant, superstitious, and distracted with bullshit conspiracy theories, and memes).

You know what eventually happens to kings...Qu'on leur coupe la tête.


Thordaddy said...

A humble atheist...? Now that's radical autonomy.

Michael Fisher said...

Dang DMG, talking about blog murder. My hat off to ya, Sir.

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...

Dang DMG, talking about blog murder. My hat off to ya, Sir.

^^LOL. Ricky Hatton telling Juan Miguel Marquez he just murdered Floyd Money Mayweather.

Anonymous said...

I just love reading your posts. Much respect!

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

DV and DMG, Maybe the two of you can chill for just a moment to read this.

I don't have your email address but have I've been wanting to ask you about something for a very long time, and hope you (or DMG) will know about it.

Google "goat doctor", AIDS, and "Gary Davis". I read an article about this black physician in the Washington Post many years ago.

If I recall correctly, he used serum from goat, rather than a pig like researchers had, to see if it worked on HIV patients. The idea came to him in a dream from God.

I *think* it was based on this principal: "A common source of such foreign protein is horse serum, an ingredient present in many venom antidotes" [for snake bites]

So he woke up and thought that the researchers had the right idea, but used the wrong animal.

He submitted what he developed for approval for testing but it was denied and caught more red tape than normal.

Shortly afterwards, the mother of one of his patients broke into his office and stole it (my guess is this was the story she and Davis used so he wouldn't lose his license). Well, the child was allegedly cured of HIV.

Then the government moved in on his azz and they were supposed to do some testing on it or something, and had him sign a contract of secrecy. On his site three or four years ago that I saw, he was not allowed to talk about it at all and you could see he was dying to.

He went to Africa to work with one of their governments or doctors over there.

At some point, may before or after he left for Africa, someone burned down his lab. Then he died two years ago, and there's no mention of how he died, where he died, an obituary, nothing that I could find.

You can purchase the original April 2000 story for a few bucks from the Washington Post, see here:
wpost archives for Goat Doctor. If that link doesn't work just do an advanced archive search at their paper.

Today is World AIDS day, and I'm pissed that the media buried this story almost from the day after it was published, and that nearly 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

You mean this dude?

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

DMG, for someone who is supposed to be a doctor, I question your reading comprehension skills. That article you linked was not about Dr. Gary Davis. It says:

"“The trials have now to this date gone through three phases, all of which have proved totally reliable in the cure of Aids” – that is what it said on the business plan.

If the claim were true it would be headline news for the world. Instead the headline news tonight, on Newsnight, is that we have uncovered a scheme by a British company to test a totally unproven “cure” for AIDS on patients in the African kingdom of Swaziland. The “cure” is based on goat serum.

The scheme was proposed by a British-based company called CARD, run by a man called Michael Hart Jones. He approached film actor Richard E Grant to front the scheme: Richard was born in Swaziland – fortunately he was not born yesterday: he came to us....

No where does it say Dr. Davis was involved with that scheme designed by a British-based company.

You know, it really pisses me off when someone has an advanced education and can't even comprehend a fucking news article correctly, then passes on their ignorance like a virus. No wonder DV puts you on blast.

Denmark Vesey said...

Anonymous said...

I just love reading your posts. Much respect!

^^ same IP address as Mike Fisher.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Trill, writing a grant at the same time.

But it IS about Goat serum, and it is related to Gary Randolph Davis, M.D....who I believe died at age 55? There's no evidence this works.

Anonymous said... the way Trill, don't throw stones-- you know the rest

(13th paragraph)
"In the meantime I will give you some of the jaw-dropping background to goat serum. It was dreamed up, literally, by a US doctor called Gary Davis. He saw himself in a dream injecting goats and concluded, as anyone would, that this was a revelation from God that goats can cure HIV."

Anonymous said...

So to get to your question. Who knows if it works? It hasn't been tested, and there seems to be something shady. A dream from God can't be placed in the reference section.

Selling an unproven, untested "cure", or trying to test it in a foreign country is unethical to say the least.

Anonymous said...

...and perhaps "DV" is also dx, and the many anonymous' I don't thrive an adulation, don't worry the limelight is still yours.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

Precious Thomas was cured by it.

Regarding his dream, with God, all things are possible.

And IF HIV was designed in a lab originally to depopulate blacks in Africa as yet another landgrab like the smallpox blankets were to the Native Americans, then it's a given those sames powers would bury any evidence of it working, would it not?

And why all the resistance in letting this black physician do testing, especially after the HIV infected child showed recovery and perhaps a cure? I wonder why the media hasn't done yearly follow ups on that child who would be an adult now, and I think that a thinking person would wonder that too.

Anonymous said...

For one, the media has no say, they wouldn't know a cure from a fake.

OK, Trill if you want to discuss "divine" intervention, I'm not that dude. And I'll let you and our host go on from here.

If you want to know my opinion on real science, let me know. As far as Precious Thomas--who knows? For all the disdain for the H1N1 vaccine, you seem to be more than willing to jump to conclusions about an unproven serum made from goats that you heard may or may not have "cured" a girl. It would be fantastic if this physician DID find a cure...but a general practitioner (with no formal training in virology, immunology or molecular techniques) testing something he pulled out of a goat that may or may not be research grade on a young child because he has a hunch...that's just wrong. Add burned down labs, and stolen samples to this, makes this a bit too shady for my liking. Perfect fodder for conspiracy, though. Hey MOTI, I've got a meme for you.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

And no, DMG, I wasn't looking for no limelight or an opportunity to offend you, but was shocked at the misleading link you provided.

I'll also say that testing an unproved drug in a foreign country is not unethical if the patients consent to it. I can't say whether or not our government has banned individual US doctors or small US based firms from doing this, and that's a whole different issue from ethics.

I've simply wondered what really happened to that guy, and have never seen DV write about him. Most people have never heard about Dr. Gary Davis. I'll come back tomorrow and see what, if anything, The Blackest Man On The Internet has dug up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Trill, that adulation thing was aimed at our host.

I didn't think it was misleading. There's barely a mention on any reputable site about this guy. I don't know if you are aware, but going to medical school doesn't necessarily train a person to do basic science bench research. And nothing in his CV suggests otherwise. I also don't see evidence that he was affiliated with any lab, had funding, or other support any serious scientist would have. He might have had some goats in his backyard and some needles from work.

It's absolutely unethical to test drugs in a foreign country if one has been denied access to U.S. population. If big pharm firms were doing this MOTI would (rightfully) be all over it. Poor folks don't need to be guinea pigs. Not sure if you've ever read anything about Clinical Trials, but it's no easy task to get one accepted, and costs alot of money.

Denmark Vesey said...

Sista Kit,

Interesting story. I wasn't familiar with Gary Davis. Thank you for that.

Sad to say that story does not surprise me.

Most intelligent people can see that the official HIV/AIDS theory has as many holes as does the official 911 theory.

The millions of "AIDS" victims in southern Africa are victims of biological warfare.

Something was introduced into them that attacked the immune systems of an entire generation.


Actually ... WHO.

The World Health Organization.

The deaths of millions of southern Africans due to AIDS corresponds with the mass vaccinations of millions of southern Africans.

10% of the world's population has 60% of the world's AIDS.

That aint natural.

The mysterious demise of a doctor who challenged the medical pharmaceutical industrial complex does not surprise me.

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to say that you would have supported Davis'..ahem.. "vaccine"?

Don't twist too hard now, you don't want to pull any muscles. Take a breath and stretch good first before you answer that.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

DV, Me either, and I co-sign to what you said 'cause it ain't nothing new. I was hoping you'd know if he died from a natural death or not, or know more about the case. Thanks anyway.

Denmark Vesey said...

Are you trying to say that you would have supported Davis'..ahem.. "vaccine"? DMG

I'm not trying to say anything.

I said precisely:

'The mysterious demise of a doctor who challenged the medical pharmaceutical industrial complex does not surprise me.'

I think the body heals itself Doc.

I think "vaccines" are the products of fear and ignorance masquerading as science.

The immune system of Africans were fine until you Plantation Medical doctors decided to "save" them from polio by injecting them with viruses taken from monkeys.

Now ... instead of a few thousand polio cases ... they have millions of AIDS cases.

Thanks ... doc.

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah Sista Kit. Don't know how he died. But I'm interested now. Let me know when you find something. Sounds like that doctor wasn't a Plantation Negro ... loyal to a system not in his own interest.

Michael Fisher said...

^^ same IP address as Mike Fisher.

You wouldn't know an I PEE A DRESS if it rained on your head, "DV". Besides, you don't have the requisite software on your site to figure such things out. And no, it wasn't me who gave DMG that compliment.

Anonymous said...


It's very entertaining how you take DV's bait everytime.