Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Come On Bra ...

KonWomyn said...
Hi I'm not trying to disrepsect the dead by what I said bec it's generating talk. And I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Denmark either coz this ain't even my cyberspace to be having back n forths with people. As incomprehensible as I may have sounded: what I was trying to say was that MJ was not even in a place where you could say he looked white, he was so pale & that he was without race (please understand this in the framework of Black identity & questions of whiteness) I think he was so caught up in this twisted cycle that he believed his own manufactured look was genetic, hence the white children. The nose & lips are cosmetic extras in the quest of perfect beauty and eternal youth. I'm not dismissing arguments abt confused racial identity; but his greatness & his eccentricity fed this cosmetic alteration in ways so complex it produced someone who wanted *dare I say* to be without race - there's another side of looking at it and saying these are the manifestations of internal identity conflict - but as DMG said these are all our speculations and we can never really know as MJ has passed forward to the next life.
The Most High Rest MJ's Soul.

Denmark Vesey said ...
Hello KonWomyn, welcome to the spot. I hope we don't scare you away.

There are some smart and pretty hip characters up in here just waiting for somebody to slip up and say something a bit off center.

But don't take it the wrong way. It's all love. Now, with that said. I agree with you.


You ever seen a white person look like Michael Jackson? Michael was MICHAEL . Brother was so bad, he damn near created his own race.

All that Plantation Negro psychobabble about "now wanting to be black" or not wanting to be "African" is malarchy.


All that "Demons" and "Tormented" and "Troubled" talk is ...


"Not wanting to be black" makes as much sense as not wanting to be tall.

Black isn't a complexion.

Black is being able to touch the world.

When Michael was white as a cotton ball he was blacker than 99% of the Negros in America.


IWonderAsIWander said...

The family came out and said the kids are not biologically Michael's, nor are they Debbie Rowe's.

If you listen closely to Michael in his interviews, the level of self-hatred - especially regarding his looks - was incredibly intense, far beyond anyting you or I could imagine. Sometimes in life, you give someone of ultimate talent a "pass." Mike is the ONLY person I give a pass to for this type of behavior.

Anonymous said...

Debbie Rowe was only a surrogate for some European woman's offspring. Blanket was adopted.

Basically, Mikey was carrying on his own Hitlerian Aryan-breeding program.

One can only wonder if perhaps he was a diehard Black-lynching White supremacist in a past life? Anyone notice all the NAZI-esque regalia he loved to wear?

It is amazing how deep Mikey plunged himself into his fantasy of being White. But what's really amazing is how many Black folks religiously idolize someone who loathed being Black so dam much. Kinda like OJ. He could care less about Black (women & community), but they were all the main ones who supported him during his trial.

CNu said...

jes grew rode MJ harder than anyone else in the 20th century.

irrespective of his idiosyncracies, he left an indelible and objective record this fact that is universally evident.

everything else is conversation among those lacking the ears to hear or the eyes to see....,

Denmark Vesey said...

"If you listen closely to Michael in his interviews, the level of self-hatred - especially regarding his looks"

I don't know about all that cuz.

Self-hate? Looks?

Plantation Medicine sells $Billions worth of plastic surgery a year. People alter their appearance. Especially pop icons. Michael was an extreme case.

Hate himself? I don't know about all that.

Does Joan Rivers hate herself?

Do white men with Toupees and Hair transplants and bronzer hate themselves?

Do women with big ol' fake Titties hate themselves?

Extreme? Yes. Unfortunate choices? Yes.

Hate himself? Nahhhhhhh

Denmark Vesey said...

Jes Grew?

Didn't get that one CNu.

CNu said...

Get it and read it today DV. (or over the holiday weekend)

It is the indispensible foundationstone of the afrofuturist canon. Parliament-Funkadelic leader George Clinton has cited Mumbo Jumbo as a primary source of inspiration for his P-Funk mythology

Anonymous said...

I believe Sir Nose Devoid of Funk is a member of the Wallflower Order...I could be wrong.

CNu said...

atonists are everywhere and all around you Doc, matter fact - becoming cognizant of the extent to which they pervade and control all walks of life is referred to in the Work as "the terror of the situation".

GDAWG said...

Debbie Rowe; Madoff; etc... I mean other than gender, what's the effing difference. SCUMBAGS. And worst.
As to MJ.......

GDAWG said...

Oh. I forgot to include the scumbag dermatologist Debbie "worked" who "she" said was the "actually sperm donor" for MJ's "offspring" according to some reports.
Ha! He, perhaps, donated the sperm alright. GOD!

GDAWG said...

Terribly sriking physical resemblance between the dermatolgist and the two oldest kids of MJ. Can't wait for the DNA test. Then the scam of jacko will be revealed.

KonWomyn said...

Hi I jst stumbled on your blog (I was googleing stuff on Obama & killing of the Somali pirates) but found this MJ story interesting. Statement above the pic is funny tho' - 'nuff said. Anyway my 2cents is: I don't know if Michael hated his Black self at all - why wld he give to Black charities, College Funds & hve Black staff as his nanny, doctor or lawyers? I do believe he had the skin disorder vitiligo and he took the most extreme method of 'fixing' his condition. He was a perfectionist and everything he did had to be extra, he couldn't stand to have those blotches on his face so whitewash was his crazed way of 'fixing things'. In the end his skin was beyond a white person's, jst totally pale. IMO it wasn't abt race; it was abt wanting to stand out & being so eccentric & unique that he was the only person who looked that way. As much as the world was obsessed with him, he fed on it & created more for pple to be obsessed by. I think MJ's situ was abt the OCD eccentric ways of artists than aspiring to whiteness. As for the kids, well errybody always had questions; now we knw.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this tortued soul--RIP--was the first black person with melanin recessive genes.

pink said...

Kon Womyn, what do you get when you combine the white skin, white children and hacking off half of a nose and lips?

Anonymous said...

Did MJ hate himself? Did he hate being black? Was he self-destructive because of his feelings about being black?

I think the only person who can answer that question is MJ. But he took the answers to the grave.

Does this tell us anything?:

1. Multiple facial plastic surgery procedures to alter his features to something much less typically African.

2. Three blond children (some with blue eyes) who may not have any of his genetic material.

3. Is "skin bleaching" the only therapy available for vitiligo? No.

4. He spent far more money than he had in the bank.

We can only speculate. Perhaps he didn't care for his looks, and wanted to make changes. Perhaps he really liked little white children. Maybe his skin condition was best treated by lightening. He wasn't very good balancing his checkbook. The above doesn't tell us anything about what was in his mind or heart. But it doesn't make him a prophet either.

He was a man who sang and danced very well. I have my personal thoughts about him, but I think I'll let the dead rest. The jackals (which may include some of his own relatives) will be picking his corpse clean for sometime to come anyway. My wish for his kids is that some grounded family member (or even unrelated anonymous family) takes them in to allow them to have a quiet childhood far away from glitz, talk-shows, lawyers, paparazzi, and those who would exploit them.

KonWomyn said...

Hi I'm not trying to disrepsect the dead by what I said bec it's generating talk. And I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Denmark either coz this ain't even my cyberspace to be having back n forths with people. As incomprehensible as I may have sounded: what I was trying to say was that MJ was not even in a place where you could say he looked white, he was so pale & that he was without race (please understand this in the framework of Black identity & questions of whiteness) I think he was so caught up in this twisted cycle that he believed his own manufactured look was genetic, hence the white children. The nose & lips are cosmetic extras in the quest of perfect beauty and eternal youth. I'm not dismissing arguments abt confused racial identity; but his greatness & his eccentricity fed this cosmetic alteration in ways so complex it produced someone who wanted *dare I say* to be without race - there's another side of looking at it and saying these are the manifestations of internal identity conflict - but as DMG said these are all our speculations and we can never really know as MJ has passed forward to the next life.
The Most High Rest MJ's Soul.

Anonymous said...

Psychological self-mutilation became physical self-mutilation, which led to death. It happens everyday in Black America.

lawegohard said...

Do you just go in and say give me an MJ? What the F is going on with little Kim and Vivica?

DV, loved the tag-line to this entry.

pink said...

"You ever seen a white person look like Michael Jackson?"

Faye Dunaway???

CNu said...

When Michael was white as a cotton ball he was blacker than 99% of the Negros in America.


Denmark Vesey is school..,

Anonymous said...

Actually, Michael got his signature move (moonwalk), and possibly his Whiteface from..

this White French mime.

So, does that make a powder-faced French mime blacker than 99% of American Negros + 1 Michael Jackson?

CNu said...

nah byrd...,

it just proves you lamer than phuk even trying to pretend that the great and memorable marcel marceau ever even dreamt about doing what MJ flagrantly and explicitly demonstrated as a matter of course.

Anonymous said...

Hm, white face, white glove, it all makes sense now.

Mikey lifted most of his act from the European artform of mimes.

Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous, man! Chemical peels and all of it. And I don't understand it. But he obviously didn't want to be black. - Quincy Jones on Michael Jackson

Sasha said...

Here is the full article


I've lost some respect for Quincy. Talking about Michael's children. Quincy's daugther looks just like Paris Michael Katherine Jackson.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

What amazes me is that the same Conformity Police who would froth at the mouth and scream bigot if anyone were to question what kind of mental illness would possess someone to attempt to change their gender, will be all up in here all offended because MJ allegedly tried to alter his race.

"He didn't want to Black anymore...wah, wah, wah..."

But if a guy grows boobs and wears a skirt, that's "liberation".


pink said...

Personally, I think Mike wanted to be white... does that offend me? Of course not, doesn't affect my life at all. I'm black and it works for me. I loved MJ but I'm not going to sit up here and pretend that turning your skin white, doing away with your more African features, and having fully white children are not pretty good darn indicators of not wanting to be white. Hell I ain't even seen a nap in the man's hair since the 70's.

As for men cutting their balls of and gluing them to their chest, have at it, that doesn't offend me either but once again I'm not going to pretend it's not going on.

pink said...

...excuse the typos, trying to multi-task.

Anonymous said...

pink - agreed. What boggles my mind here is how anyone can still deny the blindingly obvious fact that Michael intentionally wanted to be white. I mean, the measures he took were so extreme yet consistent across the board with that motive, that I don't even see how any other explanation is even possible?

When you have dozens of surgeries, use skin bleaching cream & white make-up, wear a straight-haired wig, only hang out with white kids or the occasional white women and order up some white kids to pass off as your own - what level of denial must grown rabid fanbois still be in to pretend it had nothing to do with wishing he was white??? Really this is not rocket science kiddos.

I mean, if a tranny gets his twig & berries lopped off and starts taking estrogen pills - does anyone also deny the fact that he IS TRYING TO CHANGE HIS GENDER B/C HE WISHES HE WAS FEMALE?

If not, then how can anyone still question the obvious fact that MICHAEL JACKSON WISHED HE WAS WHITE AND TRIED TO CHANGE HIS RACE TO WHITE?

Sasha said...

Ask the white women who inject their lips, asses, and use spray tan (my bad, "bronzer") and then adopt babies from Africa if they are on a desperate mission to become black women.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Michael Jackson couldn't change his "race" to White anymore than some silly ass tranny can change its gender. You can mess around with the accessories all you like, but the fundamentals remain.

Perhaps he wanted to be "White" in appearance, but he never became "White" in thought, which is a more important matter. In stark contrast with many of the Plantation lovers who won't dare hold an opinion that some Stein or Smith hasn't first endorsed in the NYT.

pink said...

Nope didn't become white at all. I don't think anyone is questioning that fact.

Anonymous said...

"Ask the white women who inject their lips, asses, and use spray tan (my bad, "bronzer") and then adopt babies from Africa if they are on a desperate mission to become black women."

Bronze is not black, but a medium complexion for many races - particularly southern euros, hispanics and asians. But I have yet to see a white woman use a black spray tan.

Or get her hair kinked up.

Or nose flattened and broadened.

And medium lips (as opposed to thin ones) are also a cross-racial trait.

Certainly, Madonna or Jolie, who have adopted some kids from Africa, would never be mistaken for anything other than white.

Look, if the other god's son, blacker than black GOAT negro ..simply HATED being Black with a suicidal passion, and wished to God he was WHITE, why is that so hard to admit? Must fanbois come up with every implausible excuse in the book to deny the plainly obvious? 2 snaps to Quincy for be able to speak frankly about this issue, which is apparently too painful for the majority of Black fanbois to admit.

Anonymous said...

"Michael Jackson couldn't change his "race" to White anymore than some silly ass tranny can change its gender."

No, but he sure tried, just like them!

"Perhaps he wanted to be "White" in appearance, but he never became "White" in thought"

Well, not sure what you mean by "White" thought???

But I think his actions were def more pro-White than pro-Black.

And he was a diehard user of plantation medicine and happily endorsed Pepsi. So was basically a drug pusher for kids. How much more plantation can a negro get?

pink said...

"Ask the white women who inject their lips, asses, and use spray tan (my bad, "bronzer") and then adopt babies from Africa if they are on a desperate mission to become black women."

Honestly, I do think that these women do wish they could look like me... I don't think that they see beauty in their own recessive genes, at least not when they have me to compare themselves to. If you're looking at the cumulative effect with michael (skin, features, hair,children) then let's not be hypocritical. If I see a white woman with collagen injected lips, "bronzed" skin, and padded underwear (yes you can buy an ass), then I'm assuming she wants to be me.

CNu said...

Well, not sure what you mean by "White" thought???

The alleged child molestation would be a prime example given that child cannibalization, murder and mutilation are staples of european historical and mythical narrative and practice.

But I think his actions were def more pro-White than pro-Black.


nobody here gives a dog's shit what you think.

you're a contemptible worm ashamed to even spew your filth through the auspices of a consistent alias.

you're here to do two things and two things only.

1. instigate unpleasant qualia among Black and Black-aligned folk.

2. parasitize the negative attention you garner with your psychic vandalism.

Black and Black aligned folk - please disregard this duppified wretch.

DV should've banned your IP address(s) weeks ago. Absent that, the rest of us should simply banish you to the sucking void in which you subsist....,

KonWomyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

Pink is truth.

starving duppies yamm-down Black love...,

pink said...

KonWomyn, everybody wants to be a nigga but nobody wants to be a nigga.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Is the question whether you, as a Black woman think she's trying to look Black or is the operative cultural question whether other White folks look at that collagen-injected, fake-tanned, orange fish lookin' broad and cry, "she's trying to look Black". "She's trying to change her race to Black".

Do White people look at Fergie and Angelina and whine about that shit all day?

KonWomyn said...

I'm re-posting cos I've jst been looking at something by Manthia Diawara (great writer & scholar if y'ever come across his work)and his take on being post-Black is something that I always found to be so true for me. Maybe bec he talks abt Blackness as not just abt skin color but about an African identity that's changeable in different contexts. He feels in New York he's 'Black and Black and nothing else but being Black' in France he's a French speaking man from a former colony, but his race is of little importance. Its about assimilation. So in those two situations when one is denied racial identity and in another made to feel the brunt of Blackness bec of an oppressive system where does one begin to identify themselves? Are things really down to skin color or is there a more complex way of looking at things that supercedes the discourse Blackness/Whiteness. My supervisor always knocks down my post-Black stance - mainly bec it's half-formed and its time I thought more deeply abt it esp in the case of MJ.
Now after that long pre-amble here's what I'd said abt MJ and I've edited out some bits bec I'm not sure if I do truly agree with all y'all bec of what I've jst been reminded of:
I have to admit my theory doesn't hold strongly against the tide of comments that have been posted. For me I wanted to find another reason than an aspiration to whiteness to suggest that Mike wanted to be in a league of his and look so so so different to anyone else that he was unclassifiable - but is that a clear denial of his Blackness or are we so used to opposing Blackness with Whiteness that this is the only approach we will use? Surely its a li'l reductive to bring everything down to aspirations of whiteness? I just think that wanting to be white is like the ultimate insult for a Black person - for all that the system of whiteness (not white pple) has put us through for centuries, and for all that Black people all over the globe have fought for wanting to be white is like the lowest thing I'd ever want to be - even for MJ. Listen to his music Bad, Black or White, you tell me talking abt racism as Mike looked is comparable to Marcel the mime? Cos that's like suggesting all that was an illusion & mimickry - cos that's what a mime does. MJ was in my opinion, defiant of racial categories & if he wanted to be white - then that's only bec we're applying the tools we have at hand - of course Babylon wants us to believe that; its the ultimate way of weakening Black people so we forget we are powerful beyond measure & racial boxes. I guess that's what I was trying to say & I know I'll face a barrage of comments from pple and I hope I won't feel swayed by it. My opinion is all this is, just like yours.
Regarding white women who tan themselves & adopt Black kids - please they want Black culture because its cool n funky but they'll be the first to clutch their purses and dial 999/911 the minute a Black hoodie approaches. So do they really want to be me - a full on Black experience everyday & be cool with the hoodies and also face the burdens of being a Black woman in Europe or America where you've been on the margins of society for centuries since your first presence? I'd say a big fat NO! It looks cool on the outside, but they'd only be Black insofar as they can also maintain the privilege of whiteness and frankly I don't want them to be Black - I'd appreciate them spending their cash not in a tanning bar but finding a way of deconstructing the white system of iniquity rather than mimicking me.


pink said...

II, I answer every question as a black woman so my answer was based upon what I believe. I'm not concerned about what other white people see when they look at those women and if they do choose to acknowledge that those women would rather be black, I don't quite see how that's whining.

I haven't given MJ too much thought in recent years so if you think that I sit around thinking about him all day then you're sadly mistaken. I'm sure we all have friends, family and jobs that concern us when we're not distracting ourselves with the lives of celebrities. But if this is the conversation of the moment than I'm going to contribute my opinion just like anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Well it really all makes sense now.

Jacko's primary artistic influence was European pantomime!

That's where he got his moves from. That's why he put on whiteface and a white glove. And like a pantomime, he lived in an ultrasensitive, imaginary world of his one step removed from reality.

Except in his case, his art became his life. The whiteface never came off and he never stepped out of his act back into reality. Ergo, he lived and died in Neverland. An imaginary space where he played with white kids to keep his youth and roleplay as a white child, just like them.

And when reality came crashing in (molestation trials, health problems & physical aging) and he was forced to confront it, he withdrew even more behind surgical masks and attempted to numb it out with painkillers. He simply couldn't accept the fact that he was a grown black man living in a white child's fantasy realm. Even until his last dying heartbeat.

In the end, Michael still couldn't beat it.

Constructive Feedback said...

You ever seen a white person look like Michael Jackson? Michael was MICHAEL . Brother was so bad, he damn near created his own race.[/quote]

He created his own race - AND IT JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE WHITE SKIN!!

Come on DV! You are hurting me man.

Just call it what it is man.