Friday, May 29, 2009

World Murder Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants.

"The persistent meme which assumes black youth are more violent than other groups is so thoroughly implanted in the heads of Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas by the Plantation operators that they cannot even fathom anything different." Denmark Vesey
Case In Point:
Undercover Black Man...
You haven't given me the time of day either David,

Oh contraire, Pierre. I went through the trouble of tracking down Dr. Joseph Terwillliger, after you cited him as a source debunking the premises of the 1000 Genomes Project.

In our subsequent email correspondence, I learned something about the complicated nature of genomic research.

I also learned that Dr. Terwilliger does NOT suppose that "intelligence" -- however that trait is defined -- is equally distributed across all human populations.

Joe T says this:

"Intelligence is obviously heritable. If it were not, how can humans have more of it than mice or chimpanzees since the differences are all genetic. That is not really debatable.

"People can debate how one should measure it, or what it is, but clearly it is something, and that something is heritable as are all brain structures and everything else. And we all know people who are smart and people who are stupid... so clearly there is variation in it. ...

"Having said all that, the idea that the AVERAGE of any trait should be the same across populations seems highly unlikely a priori.... We know a large range can exist, as both George Bush and Stephen Hawking are human, and we all know a lot of people that are a lot stupider than Bush survive and reproduce without problems :)

"The problem with discussions of racial differences have more to do with the lack of statistical understanding of average people - they waste time teaching trigonometry in high school instead of probability and statistics and yet we get bombarded by polls and standard errors and means anf variances every day in the news...

"The bottom line is that means always differ between any two populations for every trait, but the variances are huge relative to the means, meaning that an average individual from a 'taller' populations may only have a 55% chance of being taller than a random individual from a 'shorter' population, which is not useful information for making any conclusions about individual differences.

"So the bottom line is that group differences always exist, but these differences cannot be used to predict much about an individual based solely on his group membership... But until people understand these basic concepts, science can easily be misused by those with a political agenda..."

Interesting. But I, for one, am not interested in trying to predict anything about "an individual" based on his group membership.

If, however, "group differences always exist," then why should anyone expect that blacks, whites and Asians would -- collectively, on average -- perform identically the same on IQ tests or SATs or by any other cognitive measure?

Yet the liberal egalitarianist looks at group differences in test scores as evidence that the test is biased... or that there's something wrong with the schools... or that the whole society is somehow racist.

I simply dare to ask whether those group differences in cognitive test scores might reflect a state of nature.

DNA sequencing might answer this question. Or it might not.

Either way, there's no scientific basis to back up the liberal egalitarianist position that no group differences exist.
Nah nullity.

You didn't do a damned thing for me. Instead, you've disclosed yet another desperate and failed bid to buy additional time for yourself.

See, I've confronted your belief and value system head-on in a way that you're incapable of either dismissing or ignoring.

Faced with the necessity of relinquishing core beliefs, or watching them collapse, and in the process taking a big chunk of your formatory identity with them - you've been locked into a struggle for your very existence.

The minute your "struggle" with me fails, a very real kind of death will ensue for what little remains of you.


Undercover Black Man said...

Craig Nulan provides some very useful comparative data. As his chart illustrates, Colombia is the murderingest nation on Earth... with more than 60 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

But dig this: If you were to look at black Americans as a separate nation -- as a country unto itself -- where would it place on this list?

Well, in 2005, the homicide offending rate for black Americans was 26.5 murders per 100,000 population.

The would make Black America the fifth most murderingest nation on Earth... behind only Colombia, South Africa, Jamaica and Venezuela.

Why isn’t this considered one of the defining crises of our time?

CNu said...

If you were to look at black Americans as a separate nation -- as a country unto itself

As we're all well aware, only racist morons devise such hypothetical constructs in service to their foul political agenda.

Basically the same type of moron who makes preposterous assertions like this;"Soldiers in an army during wartime do not engage in gun violence volitionally. They are armed by the state, trained in the use of weapons by the state, and deployed with a duty to use deadly force by the state. That ain't the fucking issue.

plantation negritude is epitomized by the level of suspension of disbelief required to draw such a distinction, pretend that it's of any consequence whatsoever, and say it with a straight face in the company of intelligent, ethical people.

CNu said...

Ummm... reality check, DV.

the irony of this lead-in, emanating from this source, IS ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS....,

Frankly, I don't think I've ever yet seen a more zealous and intransigent proponent of make-believe than David Mills.

Undercover Black Man said...

Oooh, DV's dick is hard right now... I can tell. He thinks he got Wrestlemania III about to jump off in his spot, and he's Captain Lou Albano.


All I have to say is:

1) Does Craig really think there's no consequential distinction to be drawn between the American soldiers who stormed Normandy to liberate France... and the reckless young sociopath who enjoys robbing gas stations? (Hey, they both use firearms, right?)

2) Why isn't Craig bothered by the fact that black people commit more than half of all homicides in the U.S.?

Undercover Black Man said...

Yo, DV... why you take down the world murder map, blood? It was a valuable illustration.

CNu said...

um..., David.

You were gleefully sucking and swallowing Iraq. How you turn and pretend that Normandy has a dayyum thing to do with your boy Dick Cheney and his minions sodomizing little Iraqi boys in front of their mothers in a U.S. run prison in Iraq?

How you gonna pretend that all the American stickup kids who happen to be Black even begin to hold a candle to the neo-confederate thugs who displaced 5 million and killed another million in Iraq?

How you gonna pretend that wannabe oil-jacking gangsters did anything "legitimate" in that unprovoked invasion and failed resource theft operation?

Oh, and since you fundamentalist zealots like to play "hear no, see no, speak no" evil wrt the "Greatest Generation" - keep in mind that Jim Crow was in full effizi, Black folk were being terroristically run out of sundown towns, lynchings were still in vogue, and the real sundown town action and white affirmative action wouldn't get underway in earnest until after WW-II when the GI-Bill welfare benefits were doled out along racial lines.

Only the most ignorant, ahistorical dickhead (think Josh Thordaddy Farst here) tries to pretend that there isn't a substantial basis in the recent history of the American political economy for the wealth, education and access disparities that persist to the present day, and which account - much like the racist prison industrial - for disparate levels of criminal activity.

oh, and those sycophantic fundamentalist storytellers who provide aid and comfort to dickheads like Farst.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ America has done so much for you and yours, Craig. And yet you despise her so.

It's a damn shame.

CNu said...

Save the maudlin horseshit for somebody stupid and ignorant enough to buy it David.

I don't despise America at all.

Me and mine represent the aspirational best that America has to offer - and we've done that and been that for generations.

I do, however, uncompromisingly and unforgivingly despise the dishonest, violent, conniving, cheating, non-productive, uselessly eating element that's perpetrated serial crimes against humanity in the name of Americans like me and many others who have to face the rest of the world and God soiled by association with your moral and existential stain...,

I find your politics and morality personally revolting David - and I'm quite certain there's nothing in the world you could ever do to ameliorate my low opinion of what you represent. (short of retroactively aborting Thordaddy and a few dozen of his ilk)

Undercover Black Man said...

... and I'm quite certain there's nothing in the world you could ever do to ameliorate my low opinion of what you represent.

Oh damn. And me here without Kleenex.

Why must you say such hurtful things?

At least you can always be counted on to provide muddleheaded contradictions, which I roll around in like catnip. To wit:

"I don't despise America at all."

"[America] is a nation built on corruption at all levels."


And the trip part is... you think you're intellectually courageous!! rotflmbao.....,

CNu said...

don't you mean rotflybyao...?

quibbles aside, you misquoted me quoting Dr. Kevin Barrett;

The "America" of uncritical sycophants like yourself, who can justify any level of psychopathic perpetration as "legal" or "exceptional" all so you can beat off to youtube and stuff another bleener into your undeserving piehole - is a truly a loathsome thing.

"Sycophants revel in their programming. The brainwashing the psychopathic entities have administered to American sycophants since a very young age, has them proudly waving the flag of their nation as "the greatest country on Earth," while vociferously avoiding real world facts: Theirs is a nation built on corruption at all levels."

Guess you missed the "THEIRS"? Because in this case it's a "YOURS". What you and other moral reprobates like you celebrate is indeed corrupt and foul. What I represent is something entirely different from the disease and corruption which you personally exemplify David.

corrected once again, you're now free to continue rolling on your big pale yellow ass giggling like Baron Harkonen in your own putrefaction.

Undercover Black Man said...

... big pale yellow ass...

Look who's talking... LOL!

Undercover Black Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Undercover Black Man said...

Also, Craig, just to let your dumb ass know... you did NOT quote Kevin Barrett, as you say you did. All that shit you quoted? That wasn’t Barrett.

You quoted some jagoff named Hari Heath, who was writing about Barrett. (Click here to get an eyeful of your boy.)

Amazingly, you don’t even know whose words you’re cutting-and-pasting! That’s some hilarious shit, Craig. Quite befitting a clown.

CNu said...

Even more amazingly, I don't give a phuk. It was handy and apropos your most recent eruption of supine plantation negrolojisms.

I peeped it and posted it a year ago along with Peter Jackson's imagining of Grima Wormtongue.

If only Jackson had known about what a visual he would've gotten with a nasally sack of decaying pus like you, Brad Dourif wouldn't have had a chance.

Better go back to jacking off to youtube videos of toe-licking and whatever else it is that you do to kill time in what passes for your life David....,

Undercover Black Man said...

^ A 50-year-old man, ladies and gentleman.

CNu said...

If you were to look at black Americans as a separate nation -- as a country unto itself - as a species unto itself - as I David Mills doggedly choose to do...,

Do you seriously entertain the hope of recovering any credibility at all given the beliefs you've expressed about Black folks?

Not even Jack Kevorkian could help you out of the existential corner you've worked yourself into.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ And meanwhile, shit like this keeps happening... and so-called "black partisans" like you ain't got shit to say.

CNu said...

I say that you humans like killing one another.

You romanticize killing one another.

Some of you even get paid for that disservice.

Mentally and culturally weak specimen - such as yourself - hypocritically pretend shock and dismay when some with whom you might be associated by racists - up and kill one another.

I'm neither shocked, dismayed, or embarrassed by pedestrian killing. I didn't do it, and it wasn't done in my name. It's a quintessentially American pastime.

What else is there to say David?

CNu said...

One minor observation;

Decriminalize drugs as in Portugal, 70+ percent of the problem solved.

Undercover Black Man said...

I say that you humans like killing one another.

Some like it way more than others, evidently.

CNu said...

Did you have any further moral, legal, strategic, racial, or genetic justifications to offer on behalf of Dick Cheney's policy of sodomizing boys in front of their mothers in prison in Iraq?

Undercover Black Man said...

You brought up Dick Cheney, I didn't. He has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

I mentioned Normandy because DV threw up numbers of people killed in WWII... and various other wars... as if that had something to do with the criminal violence of volitional individuals.

CNu said...

this is what you said;

"Soldiers in an army during wartime do not engage in gun violence volitionally. They are armed by the state, trained in the use of weapons by the state, and deployed with a duty to use deadly force by the state. That ain't the fucking issue.

and it's damn near as ridiculous as your howlers about Black speciation..,

That you could even pretend such things disqualifies you from further serious consideration.

Undercover Black Man said...

A new approach to drug laws might be worth exploring. But realize, Craig, that the disproportion of black violent crime has been a fact of American life for decades... long before the "crack era" and its spike in gun violence.

Here’s what Time magazine reported in 1958, in an article titled "The Negro Crime Rate: A Failure In Integration":

"They are afraid to say so in public, but many of the North's big-city mayors groan in private that their biggest and most worrisome problem is the crime rate among Negroes.

"In 1,551 U.S. cities, according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for... 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm —murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault."

Prince Akeem said...

Nice debate you have going here.

Cnu, nice to see you back in form.

Mr. UBM, CNU's got you on the ropes.

Much of your position is based on statements like these:

" In 1,551 U.S. cities, according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for... 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm "

In order to support your position, one would have to accept this "statistic" as fact. I choose to question its very basis.

What's a Negro? Does that include those with 1/8th African blood? If so, many "Negros" don't consider themselves as such. What justification does the FBI have in doing so? Are you a "Negro"?

"Accounted for..."

Who did the math here? Was there an oversight board established to ensure there was no "accounting irregularities?" What, if any, motivation did the governing body have in the outcome of this study? Where's the money?

"...60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm ...."

Arrests Mr. UBM!?! Is this what you base this position on? Does your study indicate how many of these arrests lead to convictions for the aformentioned crimes? A home gets broken into by a "Negro", and every pedestrian "Negro" within 15 miles is "arrested". How many are convicted for this crime?

Speaking of convictions. I'd like to know a little more about your study. Like, for instance, what percentage of these "crimes" and "arrests" in 1956 took place in the Jim Crow South. As you know, a conviction often times didn't require culpability.

Mr. UBM, I find it interesting that with all of your knowledge you conveniently disregard the undeniable culture of blatant racism, racial profiling and preconception that is American society, today, but particularly in 1956, as a way to advance and offer credence to your radical stance.

Mr. UBM, do you consider yourself to be a Racist? Is this the reason you are undercover? Are you Black amongst Blacks as long as your White counterparts aren't in the room?

Undercover Black Man said...

^ Prince Akeem: I've got one of your albums. (Unless that's a different Prince Akeem.)

Anyways... the snapshot of racial differences in homicide rates is this Justice Department report, looking at data from 1976 to 2005.

I brought up the old Time magazine article just to illustrate that, 50 years ago, it was an issue.

Du Bois was writing about Negro crime more than a century ago.

I bring up the homicide crisis here because, on this blog, certain cats like to get deep about how the world works geopolitically, macroeconomically, etc. They act like they got it all figured out... and that they're bold enough to embrace "forbidden knowledge."

But what happens when I bring up the 22 black-on-black homicides every day in America? Dude freak the fuck out, call names, engage in rank ad hominem attacks, invoking even skin color, brandish their metaphorical handguns, and otherwise try to bogart the uncomfortable subject back under the rug.

Cats ain't that deep after all, are they? Not too deep at all.

"Racial profiling"... funny you should mention, Prince. "Black partisan" types are so junkied out on racial grievance, they act like "racial profiling" is more of a social problem than 7,000 actual murders every year.

You can't hide bodies. The homicide stats are what they are. And unless intelligent black folks take it seriously enough to talk about it -- deeper than pat invocations of "poverty" and "drugs" -- murder will remain the No. 1 cause of death for young black men in America.

We need every institution to put this issue on the front burner... like the old NAACP did with lynching. But what's the NAACP doing now? Holding mock funerals for the N-word.

The black church, black scholars, black law enforcement professionals, the black media... all need to deal with the murder crisis like it fucking matters.

Unless it doesn't. Your boy Nulan, after all, isn't "dismayed" about 22 slain Negroes a day, every day, not the least little bit. "Pedestrian killings."

As if homicide ain't preventable.

lawegohard said...

@UBM quote: "But what's the NAACP doing now? Holding mock funerals for the N-word."

Hilarious. The current NAACP is a joke.

Carry on boys.

CNu said...

homicide preventable...,

ai, yai, yai, yai, yai...., you humans will sooner prevent fucking and breathing.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ There are nations, Craig, where the reported homicide rate is lower than 1 murder per 100,000 population (compared to 26.5 per 100,000 for Black America):

Japan, Singapore, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Mali, Mauritania, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Austria...

It can't be that hard-wired into us.

Big Man said...


I wonder how the fact that blacks commit way more homicides than whites is proof of some innate definciency now, but when the situation was reversed, and it was white folks with the high homicide rates, nobody thought that?

I mean, according to the statistics featured in this debate, the change to a higher homicide rate for blacks happened in the past 40 years.

Our country is much older than that.

So prior to that time period, it was white folks doing most of the killing.

Mills, do you think they "liked" killing? Does the fact that they behaved in such a heinous way for so long mean their is an innate problem with them?

I mean, we're talking about white folks in America. What did they have to be upset about?

Nah, this is stupid. To use murder figures to prove that black folks enjoy killing people and proclaim a crisis without acknowledging and dissecting all the other societal factors that create a killer is just stupid.

I mean, how you gonna judge people based on one fact? That's likes saying white folks innately prefer having sex with children, raping people and committing property crimes because statistics show they've commited those crimes at a higher rate than the rest of the population for years.

Maybe white folks are innately drawn towards illegal narcotics usage, they have the highest rates for that as well.

Man this is just dumb. I don't understand how somebody who appears to be intelligent could honestly build an argument around such bad logic.

Undercover Black Man said...

I wonder how the fact that blacks commit way more homicides than whites is proof of some innate definciency...

Big Man, what are you talking about? Who the hell said it was "innate"?

Big Man said...


Here are the comments that led to my comment:

CNu said...
I say that you humans like killing one another.

You romanticize killing one another.

Some of you even get paid for that disservice.

Mentally and culturally weak specimen - such as yourself - hypocritically pretend shock and dismay when some with whom you might be associated by racists - up and kill one another.

I'm neither shocked, dismayed, or embarrassed by pedestrian killing. I didn't do it, and it wasn't done in my name. It's a quintessentially American pastime.

What else is there to say David?

May 24, 2009 12:38:00 AM

CNu said...
One minor observation;

Decriminalize drugs as in Portugal, 70+ percent of the problem solved.

May 24, 2009 12:42:00 AM

Undercover Black Man said...
I say that you humans like killing one another.

Some like it way more than others, evidently.

Obviously Nulan is talking about an innate desire among humans to engage in violence. He makes that clear.

In response, you say that some humans like killing each other more than others.

It would follow logically that you are saying that the reason why homicide rates are higher among black men is because we have predilection towards violence that exceeds that urge in other groups.

Considering your past post about genetic differences between blacks and whites that make black less intelligent and more prone to violence, this seemed like a logical assumption to make.

I think there is a problem with that assertion given all the facts that are present.

Hope that clears things up.

Undercover Black Man said...

It would follow logically that you are saying that the reason why homicide rates are higher among black men is because we have predilection towards violence that exceeds that urge in other groups.

Big Man: I was pointing out the uselessness of Nulan's line about "you humans like killing one another."

The folly of his claim is: If humans do "like" killing one another... and this fondness is manifest in acts of murder... and black folks in America commit murder at a rate 7 times higher than white folks... then, ipso facto, black folks "like" killing more.

If you didn't get that I was clowning Nulan, the problem lies with you.

Oh... please remind me... where did I ever suggest that genetic differences make blacks "more prone to violence"?

If you're gonna waste my time just making shit up, I'm not gonna deal with you for long.

Big Man said...


You can stop dealing with me if you like. Your choice.

I explained my reasoning. CNulan was discussing innate human characteristics which make us prone to violence. You said that black people appear to like killing more. Seems easy to make the connection that you are saying that there is a innate reason for black people liking to kill.

The problem isn't my reading, the problem is your flippant discussion of the topic.

You have regularly championed the idea that there are genetic differences between blacks and whites that explain black people's inability to create civilizations on par with the societies of Europeans or Asians. This is a regular argument you and Nulan engage in.

So, to recap: Nulan wass talking about innate human characteristics that lead to violence. You said that given the homicide statistics this must mean black people like killing more than white people, thus they have an innate desire to kill. Considering your other comments, seems like a legitimate thing to imply from your comments, but if you're not saying that, please make it clear.

Let's be clear, you've had this homicide debate before. Over at the Prometheus 6 blog. You insist on saying this is an important issue, but over there you admitted that you really hadn't spent much time thinking of a possible solution for the problem. That seems strange.

Finally, it's clear what DV and CNulan have said. Over the course of history, white people have had a much bigger problem with killing people than black people. Period. Considering the small percentage of the world population they constitute, I would say that there is far more evidence of an innate need to commit violent acts among white people, than any other group. At least if we use the whole homicide rate thing. So, why is the fact that black people are killing each other the "defining crisis of our time?"

Why do you insist on claiming that "black partisans" are doing nothing, as if you are not aware of all the grassroots efforts to improve families, improve schools and reduce violence?

Who exactly are you looking to to solve this problem?

What are you doing to solve the problem if you think it's so serious?

See, I don't understand this whole exercise. You make a point of bringing up this black homicide things regularly. It's a regular whipping boy for you. But, I haven't really figured out what your purpose is in this exercise.

Are you truly trying to solve the problem, or are you just trying to find a way to weaken the position of "black partisans" when they make honest complaints about systemic racism and discrimination.

See, I agree that black on black violence is a problem. I live in the most violent city in America. I know firsthand just who many young black men are killed regularly, it's my job to document that. I also understand that the way to help stem the tide isn't talking about the genetic inferiority of black people or something of that ilk. It's volunteering in schools, creating outreach programs in churches and providing a real support network for the millions of black folks struggling to raise families despite trying circumstances.

Undercover Black Man said...

I also understand that the way to help stem the tide isn't talking about the genetic inferiority of black people or something of that ilk.

Again... who's talking about "genetic inferiority"? You need to be arguing with that fantasy man you created.

CNu said...

Big Man,

I'm sorry you wasted a cycle discovering the abject nullity of this lying sack of shit. Glad, however, that you've seen it demonstrated in no uncertain terms for yourself.

As soon as you identified its nothingness, it was compelled to run from you exactly the same way it ran from James R. Maclean at Prometheus6.

Well done brah....,

Undercover Black Man said...

CNu: "I'm neither shocked, dismayed, or embarrassed by pedestrian killing. I didn't do it, and it wasn't done in my name."

Undercover Black Man said...

You make a point of bringing up this black homicide things regularly. ... But, I haven't really figured out what your purpose is in this exercise.

Obviously you haven't, Big Man.

Would you rather I bitch about the Bilderberg Group? That'd be a lot more useful, right?

Big Man said...


DV has his own windmills to tilt towards. I ain't DV.

I don't "bitch" about the Bilderberg group.

I don't complain about the NWO.

But, that's unimportant. We're not talking about that.

We're talking about something that you have called the "defining crisis of our time."

We're talking about your implication, be it tongue-in-cheek or not, that given the homicide rates among blacks they must be more prone to violence than others.

I read the P6 blog, I saw what happened there.

I've watched you debate the inferiority thing here.

I'm quite informed.

Undercover Black Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Undercover Black Man said...

Big Man: If the homicide offending rate for black Americans is 7 times higher than for white Americans... why are you hung up on whether they're "prone" to it or not? They're doing it. That's my point.

Meanwhile, the "black partisan" ideology in effect for at least the last 40 years removes all attention from the deeds of black people... and focuses entirely upon the deeds of white people, the government, the Illuminati, etc.

My purpose is to point out how "black partisans" avoid discussing the elephant in the room.

Is my purpose clear to you now, Big Man?

CNu said...

It's not as if an anti-Black nullity would be in a position to know Big Man, but genuine Black partisans spend their time working with and on behalf of the folks that the nullities obsessively condemn.

By direct personal example and engagement, a Black partisan exemplifies the changes he wants to see - and in the process - becomes a respected part of his community.

The motivation is entirely straight up, simple, and plain too, it's a "there but for the grace of God go I" sort of thing that a soul-less non-entity could never possibly understand.

These Shelby Steele wannabe "responsible kneegrows" run their mouths solely for the purpose of plantation-bound self-aggrandizement.

Big Man said...


I'm going to need your definition of a "black partisan."

Most black folks I know, the same ones who complain about systemic racism and discrimination, also love to talk about personal responsibility and reguarly rail against the lack of that trait in today's youth.

So, I have to know who exactly you're talking about when you say "black partisans" don't want to do anything.

Who are these people and why are their actions so important?

Also, I made the point about whether violence was an inherent thing because finding out the cause or reason behind and action is typically the best way to figure out a solution. At least in my experience. So, if we disagree on the cause of the high homicide rate among black youth, than it's going to be harder for us to agree on the best solutions.

But, I really want to know who the black people are that you think aren't doing anything about the homicide problem.

Big Man said...

C Nulan

I really need to understand who these "black partisans" are. I mean, I was working under one assumption, but the folks I know who fit that bill are typically very involved in helping on a grassroots level.

I mean, what I've found in general, is that black people are involved in their communities in official and unofficial ways. The problem isn't that these people are doing "nothing" it's that what's being done by them isn't enough.

And I don't think that's all their fault.

Undercover Black Man said...

The problem isn't that these people are doing "nothing" it's that what's being done by them isn't enough.

Well, what can a community volunteer, mentor or Big Brother do to correct the damage done to a child who hasn't been inculcated at home with the values of education, law-abidingness and work?

Perhaps CNu can share some of his success stories.

But to your question, Big Man, since you persist in dragging this dialogue forward: The "black partisan" types I refer to are those who posture publicly as enlightened, righteous "race men" and try to police which issues can be discussed politically by others.

You know... like the people who call Bill Cosby an asshole.

Black partisans love to enforce orthodoxy and "conformity" by attacking others as sellouts, Toms, "nullities," etc.

Black partisans would rather talk about "racial profiling" than crime.

Black partisans are unimpressed when white folks put machines on the surface of Mars... but they wanna take credit for the pyramids.

Black partisans can't argue for shit.

And at the end of the day, black partisans are very untogether people.

CNu said...

I really need to understand who these "black partisans" are. I mean, I was working under one assumption, but the folks I know who fit that bill are typically very involved in helping on a grassroots level.

Big Man,

The way we do it hereabouts, practical Black partisanship is organized around a four generation spanning collection of scholars, engineers, attorneys, and corporate do-bees - all of whom pool their efforts and resources to maintain the 37 year legacy and continuing operations of the Dubois Learning Center - and 22 assorted DLC affiliated hub sites at churches up and down the Swope Corridor.

We teach remedial and enhanced reading, writing, arithmetic, and sundry computer trade crafts up through Cisco certification. The core network of 60-70 folks spans every walk of life in Kansas City and shares a common external goal of enriching the educational lives of the 1100 or so children we serve on an annual basis.

The essence of Black partisanship is interpersonal communion and mutualism. It is a perfect instantiation of the orthodox Christian ethos of interpersonal communion as ethical praxis. You do it for yourself as much as you do it in service to others.

A soul-less, mercenary anti-Black nullity and professional propagandist like Mills - has never - and will never - personally experience such a thing, and will instead find what paltry egoic satisfaction is available to him through setting himself against such formations and the people by which they're comprised.

He would sooner extol the virtues and apologize for the profound moral and ethical failings of other folk whom he serves like a bootlicking dog serves its master - than engage in constructive interpersonal communion with Black folks....,

Undercover Black Man said...

^ Given how much you've responded to my presence, Craig... you must have a peculiar definition of "nullity."

Big Man said...

But to your question, Big Man, since you persist in dragging this dialogue forward: The "black partisan" types I refer to are those who posture publicly as enlightened, righteous "race men" and try to police which issues can be discussed politically by othersI'm going to say something and then I'm through since it appears that I am "dragging this dialogue forward."

People who speak in public and are placed on a pedestal as spokespeople for black folks are the people the media wants to hear talk.


Nobody can stop anyone from talking about whatever they want to talk about. If you, David Mills, want to talk about the black homicide rate as the defining crisis of our generation, nobody is going to prevent that. All you have to do is convince the media to cover your comments and you are cool. I mean, I'm sure they quoted you when you and David Simon were talking about "Treme" so get them to talk about something really important.

The problem isn't anybody stopping your from talking Mr. Mills. The problem is the backlash you know you will receive in you trot out your theories on genetic differences.

It's obvious. See, some cats hold widly unpopular opinions and couldn't care less who attacks them or how much flack they receive. Other cats hold unpopular opinions and want everybody else to "play nice."

From what I've seen, you seem to be in the latter camp. After all, from what I've seen, Bill Cosby has NO problem getting a platform to express his viewpoint. He can't control the response from the masses, but then since we live in America, that makes sense.

It's not the fault of Al Sharpton, Cornel West, Michael Dyson, Bill Cosby, Jesse Jackson or whoever else makes regular appearances on the network news that white folks have decided they are the "go-to" voices in the black community.

Neither do Shelby Steele, Juan Williams, Amy Holmes and Alan Keyes force conservative white folks to put a microphone in their faces. The people who get noticed are the people who serve the media's interests as far as generating eyes on their product.

I find it hilarious that you, a former journalist, would make the kinds of statements you're making about the media and it's operations. I find it shocking that you are ignoring the role of the media as information gatekeepers and pretending that you don't understand that they decide who they want to promote.

Moreover, it's strange that you rail against these black partisans, who have very little real power if Barack Obama means anything, and then turnaround and criticize Denmark or Nulan for talking about their pet conspiracies.

It seems like a waste of energy and focus on all sides, yet you pretend that you are actually exposing some nefarious plot that nobody is aware of.

That's crazy.

Everybody I know, thinks that the black blowhards are black blowhards. Everybody I know only listens to them when their opinions align with what folks want to believe anyway. These black partisans aren't directing public thought, they are scrambling to stay abreast of the current public opinion which often renders them largely irrelevant.

I'm through.

CNu said...

Given how much you've responded to my presence, Craig... you must have a peculiar definition of "nullity."

If I didn't personally profit from the exercise David, I wouldn't bother with it, and if you weren't a professional propagandist with media access, I'd more likely either just ignore or ridicule you - the way I do most of your ilk.

Since you asked, a "nullity" is a formatory or mechanical personality that has lost all possibility of developing a conscience. Though bereft of the core possibility by which humanness is defined, it remains human looking, walking, talking, and mechanically exercising other human perogatives, but the essential ingredient of which humanness is comprised has died inside it, and thus, the nullity is itself ultimately and inevitably destined to die like a dog....,

there are other types of wrongly formed human-looking creatures, some are called "tramps", some are called "lunatics" - in your case - neither of those terms really apply. at the opposite end of the wrong formation bellcurve on which you reside, there is something really nasty called a hasnamuss. that's a nullity with exceptionally developed willpower.

when I was much younger, I was firmly convinced that it was impossible for Black folks in America to give rise to such aberrations. thankfully I've long since dispensed with that naivete.

Because of what you are (or are not) and because compassion has never been my strong suite, I find you useful and frankly rather enjoy feeding you bit by bit to the moon...,

SimonGreedwell said...

Undercover Black Man said...

The "black partisan" types I refer to are those who posture publicly as enlightened, righteous "race men" and try to police which issues can be discussed politically by others.Undercover Black Man said... You might be the Blackest Man on the Internet...

... if you believe the Trilateral Commission is tapping your phones.
Ummmmm. ....?

Undercover Black Man said...

CNu: If you dig me, you'll love John McWhorter. Did you catch what he wrote in the New Republic?:

"[I]f it turns out that there are no genetic differences at all in intelligence between the races, it will be the unexpected case. At the very least, it is utterly plausible, given indisputable differences between races of other kinds, that intelligence may prove to be one of them."

"[S]ure, it may turn out that whites and/or Asians have higher intelligence than black people. It's not news I would love hearing, for all the same reasons few of us would. But it could happen."

McWhorter is getting a head start on trying to adjust his argumentation in light of what may be discovered by genomic research. Try feeding him to the moon. I doubt he would give you the time of day.

CNu said...

You haven't given me the time of day either David, and I never expected you to. If you haven't figured out yet where ALL of you self-abasing apologists stand, let me break it down for you.

Neither one of you has anything that I value or want. Neither one of you knows anything that I'd care to learn. Neither one of you merits or could ever possibly earn my respect.

What you share in common is that you've each prostituted yourselves in service to others who value you exclusively for the mimetic cover that your pale buttermilk complexions afford them, period.

You're expendable novelties whose narrative cachet has probably exceeded its useful shelf-life.

What chiefly sets McWhorter apart from you - in this case - is that he hasn't attempted to peddle any of the opportunistic lies he's promulgated for Manhattan or any of his other "conservative" patrons in any of these public debating fora. He's an exclusive, high dollar kneegrow call-girl, whereas, you're a two dollar street ho.

If Charles Murray turned him out the way he turned your silly behind out, McWhorter hasn't yet let on that that's the case in the very public and irretrievable ways that you have.

Undercover Black Man said...

You haven't given me the time of day either David,

Oh contraire, Pierre. I went through the trouble of tracking down Dr. Joseph Terwillliger, after you cited him as a source debunking the premises of the 1000 Genomes Project.

In our subsequent email correspondence, I learned something about the complicated nature of genomic research.

I also learned that Dr. Terwilliger does NOT suppose that "intelligence" -- however that trait is defined -- is equally distributed across all human populations.

Joe T says this:

"Intelligence is obviously heritable. If it were not, how can humans have more of it than mice or chimpanzees since the differences are all genetic. That is not really debatable.

"People can debate how one should measure it, or what it is, but clearly it is something, and that something is heritable as are all brain structures and everything else. And we all know people who are smart and people who are stupid... so clearly there is variation in it. ...

"Having said all that, the idea that the AVERAGE of any trait should be the same across populations seems highly unlikely a priori.... We know a large range can exist, as both George Bush and Stephen Hawking are human, and we all know a lot of people that are a lot stupider than Bush survive and reproduce without problems :)

"The problem with discussions of racial differences have more to do with the lack of statistical understanding of average people - they waste time teaching trigonometry in high school instead of probability and statistics and yet we get bombarded by polls and standard errors and means anf variances every day in the news...

"The bottom line is that means always differ between any two populations for every trait, but the variances are huge relative to the means, meaning that an average individual from a 'taller' populations may only have a 55% chance of being taller than a random individual from a 'shorter' population, which is not useful information for making any conclusions about individual differences.

"So the bottom line is that group differences always exist, but these differences cannot be used to predict much about an individual based solely on his group membership... But until people understand these basic concepts, science can easily be misused by those with a political agenda..."

Interesting. But I, for one, am not interested in trying to predict anything about "an individual" based on his group membership.

If, however, "group differences always exist," then why should anyone expect that blacks, whites and Asians would -- collectively, on average -- perform identically the same on IQ tests or SATs or by any other cognitive measure?

Yet the liberal egalitarianist looks at group differences in test scores as evidence that the test is biased... or that there's something wrong with the schools... or that the whole society is somehow racist.

I simply dare to ask whether those group differences in cognitive test scores might reflect a state of nature.

DNA sequencing might answer this question. Or it might not.

Either way, there's no scientific basis to back up the liberal egalitarianist position that no group differences exist.

CNu said...

Nah nullity.

You didn't do a damned thing for me. Instead, you've disclosed yet another desperate and failed bid to buy additional time for yourself.

See, I've confronted your belief and value system head-on in a way that you're incapable of either dismissing or ignoring.

Faced with the necessity of relinquishing core beliefs, or watching them collapse, and in the process taking a big chunk of your formatory identity with them - you've been locked into a struggle for your very existence.

The minute your "struggle" with me fails, a very real kind of death will ensue for what little remains of you.

Undercover Black Man said...

See, I've confronted your belief and value system head-on in a way that you're incapable of either dismissing or ignoring.

The ad hominem bullshit, you mean? No, Craig... quite easily ignored.

I just keep coming with real information.

CNu said...


for whose benefit?

Undercover Black Man said...

For yours, actually, Craig. If you had but eyes to see.

CNu said...

save it sadducee...,

Constructive Feedback said...

Undercover Black Man:

I am only up to the May 23rd comments on this thread but I must say, you made a strategic error in your debate with KCnulan as you responded as such:

All I have to say is:

1) Does Craig really think there's no consequential distinction to be drawn between the American soldiers who stormed Normandy to liberate France... and the reckless young sociopath who enjoys robbing gas stations? (Hey, they both use firearms, right?)

2) Why isn't Craig bothered by the fact that black people commit more than half of all homicides in the U.S.?[/quote]


DO NOT leave it at the theoretical level - example - a comparison between the races OR between nations.

KCnulan is struggling first hand with coming up with a MODEL that can address the carnage that he sees going on within a cluster of residences within the metro-KC area. He also sees a gang organization that has a certain appeal to young Black men and he is working to counteract the gravitational pull that they have.

KCnulan should be applauded for his MACRO-level attempts at seeking to make a difference in the lives of the young Black males that he interacts with.

He needs to be thoroughly criticized, however, about the MACRO-level theories that he brings to the table as there are literally MILLIONS of young Black males who will never receive the benefit of being touched by the plan that was crafted in Mr Nulan's "basement".

Proving that "Black youth are no more violent than Whites" means NOTHING to the "Black mother crying on television" about the loss of her son after a Friday night shooting rampage by a domestic pirate.

In his prima facie defense of his race against "offensive White stereotypes", his abandonment of his post WITHIN the community as he goes off to fight "Whitey" means that those within our community will still suffer from the "internal domestic pirates".

Since we can't possibly have KCnulan appear in every home...we need a culture where BLACK FATHERS are executing the function that KCnulan now does as a supplement.

Michael Fisher said...


"If, however, "group differences always exist," then why should anyone expect that blacks, whites and Asians would -- collectively, on average -- perform identically the same on IQ tests or SATs or by any other cognitive measure?".

There we go again. Obviously intelligence is inherited and thus genetic. I don't remember anyone ever making an argument against that. The problem is objectively defining human populations on a genetic basis. Your postulating the existence of "blacks", "whites", and "Asians" when you can't even prove the existence of any such human populations, nor, in addition can not conclusively postulate why human populations should not be rather grouped into "tall", "fat", or "short", is your problem. Once you've identified such a human population on a purely objective biological basis you'd have to explain why member A of this population who has an IQ of 50 does not have the same IQ as member B (IQ 1000) of this population. And, furthermore, base that explanation on all the biological commonalities of A and B.

Unless you can do that, Mills. You ought to cease spouting this unscientific and illogical stuff. And your continuing to do that in the face of all the logical and reasonable arguments that have been put forward is what indicates that you are a racist.

Anonymous said...

But if blacks are overrepresented in the US military - doesn't that example also support the stats that blacks are more violent (not counter it)?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]And meanwhile, shit like this keeps happening... and so-called "black partisans" like you ain't got shit to say.[/quote]


"NO EXPLOITABLE SURFACES" for them to work with. Though the victim was was the KILLER. This makes the usual suspects impotent.

As a result of this one of the Black girls that was mixed up in the plot in some way GOT BOOTED OFF OF THE CAMPUS without going through a fully adjudicated process.

THIS portion of the story will get the Racism Chasers going.....NOT the killing of a Black man on an Ivy League campus that they aspire to send Black kids to for the purposes of a pedigree.

Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe all this sloppy statistical subterfuge.

UBM, you know as well as anyone that there are lies, damn, lies, and statistics. But you are absolutely correct in that it's hard to ignore the bodies.

So all you have to do now is compare apples to apples. You are comparing the overall rate of Black homicide to the overall rate of White homicide, and Blacks appear to show more propensity for violence.

Have you tried to control for variables other than simple reported race? Are you certain that the numbers would support your theory if you compared the homicide rates among Blacks whose income is below poverty level diploma to whites with incomes below poverty level? I'll tell you right now I don't know, but if you could manage to find those numbers, if anyone is even keeping those types of numbers, I would guess you would find the propensity for violent behavior, as wll as the propensity for most lawless behavior is far more closely linked to economic strata than it is to any identifiable racial characteristic.

But you wouldn't care, because you could still say that economic or educational attainment or lack thereof is simply another indicator of how inferior the Blacks must be (in addition to being inherently violent).

Your neat parsing of state sanctioned violence is missing a few logical underpinnings as well. Your view assumes the state is moral, ethical, and legal in it's sanctioning and conduct of warfare.

Since we all know that is not the case, while you can conceivably absolve the minions of the state as lacking in personal motivation, the state itself, and particularly the ruling class of the state that sets it's policies, must be held to the same standard as you hold individual Black murderers. Thus, state sanctioned violence for the purposes of empire building would have to be much the same as two Black men shooting it out in the hood to control territory for their economic livelihood.

By that standard, the mostly white people, who receive direct and indirect economic benefit from the state sanctioned violence in the Middle East over the past 7 years, are directly responsible for the deaths of over 1,000,000 people. As a ratio, considering the very small size of the group of people who have been enriched by this violence, I would imagine it's rather steep, say 1 beneficiary of the violence for every 500 people killed.

But of course we can't go around here second guessing the government. Surely they know what they are doing and they have a good reason for doing it as well.

SMH. If "Black partisans would rather talk about "racial profiling" than crime", I suppose that must mean that Plantation negroes would rather condemn those thieving, killing, no good niggers than question how and why his brothers and sisters are starving and fighting over crumbs in the land of milk and honey.

The idea that people commit crimes because they haven't been socialized to be law abiding is ridiculous. Sane people commit crimes, especially property and violent crimes, for money or revenge. (Obviously this won't apply to insane, pathological criminal types like rapists, arsonists, etc.) It's that simple, and the right amount of money or the right motivation for revenge will bring out the "lawbreaker" in most of us.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]What's a Negro? Does that include those with 1/8th African blood? If so, many "Negros" don't consider themselves as such. What justification does the FBI have in doing so? Are you a "Negro"?


I may not know what a "Negro" is but I know a 'NEGRO THAT'S IN DENIAL' when I read his words.

All of the Black families gathered in this local park for a day of fun and bonding KNOW "who the NEGROES are" that pulled out their guns and shot up the place.

At least they both are dead now, having killed each other and no one else.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]So all you have to do now is compare apples to apples. You are comparing the overall rate of Black homicide to the overall rate of White homicide, and Blacks appear to show more propensity for violence.

Exodus Mentality:

Can we agree that AFTER THE EXODUS when WE ARE ALL ALONE on a land and have to field a SYSTEM that allows us as a people to live in peace and to punish those who violate the social interests and rules that SHOWING THAT WHITE FOLKS ARE AS VIOLENT AS BLACK PEOPLE will NOT DO A DAMNED THING to affect the PEACE IN THE STREETS?

What is the contentment that is purchased if Blacks are made to be LESS violent than Whites when we consider wars OR more violent than Whites when we consider a domestic analysis upon "the most dangerous city" in a given metro area?

Isn't there a greater interest in the PROXIMITY of peace in the context of one's own neighborhood?

Constructive Feedback said...

By direct personal example and engagement, a Black partisan exemplifies the changes he wants to see - and in the process - becomes a respected part of his community.[/quote]

The FLAW AND FRAUD in this concept -as it relates to WHAT I HAVE WITNESSED FIRST HAND within the Black Community is that "RESPECT FROM THE BLACK COMMUNITY" - those that are IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTS in particular CAN NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be used as the measure of one's EFFICACY.


1) Make observations and note the PERMANENT INTERESTS FOR BLACK PEOPLE that endures the IDEOLOGIES and life experiences that separates us

a) Quality Education - that teachers the next generation so that they can be the professional service providers WITHIN our community

b) Safe Streets - so that our people can build strong community fabric without fear

c) Thriving Local Economy - so that the community members can trade with each other and generate jobs

d) Healthy Lifestyles - so that those who choose to abide by this as principles for living can enjoy long, productive lives as free as possible from ailments and disease


3) VOCALIZE your CRITIQUE of this order based on THE FOUNDATION UP ABOVE!!!!

4) Know that YOU ARE GOING TO BE ATTACKED!!! Those who are beholden to the PRESENT SYSTEM have the most to LOSE. Their masters will send them out as the "attack sheep dog" upon wayward sheep, forcing their SILENCE and COMPLIANCE!!!




[quote]These Shelby Steele wannabe "responsible kneegrows" run their mouths solely for the purpose of plantation-bound self-aggrandizement.[/quote]

Big Man:

Though years of observations I have come up with what I call my:

* Comprehensiveness Filter
* Proportionality Filter

I scrutinize the ADVERSARIES of certain operatives BUT ALSO those who THEY STAY SILENT UPON. From this you can EXPOSE the rogues who make use of their hatred of their enemies while making note that THEY TOO are the gatekeepers that allow the TERMITES into the fortress.

Shelby Steele as a functional THREAT to the Black community FAILS both the proportionality test and the comprehensiveness test.

1) Where is HIS FOLLOWING among Blacks, influencing their behavior, with noted DESTRUCTIVE results?

2) What MEDIUM does he exploit to stream into the consciousness of Black America? I know he writes books, does occasional articles in the WSJ and makes a television appearance from time to time.

SORRY. There are FAR GREATER FORCES bearing upon Black America and duly negatively impacting our people's CONSCIOUSNESS and BEHAVIOR.

Now let us ask the very same question about one Clifford Harris. aka - T.I.

Does anyone notice that DESPITE his arrest and imprisonment for GUN CHARGES - with an automatic weapon that had a 99.99% chance of being used to KILL A BLACK MAN - if it was ever to be used......DESPITE THIS - certain Black Operatives brought him as a CREDIBLE AGENT to speak to their young people who had prior problems with GANGS in their high school?


Why not bring a Klansman to talk to a segregated Black school about racial equality?

In our community today, Big Man - the POPULAR Establishment lacks INTEGRITY and CREDIBILITY where it counts the most.

Don't fall for the scenario that was crafted in the "basement".

Anonymous said...

"the mostly white people, who receive direct and indirect economic benefit from the state sanctioned violence in the Middle East over the past 7 years, are directly responsible for the deaths of over 1,000,000 people"

Um, and how many blacks have been killed by blacks in the Congo civil war, Liberia, Darfur, etc?

6 million, or more? And this is with much smaller populations, primitive weaponry and no white man to blame/civilize them? Now just imagine if they were smart enough to build missiles and bombers!