"Last weekend's "Rally to Stop Genocide" in Darfur that took place in Washington D.C. was not quite what it seemed. At the last minute, organizers had to scramble to find someone--anyone--who was either Sudanese or Muslim
to speak at the rally when Sudanese immigrants realized that the announced speakers included eight Western Christians, seven Jews, four politicians and assorted celebrities--but no Muslims and no one from Darfur."
"Save Darfur" is a trick.It is a strategy of so-called "Liberals" for regime change in an oil-rich African muslim country no different than "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was a strategy of so-called "Conservatives" for regime change in an oil rich Arab muslim country.Hegelian dialectic playing both sides. Sad thing is Plantation Negros don't know Sudan from Snoop Dogg.
Quietly as it's kept, it's all about the oil there and the Chinese, who hold ALL of the oil concessions. Oh yes, the yellow cake. hehehe
Well, G
It aint ALL about the oil.
1 World Government has only about 5 or 6 countries left to go.
This is NWO housecleaning. Bashir is just a weaker Mugabe.
If Mugabe was Muslim, we would have troops in Zimbabwe right now.
Research the AIPAC involvement in Sudan and the creation of the "Genocide" myth.
You are absolutely correct DV, but still...The Darfur province is of vital importance for the co-Israeli/American agenda and their planning for it. Darfur is geographically in a position that is adjacent to a great lake of oil reserves extending from the Sudanese province of Bahr Al-Ghazal through Chad, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, and Cameroon, thus taking control of it is considered a safety valve for them due, to the easiness of drilling and pumping oil produced in this region, and as being one of the biggest oil rich regions in the world, which has not yet been exploited, because of conflicts and wars that have been taking place in Sudan during the last twenty years..
MOREOVER: "....The province also contains large mineral deposits, the most important of which is Uranium. Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir noted that Darfur has the richest uranium deposits in the world, and western sources have statistics and documents about mineral fortunes that are dormant in its land.
In addition to oil and uranium, the Darfur province has 40 million Fadans of fertile land that only one third of it has been up till now exploited. It has 24 million fadans of forestry and natural pastures that contain huge quantities of gum Arabica trees estimated at 16% of the international production, in addition to big quantities of copper, lead, granite, chrome, rare types of rocks, alluvium and construction stones, which forms 45% of Sudan's exports besides oil.....
THESE FOLKS AIN'T bsING WITH these Africans. They, the Africans are but fertilizer in the big scheme of things.
The thing about it GD is this.
If all we wanted was oil from Iraq, wouldn't it have been easier to buy it from them?
We invaded and occupied a nation that had nothing to do with 911. Lost thousands of US troops, caused the deaths of over 1 Million Arabs, spent $Trillions and .... BANKRUPT America in the process.
The goal, my friend, is more than mere oil and the hijacking of minerals.
Including those things you mentioned, the extermination angle is not too farfetched, but rather, just too soon. Plus wrong demograohic groups are in focus Iraqis/Arabs, who are, in fact classified as 'whites' for US Census purposes. The demographic "problem" though, lies in South Asia and China which allows for a different "solution." So the wealth angle for the areas (Middle East/ Sudan) mentioned by us, predominate at this juncture.
"If all we wanted was oil from Iraq, wouldn't it have been easier to buy it from them?"- DV
I have been saying this for the last five years as the costs of the Bush/Cheney War continue to mount. AIPAC pushed non-stop for this war. It was forced on the USA to benefit Israel. PNAC - The Project for a New American Century co-founded by noecons William Kristol and Robert Kagan. One of its goals was to establish an oil pipeline from Kirkuk in oil-rich northern Iraq to Haifa, Israel. It is well known and documented by investigative journalist Alexander Cockburn that the Israel Mossad is working with the Kurds in the north. The break-up of Iraq into separate countries with the Kurdish north aligning itself to Israel was one of the primary goals.
How much oil could the USA have bought with the $3 Trillion the USa has spent so far....
At it's peak, speculation inflated price last year, the U.S. could have purchased slightly less than 1/10th of Iraq's proven reserves of sweet, light crude oil.
Problem is, everybody else's money spends as good as the U.S.'s and China and India are hard charging for access to supply, leaving the decision of who to sell to to the Iraqis did not/does not guarantee U.S. supply, or more politically importantly, participation in the stellar profits to be had from said supply.
Given the value of what's known to be there was $34 trillion and no official has yet announced peak oil - we can reasonably expect that price to continue to climb in the years to come - the standing investment in physical occupation would likely not be deemed exhorbitant by the anglo-american posse which sought to forcibly take possession.
Now then, given the operational failure of the mission, and the fact that Iran's hand has been vastly strengthened in the region, at no cost to Iran, it remains to be seen what will happen next.
Because China and Russia's central banks are nationally owned, neither one of those great powers is under the sway of the global hegemony - though each has economies that depend a great deal on participation in global trade.
With no energy supplies of its own, China will be the great power that's soonest SOL when the clampdown begins in earnest. It will be very interesting to see who blinks first in the great game of squaring up on control of major resource centers and global distribution pathways.
The extent and intensity of rebelliousness in response to economic privation in all effected countries will determine who strikes out first. (after the U.S. model where first strike perogative was exercised prior to any internal governance disruptions)
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