"Owens might be the most physically talented receiver in the N.F.L., but he was a divisive figure in Dallas, at the center of an almost constant string of controversy that sank the 2008 season." NYTimes Funny, I thought Tony Romo sank the 2008 season.
Romo is a proven loser and the cowboys deserve him.
As far Owens, Strong Black man. His fate? So what else is new?
TO, welcome to Oakland.
Somewhere Donovan must be ROTFLHBAO.
Yeah. You right GD
The Deconstruction of TO hate leads to a penis envy infection as viral as herpes.
Anonymous, what does Donovan McNabb have to laugh about?
The cowboys D was a joke, Felix went down to injury early, Romo didn't play well and the r. williams trade added ZERO value but T.O. is the problem. Where was the backup QB when they needed it? Who jumped at the chance to pick up Pac Man?
If Jerry Jones would step out of the GM role they'd be much better off.
Giants, ATL, SD & Titans need to get on the horn... the colts might not lose till 2011 w/him.
Anonymous, what does Donovan McNabb have to laugh about?
For starters how about the fact that what goes around comes around? Dog a Black QB—get rewarded. Cry on national TV for your sorry-ass white QB; then have that sorry sucker put a cowboy boot up your ass. What a pathetic negro Terrell Owens is.
The cancerous TO has been surgically removed yet again.
Amonymous 8:26:00 You are so on point. TO crying for Romo and dogging McNabb. He found out the sun doesn't rise just because he gets out of bed in the morning.
..."Dog a Black QB—get rewarded. Cry on national TV for your sorry-ass white QB; then have that sorry sucker put a cowboy boot up your ass...."...
Dayyuum!!! Point well made and taken!
I made the same point about TO at another site.
Dude is smart and he's talented, but their is a whiff of coon about him.
.."Dog a Black QB—get rewarded. Cry on national TV for your sorry-ass white QB; then have that sorry sucker put a cowboy boot up your ass...."...
DAmn man were you reading my mind?? I respected T.O EVEN after he dissed Mcnabb (I figured Mcnabb prolly is a bitch in real life) but then he cried for ROMO!?!?! Come on bruh!!
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