Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Uh Oh! Tell Me DV Didn't Call This


Anonymous said...

Lol, yup I called it too!

Actions speak ouder than words, folks.

And if a man can't fathom why a woman would keep returning to her "abuser," then he really doesn't understand women and the primal game between us.

Reality is, this spoiled pop-tart used to nutless manginas sucking her ass probably gained a healthy dose of respect for Chris and is even more turned on by him now...

Big Man said...

You too are funny.

Anonymous said...

^ Seriously, let's consider the feminist-correct response here:

Ri assaults CB, and he does absolutely nothing, like a big sack of potatoes. Maybe even backpedals and tries to assuage her.. "Oh baby, baby.."

She thinks, damn, this sackless chump will bend over and take ANYTHING from me. Even when I'mbeing a total BITCH. She immediately loses all respect for him for failing this shit-test and loses him like a bad habit for a real man that could beat some sense into her.

Denmark Vesey said...

LOL. Damn Byrd. You rough.

I'm thinking more like -

The fight wasn't really that bad ...
She knows she started it ...
They actually do care for each other ...
It has gone this far and she is too embarrassed to admit she exaggerated to the police ...

You on some - "She Enjoyed Shit"

Anonymous said...

"She Enjoyed Shit"

Lol, well either scenario could apply to her case, who knows...

But I do know mine certainly applies to many, with or without Ri! Which is something that feminists don't like to admit - cuz then it places primary responsibility and accountability back on the woman.

But remember, rape fantasies are the #3 top female fantasy!

Once chicks get in the bedroom, all that feminist egalitarian rhetoric flies out the window!

Anonymous said...


What's the source of this story... When I google the language you posted verbatim... Bossip comes up as the source... tell us it ain't so!? You sourcing Bossip now!

Denmark Vesey said...


The first word in the sentence is "Star".

Try again.

But when you take a break from your desperate quest to discredit your boy,

why don't you respond to the ESSENCE of the post, which is much of the hype surrounding "Domestic Violence" is manufactured bullshit by people who hate men.


Never mind.

You want to see Chris in jail as badly as does Rosanne Barr.

Big Man said...


So, Bossip didn't break this story before everybody else?

Isn't Bossip being approached by both the Rihanna and Chris Brown camps who are intent on getting their message out?

Bossip and TMZ kick the ass of every establishment newspaper in the country when it comes to celebrity gossip. It's what they specialize in.

Now, I wouldn't trust Bossip's take on the state of the economy, but when it comes to celebrity gossip they typically are ahead of the curve.

But, I guess they aren't on the approved list of news sources.

Anonymous said...

The first word in the sentence is "Star".

Oh OK!... Star Magazine.. The supermarket news tabloid magazine... You had me worried there for moment. Thank God it wasn't CNN or the CBC.

Anyway to answer your question... Has there ever been a women president, vice president, five star general, head of the federal reserve or majority owner of a news conglom?

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"But, I guess they aren't on the approved list of news sources."

Didn't you just yesterday have issue with the NYPOST? Now Bossip is credible to you?

Your cred is zero again!

Big Man said...

Man, you have got to stop trusting mainstream media sources so much.

They are corporations in the business of selling advertising space. They report the news in a manner designed to garner more advertising.

Are they more accurate then other sources on certain issues? Sure. But, they are beyond reproach, nor or they immune to biases. I am intimately familiar with the industry and the way it's workers are trained, trust me on this.

Just because something comes from a mainstream news source does not make it true. Nor does it make it false, as DV likes to assume.

Take in the information, use your own knowledge and common sense, and then come to a decision on its veracity.

Big Man said...


You struggle with reading my comments and understanding them.

As I pointed out to you yesterday and today, just because something appears in a mainstream news source does not make it true or more reputable. It just doesn't.

The New York Post is writing about an incident that happened between Chris Brown and Rihanna. They were not eyewitnesses to this incident, there are no eyewitnesses besides Chris Brown and Rihanna.

Both Chris Brown and Rihanna have differing accounts of what happened. You have chosen to run with the account given by Rihanna to the police, the same account that was leaked to the media by the police.


Why would you assume that she is more honest? What is your basis for that? Why would you purposely ignore the fact that the police have a vested interest in arresting someone for this crime and are leaking information to buttress their case?

This all seems obvious to me, yet you keep missing the point. I'll hit you with it again.

News is just information collected by regular people trained in information collection. That's it. There is nothing magical about it. It is not God's truth. It's just secondhand information that people sell you.


Anonymous said...

Big Man
"Man, you have got to stop trusting mainstream media sources so much."

Big Man I don't trust them... But when in Rome... Meaning if it's good for the Blogger ... Then it's good for the Bloggee ... You feel me!?

Big Man said...


Not really. From what I've read here, DV only quotes people he agrees with.

That's cool, makes sense even.

He's not above quoting random folks who other people consider disreputable because he agrees with their comments. He's decided that his truth on most issues is just as valid as everybody else's truth.

That's a man after my own heart.

So, while I disagree with him on several topics, I can respect where he comes from. He ain't trying to provide unbiased, objective news coverage, and he doesn't pretend to be. He's pushing a subjective message that can be distilled into a few key points:

1. Don't conform
2. Think critically
3. Enjoy women

Now, all that stuff he kicks about the Jews and the gays, I don't flow like that. I'm not in his camp completely on either of those issues. But, I think he's right when he questions why certain topics are beyond discussion. That's bullshit.

Anyway, on several occasions Casper you have trumpeted the mainstream media account of something as if it has to be true. I'm much more skeptical about "truth." From what I've seen, media people gather information and disseminate it. They are hindered by time constraints, corporate concerns and personal biases. They are not spreading the truth.

But, if you don't think that way, excuse my longwinded response.

Denmark Vesey said...

Damn Big Man,

I didn't know you got down like that.

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

That's my baby!

Anonymous said...

Hey maybe Rhianna was looking for a way out of not going to Indonesia to perform. She cancel the last time there in Nov 8,2008 However, the whole thing backfired on them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Although domestic violence is very real and should not be trivialized as 'propaganda', i agree with this:

DV: The fight wasn't really that bad ...
She knows she started it ...
They actually do care for each other ...
It has gone this far and she is too embarrassed to admit she exaggerated to the police ...

Anonymous said...

"She knows she started it ...
It has gone this far and she is too embarrassed to admit she exaggerated to the police ..."

Based on what?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Based on what?" CNulan

Based on the same information which says Chris "Beat her up".

Based on the same information that suggests he "is an Abuser".

Based on the same information which suggests Riahanna is "the victim"

Based on the same information used by radio stations to cancel Chris' music.

Based on the same information used to drop Chris Brown from the Got Milk campaign and the Rigley's sponsorship.


Anonymous said...

"She knows she started it ..."
"It has gone this far and she is too embarrassed to admit she exaggerated to the police ..."

"Based on what?"

"Based on the same information which says Chris "Beat her up"."

Well post the mutherfuggin source.. Don't just make shit up! So mofo's can vet the info you both are spittin!

Denmark Vesey said...

"Well post the mutherfuggin source.. Don't just make shit up! So mofo's can vet the info you both are spittin!"



Anonymous said...


in Point!
Make believe!

Anonymous said...

Ladies Ladies.. Don't be alarmed.. DV says this is normal and natural for woman to experience. Trust in DV!

Anonymous said...

^ Actually, a lot of women naturally look worse than that without makeup...

But the real litmus test will be:

Does she stay or does she go?