I thought Nulan was being sarcastic when he was talking about birdie and the lizards. But this guy actually believes this reptilian shit?
Dang, birdie, you're really fucking up my case for the GSWS.
And Mills' case for the intellectual superiority of white folks.
Monday, February 02, 2009
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Well Mike, of (mostly Christian) Americans:
78% believe in angels
71% believe in the Devil
But only 34% believe in UFOs
24% believe in witches
This despite the fact that there are a helluva a lot more actual photos of UFOs, and many self-proclaimed witches...
So, why are these Christian beliefs more acceptable, but aliens not? Because they have more solid evidence backing them, or because they simply have been more deeply programmed into people?
Byrd, you think you could show me a 'lizard person' before I can show you a devil?
^ I have actually talked to a few people who have seen reptilians. Some in natural form, others shapeshifted as humans. There are also public reports of this. Of course, whether you want to believe these is another story, lol... I have no hard proof myself yet.
However, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
But I don't dismiss the existence of a devil, either. Would she be wearing a blue dress? :D
Blue dress?
Probably a blue suit and a business card that says "lobbyist".
See Byrd, I can get with angels and devils and even lizard people metaphorically.
Yet I have a hard time with the notion there are muhfuggas with eczema and forked tongues flicking out of their mouths running around plotting world government.
Thankfully DV, you and I have had this discussion and you know much more precisely where I stand.
Being that I'm not in the Cliff Notes bidnis, and both booboo and the fool have had equal opportunity to connect dots to arrive at an integrated, verifiable, and plausible understanding of history's mysteries on their own - and each has failed most spectacularly - I'm perfectly contented to let matters stand.
Taking my cue from the Gospel of Thomas;
18 The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"
Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.
Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."
Birdeye is out there but he has some interesting views.
Devil in a blue dress?
Is the Devil = Lucifer?
Is Lucifer another name for Venus?
What color was Venus' dress?
"I can get with angels and devils and even lizard people metaphorically."
So, do you believe Jesus metaphorically or literally walked on water and rose from the dead too?
And, who is the Devil, really? We know that Lucifer was an "angel" cast down from "Heaven." What were "angels," Watchers, sons of god, Heaven, really?
- And why is Satan often depicted as a clawed creature, often with horns, a tail and bat wings?
- Similar to cross-cultural dragons.
- And modern-day royal Draconian reptilian descriptions?
Is there a common denominator here?
Is there a hidden claw behind the hidden hand?
Satanism is the ruling hierarchy of the Brotherhood pyramid under the command of the reptilians.
then Prime Minister, Edward Heath, and his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Anthony Barber. She says that as she watched him, Heath began to transform into a reptile and she said that what surprised her was that no-one in the circle seemed in the least surprised. "He eventually became a full-bodied Reptiloid, growing in size by some two foot." She said he was "slightly scaly" and "spoke fairly naturally, although it sounded like 'long distance'
blood from the victims is collected and mixed with arsenic, which appears to be a necessary element for those of the human-reptilian bloodlines.
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