Saturday, February 07, 2009

Metal Detectors or Mind Conditioners?

Are millions of Americans herded through metal detectors at airports and elementary schools solely to protect us from terrorism and crime, or is it possible we are being systematically conditioned to tolerate routine and unwarranted search?


Born Again said...

Great post, i enjoy the blog mr.Denmark Vesey.

Big Man said...

Your view of this country's future is pretty dire.

Not saying it's inaccurate, just that it's dire.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Ups Brother Noutax! I thank you.

"Valley Of The Shadow Of Def"

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Man said...

Your view of this country's future is pretty dire.

Nah Big Man. That aint my view on this country's future.

That's my view on this country's present.

It's an acknowledgment of the obvious.

Wiretaps, Patriot Act, Torture, Taking your shoes off at the fuggin airport, children holding their hands up in the air like criminals ...

What? They gotta make an announcement on TV before we recognize the police state?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

02 05 09

Bullshit infringement of our rights at every turn. They better watch out.

CNu said...

how to control a herd of humans.....,

Anonymous said...

cnulan - I like the Orwell blurb appearing right next to your comment on this page...
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear... "

CNu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CNu said...

Sorry BD, it doesn't apply to that toxic material that you, burd-die, and BBCB like to preach.

I can't account for what happened to any of you to make you lose your way, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that whatever it was, it has made you cats duppies to the bone...,

Denmark Vesey said...

I aint hip CNu.

What's Big Don talking about make you categorize the brother as part of a group you call "duppies to the bone"?

CNu said...

Man, big don is my burd-die.

He's another bell curve devotee, lives in Seattle proximate to the hood and has a lot of Gran Torino type tendencies.

He's old school and tends to know much better how to deport himself than burd-die - something much closer to UCBM - but that racist mind rot that was enacted on all of them by the Bell Curve limits their viability in the greater scheme of things.

Thus the appellation duppy which I equate with the undead who do harm, as contrasted with the duppy conquering meme at the heart of the GSBS.

Anonymous said...

Big Don

Well g, looks more like the tide is turning and you're becoming the Flat-Earther duppy here, cnulan?

CNu said...

did you get a chick yet turdy?

BD's older than dirt and you and BBCB got nothing but smokes and chicken chokes to keep you warm and straight at night....,

Undercover Black Man said...

I think it's worth repeating what I've said before regarding "The Bell Curve."

It's not that "The Bell Curve" persuaded me of anything. It was the feebleness of the arguments from all the Establishment egalitarianist scholars who lined up to debunk it.

If the premise of "The Bell Curve" was so manifestly absurd... the egalitarianists should be able to knock it down with ease.

In my point of view, though, they haven't. The less scrupulous among them, such as Nulan, merely resort to leftist bullying tactics.

Where stand you, DV, on the premise that different human sub-groups might have (generally speaking) different cognitive capacities due to genetics?

CNu said...

David, you have no concept of what it would mean for me to take an active interest in coercion...., so your crying "bully" is just you showing what a punk ass you truly are.

Being that I'm not one of the enfeebled pornstars or former rap posers that you can easily dominate and damage after the fact with your flawed logic, rhetorical tricks and stank reportage - it hurts you deeply to be shown serially and repeatedly impotent with your little word-sword.

The bell curve may aptly describe your intelligence, because you have demonstrated an inability to see through its manifold frauds. i.e., the thing was written to trick the hump of folks in the popular culture - like Y.O.U.

That you fail to understand that it is a piece of pure anti-Black political propaganda - just goes to show the extent of your own anti-Black animus.

The Bell Curve was never intended for, nor does it have ANY standing among, folks with a clue about genetics, cognition, population measurement, or even the simple history of what an IQ test is, and is not.

The only people to whom it still has any appeal are racists who feel the need for pseudo-scientific cover.

Undercover Black Man said...

... it hurts you deeply to be shown serially and repeatedly impotent with your little word-sword.

Craig, you got a dick, right? It works, right?

Then why must you so obsessively display insecurities with your phallic-oriented insults?

CNu said...


David, the entendre is strictly impersonal. However, if you'd like, cruel and deeply personal is always an option.

Your call....,

Undercover Black Man said...

^ What a prince you are, Craig. What an example for others to follow.

Why are you baring teeth like a cornered raccoon? This is the Internet, dude. It's not real life.

CNu said...


you're right David.

In real life - it would have never even occurred to you to sell a woof ticket with my name on it.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ Oh, I know you're a badass, Craig. You probably chumped freshmen for their lunch money at MIT.

CNu said...

For a couple of years, I had the third floor of a triple-decker in Boston, right next to Forest Hills Cemetary. (itself a tiny national park and somewhat heavily forested)

One afternoon, on my way up, I heard my little one-eyed adoptee black cat (named Emmanuel) pitching a fit from inside the apartment.

So, quietly as I could, I went back out, came up the fire escape and crept in the back way - looking to get the jump on whatever was going on inside.

The level of 2nd amendment infringement in Boston is enough to make you think twice about blasting even an intruder. So I also grabbed my louisville slugger to have a non-lethal plan B just in case.

Ruger in right hand, slugger in left, I tiptoed in my socks to the pantry where all the mayhem was underway.

I was shocked to find that an enormous raccoon had gotten into the apartment and had tree'd my little cat up on the top shelf and was doing everything in its power to bring him down from there.

Seeing the culprit, I stuck the hogleg in my belt and doubled up on that bat and put to work. I must've hit that phukking raccoon two or three really good whacks before it realized that the tables had been turned - and started trying to make its retreat back out the way it had come in.

As it turned out, it had come up a utility line on the side of the house and squeezed through a partially open window - or at least that's the way it headed to get back out again.

I pounded that raccoon hard enough to kill a person or a dog several times over, but shockingly - the daggone thing would.not.die.

It made it out the window and was slowly trying to back down that utility line. Leaning out the window, I got in one final good whack and it fell off the line and down to the pavement three stories below.

I found its dead body later on that evening about 60 feet from where it'd hit the concrete. I almost felt bad about it, cause I didn't really want to kill it, but then it had rolled up in my space and perpetrated without provocation in the first place...,

Undercover Black Man said...

^ That coon was skrate gangsta.