Friday, February 13, 2009

The Cruxifixion of Chris Brown Continues • Why Is Rihanna Assumed The "Victim"?

UH OH. But of course: Now the ZioNut FemiNazi media and the Dumb Negro Conformists are saying Rihanna "has been in an ongoing abusive relationship" and anyone else suffering abuse should contact Domestic Abuse Hotlines immediately.

Anything to divide men and women and portray heterosexual unions as inherently flawed. Peep the dangerous subtext of the media coverage: "Young Black Men Are All Violent & Dangerous." Pretty soon brothers will all be classified as "Militants & Domestic Terrorists".Chris Brown 'flirting' ahead of incident

It is reported that Chris Brown was spotted flirting with singer Leona Lewis just hours before he was accused of assaulting his girlfriend Rihanna.

The Daily Mirror reports that the R&B star was spotted chatting to the British singer and 'X Factor' winner Lewis at a pre-Grammy awards party in Los Angeles on Saturday night.

The newspaper reports a source as saying: "Rihanna saw Chris flirting. He and Leona were laughing and Rihanna saw his hand on the small of her back."

They media coverage of these types of stories could have been written by the LifeTime Channel. The beat the drum of the "Dangerous Male" meme like a marching band.

Pretty soon just being a heterosexual black man is going to be a crime in and of itself. And don't have a little game. T.A.R.G.E.T.

Imagine ... you are 19 years old. You are a black handsome international superstar and sex symbol, loved by young people all over the world, maybe the best dancer since Michael Jackson. You are driving your silver Lamborghini down a quiet Hollywood street. The iPhone in your pocket is vibrating with sex texts from Leona Lewis. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, this 21 year old broad with a West Indian accent starts busting you in the head with her fists - With All Of Her Might - and grabbing the wheel throughout the assault. Either you defend yourself, or you both die when the car careens into a telephone pole.

When the car finally comes to a stop, she snatches the keys and hurls them out of the window You find your keys, snatch her crazy ass out the car and drive off before things get worse.

Next thing you know, your face is spread all over international news looking like Harpo from The Color Purple and this chick is presented as a passive victim.

The Good Nurse said ...

bottom line....KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!!!!!

Not condoning a man hitting a woman, but surely not condoning a woman hitting a man either. Mothers and fathers should teach their children that when they strike out in anger to physically harm another they risk getting their asses whooped. Damn, this is not that difficult to understand.


cinque said...

So true, so true. LMAO at "looking like harpo from the color purple"!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Uhh! Because she got her ass beat!

Remember... Michael Spinks was a victim of Mike Tyson's 1st round beatdown. Although they were both in the ring for battle.

Now in this (semi)civilized nation that you live in ... Men beating down women hasn't quite been accepted yet(pimpin only). However, if you trek just south of the border to lets say Guatemala you just may have your way.

Anonymous said...

Creating manphobia through rape & DV paranoia is the first step in the feminist Hegelian dialectic.

It's been kept a "secret" that nearly half of rape reports are falsified and more young women commit DV against men than vice-versa now.

However, our Zionist media has ensured that common perception is the opposite.

Anyhow, the Hegelian "solution" then is the continued disempowerment of men and transfer of this power to the Nanny state.

Well, I can only wonder if Chris Brown will ironically get prosecuted under VAWA - the bill that Joe Biden pushed through against all male resistance on the Hill. "Ironically" because I would bet $20 that he VOTED for Obama/Biden. In which case, he would deserve what he got for being such a gutless "man."

Yes, the sad fact is that most of this anti-male, feminist legislation, is pushed through by...White males (and men who vote for them).

Denmark Vesey said...

That's good stuff Byrd.

Can you believe the knee-jerk conformity of the Casper's of this world, who parrot the "Victim" story.

1,000 Palestinians, half of them children were just bombed, burned and crushed to death by an Israeli war machine financed by bankrupt American taxpayers -

Yet "getting their asses beat" did not qualify them for "Victim Status".

Which is the inherent problem with Group Identity Politics.

Right vs Wrong has been replaced by Who vs Who.

I've seen people attack other people and walk away with bruises more than once.

Why do the non-thinking masses like Casper parrot the mass media's spin that the young heterosexual male is automatically the villian?

Michael Fisher said...

I'm gonna have to give DV props on this one. Go check out the average movie and the laugh-inducing comedy bit is when a woman slaps or beats the shit out of some guy because of something "insensitive" (maybe even including having twenty nekkid women parade around in his bed) he said. But woe if the same situation is reversed. In such a case it ain't comedy, it's "typical male cruelty".

Anonymous said...

"Group Identity Politics.

Right vs Wrong has been replaced by Who vs Who"

I agree. And the trick here has been to confuse the voters between "group identity" and "politics."

For example, Joe Biden's "group ID" is WHITE MALE - and yet his actual "politics" are ANTI-MALE FEMINIST.

And we can see the same thing with many Blacks like Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice...whose politics are actually NEOCON (that would normally be associated with the "JEWISH/WHITE MALE" group ID).

So, unless you educated yourself on each candidate, you would assume otherwise...

But as we know, your average American voter is a miseducated buffoon - and blindly votes for the bookcover over the book contents.

Anyhow, the Zionist matrix is founded upon 2 great lies in particular:

1) The Holocaust was an intentional gassing of 6 million Jews - now giving them carte blanche to take retribution against all goyim and Arabs to rule the world. If this were not true, then they would lose their "entitlement" to Israel and "prerogative" to ethnically cleanse out Arabs without protest.

2) All groups are born with equal IQs. This assumption (never scientifically-proven) then means that any socioeconomic underperformance by any group MUST be the result of racism or sexism - and require legal redress (affirmative action). In effect, this creates a less-globally competitive, unfair Commy state doomed to EPIC FAIL. Just like every other Commy country where everyone got the same reward no matter what their ability or effort (thus ensuring the least common denominator of effort amongst all). And btw, this works against smart K-gaming Blacks too - whose hard-won wealth then gets redistributed to the really dumb r-gamers as well.

So, this is why questioning either of these lies or misassumptions is illegal or de facto illegal (subject to firing) in the Zionist matrix. Because if these false legs are pulled, the entire table built upon them will collapse.

Anonymous said...

Casper and others, you might want to read these posts of mine on the TRUTH about DV:

DV Laws Biased Against Men
Most DV Is Reciprocal!
Women Now Inflict More Domestic Violence Than Men! (Did you know that one-third of newlywed women vs one-quarter of newlywed men engage in physical aggression now??? Which means that YES, more women beat men than men beat women now!)

Anyhow, any man who voted for Biden has no room to complain about DV getting used as a Nanny state tool against men. Sorry suckas! Get used to a lonngg 4 or 8 years of more feminist anti-male policies!

CNu said...

On turd-die's number 1 and 2 excuses for his own tragic failures in life, it would almost be comical were it not sad how over-the-hill, womanless white men with delusions of being anally raped by reptile aliens - HAVE TO HAVE - scapegoats in order to cope with the indisputable fact of their own status as hopelessly non-competitive reality casualties.

The knuckle-dragging matrix of lies is founded on some truly pathetic isht...,

Anonymous said...

Cnu - show me proof that:

1) 6 million Jews were intentionally gassed to death in the "Holocaust"

2) All groups magically have equal IQs.

3) Other intelligent lifeforms don't exist.

4) Reptilian aliens don't exist, despite nearly universal, ancient cross-cultural mythology about them?

Look, I get why you're angry. You're a smart Black man who gets tired of constantly being stereotyped as another dumb r-gamer. And having to prove otherwise all the time. Unfortunately, as I said, people do tend to judge books by their covers, even when there's exceptions. In fact, you probably do yourself as well. :(

Big Man said...


If you compare men fighting women to Israel bombing Gaza, wouldn't women have to be the folks in Gaza?

After all, in a typical physical altercation, most men have an extreme advantage over most women. So, some women argue that no matter what, if a man responds with violence, it's unnecessary.

Now, I don't agree with that, but it lines up with your typical Israel versus Gaza argument.

Anonymous said...

Casper and others, you might want to read these posts of mine on the TRUTH about DV:

Listen fellas, gents, men???
I don't need to read any BS. I am 6' 4" 250... my 13 y.o. son could hit me harder than any woman could or would. And if she did I would leave the situation. A MAN who is being abused by his woman is a pussy! Would Fiddy allow his woman to beat him DV... Fuck No! All this sensitive male posturing is bullshit. You dudes are suppose to be progressive but your really are opportunist. What's good for me types. What's next ...beat your kids I guess. Until a nigga puts his hands on your daughter, wife, mother or daughter even if she started it. Now until I read a police report that says that young buck Chris Brown has bite marks, bruises, black eyes and a busted lip then my position is the same. Secondly, for you DV... two post down you have your idol Jay-Z .. the same Jay-Z who also wants to kick young buck Chris Brown's ass. So is Jay-Z a conformist too??


CNu said...

Big Man,

No real man has EVER been approached with violence by a female that he's allowed into his intimate acquaintance....,

Only boys and weak muhphuggaz get approached that way by a woman.

CNu said...

turdy, turdy, turdy, turdy, turdy......,

Stupid is about the only thing in the world that pisses me off, and as you've seen demonstrated hereabouts, I'm very much an equal opportunity judge, jury, and executioner of the stupid. Unless you're under the age of 21, once having shown yourself guilty of the unpardonable sin of stupid, you eliminate any possibility of rehabilitation and are summarily an permanently assigned to the evolutionary scrap heap where oxygen thieves are consigned to die.

1) the holocaust narrative has no bearing on my political life, or the lives of those who matter to me. to understand the political pass given to the U.S.'s janissaries in the middle-east - one is better served looking at their role in WW-II finance and in the Manhattan Project.

2) IQ is a culture-specific measure of the assimilation of the logic, language, and values inherent to a specific cultural formation, and not a measure of objective cognitive capacity or potential.

3) Non-human "intelligence" (or more accurately "consciousness and motive") predominates in the terrestrial biosphere.

4) The reptilian motif unquestionably exists as a human archetype and it is an avatar or facsimile for at least one order of non-human motive or intelligence accessible to humans. That said, your "researches" have led you in entirely the wrong direction to account for it.

CNu said...

Listen fellas, gents, men???
I don't need to read any BS. I am 6' 4" 250... my 13 y.o. son could hit me harder than any woman could or would. And if she did I would leave the situation. A MAN who is being abused by his woman is a pussy!

Bears repeating cap..., you don't even have to be physically large in order for others who know you to understand that putting their hands on you is equivalent to suicide....,

Denmark Vesey said...

"A MAN who is being abused by his woman is a pussy!"


Man, the conformity knows no ends.

According to the NWO Mind Fuck and the Caspers: "Chicks are equal ...
until it's time to play victim."

Where's all the gender blurring now? A woman can join the military, try out for boy's football teams, be cops, POTUS, prison guards, fireman, construction workers, pilots and Navy Seals ... but the moment she has a physical confrontation with someone with a penis - she becomes Scarlet O'hara.

Read Byrdeye's links Casper. It would be good for your edification.

Unless of course ... you are just arguing for the sake of arguing and trying to redeem yourself for multiple ass whippings in the past.

Denmark Vesey said...


"If you compare men fighting women to Israel bombing Gaza, wouldn't women have to be the folks in Gaza?" Big Man


If evidence of physical harm = Victim Status

But they weren't granted victim status by the media. In fact they were portrayed as responsible for their own general death and destruction.


A jealous girlfriend strikes a young man while he is driving the car and grabs the wheel is portrayed WITHOUT DOUBT as the victim.


Not Right vs Wrong.

Male vs. Female

Which is equal to Who vs. Who

Which is equal to Divide & Conquer tactics.

The NWO is pitting women against men and men against women.

This case is a battle of memes.

Denmark Vesey said...

1) "the holocaust narrative has no bearing on my political life, or the lives of those who matter to me. " CNu

Au contrare Mon Frere!!!!

2) "IQ is a culture-specific measure of the assimilation of the logic, language, and values inherent to a specific cultural formation, and not a measure of objective cognitive capacity or potential."

Naaaaaa ....

Black people are the most intelligent people on the planet.

3) "Non-human "intelligence" (or more accurately "consciousness and motive") predominates in the terrestrial biosphere." CNu

Good stuff

4) "The reptilian motif unquestionably exists as a human archetype and it is an avatar or facsimile for at least one order of non-human motive or intelligence accessible to humans. That said, your "researches" have led you in entirely the wrong direction to account for it." CNu

Most Dynamic Intellect On The Internet

But you need to ease up on My Favorite White Boy - Byrd is spitting shit exponentially more valuable than that nonsense the Caspers parrot.

Anonymous said...

Um, that denialist macho posturing is why men keep losing ground to's like being afraid to ask for directions because that would be admitting you're lost. When in fact, you are.

But OF COURSE most men are NOT afraid of the physical reprecussions of smacking a female. What they're afraid of is the social and LEGAL reprecussions. And BTW, DV accusations can be totally falsified in divorce proceedings, etc. to obtain better settlements.

Anyhow, Cnu of course, provides his usual cop-out non-answers as usual...using big words to say very little. Of all my points, you still proved nothing to the contrary - so should just be hinest and at least agnostic on all of them.

While DV can see beyond his own ego to stay on-point and scope the bigger picture.

Guess some things just never change in here. :D

CNu said...

That very last part you got right stupid...,

CNu said...

Of all my points, you still proved nothing to the contrary - so should just be hinest and at least agnostic on all of them.


the image of you laying out on the scrap heap with buzzards circling overhead - clinging to the delusional fantasy that you have standing sufficient to demand explanations or "proofs" from your betters wrt your ignorant and erroneous beliefs - just cracks me.the.phuk up...,

Anonymous said...

"Where's all the gender blurring now? A woman can join the military, try out for boy's football teams, be cops, POTUS, prison guards, fireman, construction workers, pilots and Navy Seals"

And have babies... and so you justyfing your ability to prove your hip hop rap swagga!? DV whats the most powerful muscle in your little limp body?

Anonymous said...

"Um, that denialist macho posturing is why men keep losing ground to feminists"

Oh like Obama lost to Hillary?
Man some chicks must have done a number on you and DV... Counseling boys.. Counseling!

Anonymous said...

Cnu - The re-understanding of ancient mythology in terms of modern genome research and exopolitics is the new paradigm...that you fear and so cling to your drying intellectual dungheap. But the paradigm is shifting between your feet, so you better pick the right side soon if you wanna stay relevant.

You can jump ahead, or get left behind.

"Obama lost to Hillary"

Well with arch-feminist Biden as VEEP, the feminists had both decks stacked and they win either way... Again, just because a man won, does not mean feminists lost. Here again, you naively confuse identity with politics.

Anonymous said...

"Again, just because a man won, does not mean feminists lost."

Dude what gender is your mom?
your sister? your aunt? your grandmother? your daughter? your wife? Why wouldn't you want opportunities and protection for some of the most important people in your life???
Why are you so hung up on the men vs. women score? What phobia are you and DV afflicted with?? Did you tow get your assess whooped constantly on the playground like Buckwheat?

Anonymous said...

Can you believe the knee-jerk conformity of the Casper's of this world, who parrot the "Victim" story.

BTW you never answered whether Jay-Z is also a conformist with wanting CB's ass whooped??

Conflicted maybe??

Denmark Vesey said...


My fault man.

I've read your posts again, slowly. I must apologize.

I've been a bit caustic with you in the past. I did not realize you mentally disturbed. Until just now.

My fault bra.

CNu said...

The re-understanding of ancient mythology in terms of modern genome research and SNIP!!!!


DV, please tug your favorite white boy's sleeve.

Anonymous said...

"I've been a bit caustic with you in the past. I did not realize you mentally disturbed. Until just now."

You are so predictable ... when your left to defend your inconsistent ideals ... you inevitably resort to grade school behavior ... But thats kool ... I will treat you like a little biaatch and just walk away from the smackdown. I'd rather be classy than ashy! Sorry I hurt your tender feelings!

Anonymous said...

bottom line....KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!!!!! Not condoning a man hitting a woman, but surely not condoning a woman hitting a man either. Mothers and fathers should teach their children that when they strike out in anger to physically harm another they risk getting their asses whooped. Damn, this is not that difficult to understand.
the good nurse

Anonymous said...

"All this sensitive male posturing is bullshit."- Casper

Thanks Casper. Bottom line is that DV knows what Chris did is wrong. Was Rihanna in the wrong- yeah she assaulted him too. There's NEVER any reason for a man to beat a woman... rough up a little like Chris Rock said... then yes... but beat up... hell no! DV just sticking out his lips whimpering about Chris Brown not being accorded the magical "victim" status due to "gender blurring".

If it makes you feel any better DV- Chris Brown is a victim too -and a punk too. ...pretty soon the people "boycotting" Chris will realize how futile their protests are spent... wasted on mediocre talents such as Rihanna and Chris.

Obama Chic

Anonymous said...

Nice save - good thing you prefaced all that with "Imagine"!

Um, also? Bridget Hall in full headdress is offending my native sensibilities. That's my culture you're f'ing with: that image is all style, but no substance, just fakery.

But then again, that's why you put it up, no?

It makes sense: it doesn't seem like you are willing to take the bad and the ugly along with "the good", (e.g. an ugly old male sioux chief who's the only one who should be wearing that, instead of putting Bridget Hall in it because it is sexy) or what you like about an image or a theory or a political philosophy.

Instead you cobble together a whole mess of theories in a convenient, morally relativistic fashion to suit they way you want to be and live.

That's fine,actually, but don't pretend it is anything more than what it is. Honesty is what you began with and it is the only thing you will be left with, at the end.

Anonymous said...

Folks, moral of the story is:

1) Maybe little girls shouldn't pick on guys who could whup their lil asses? If I pick on a 7' heavyweight boxer and get my ass kicked, is that his fault or mine?

2) Guys should stop voting in feminist legislators - who are often men, btw. Men may outmuscle women physically, but they vastly outmuscle us legally right now due to these choices.

3) Some girls do like it rough. So who's willing to bet that Rihanna won't stunt like that again, and will continue to date Chris Brown? Therefore, if it's a mutual choice to stay with and beat each other, then maybe they should just be left alone (and not only 1 party punished). It's not like Rihanna couldn't choose to date a million other nicer guys out there.

Casper - Sure, but not at the expense of all the well-deserving young men not getting a fair shake. In a zero-sum game, I want fairness for all, not special privileges just for the ones with hairy clams.

Anonymous said...

"Rihanna "has been in an ongoing abusive relationship""

Even if true, all that says is that this chick digs ruffneck bad boys. It's not like anyone forced her to pick and stay with him.

She prolly likes it rough and nice guys turn her off. So let her live with her own choices - she will anyways.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i wish folk cared as much about obama's recovery bill as they do chris brown - we are backwards

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, did Rihanna lose it from jealousy over a possible text to Chris from blonde HerPares Hilton?

Did she feel that being hella high-yella...still wasn't light enough?

Anonymous said...

Byrdeye , if you don't bring race into a discussion, you don't feel whole. What happened to you that you must always feel compelled to push your tired boring race line?

Anonymous said...

^ Actually, that may have been a false lead.

Apparently, there's several rumors flying around - the other that Jay-Z gave Rihanna herpes...who then gave it to Chris Brown. Who then got mad pissed.

Denmark Vesey said...

Torrance Stephens - All-Mi-T said...

i wish folk cared as much about obama's recovery bill as they do chris brown - we are backwards

Is that true T?

I think this story is as much about "Chris Brown" as the Dred Scott case was about Dred Scott.


Hell, come to think of it, is Obama's "recovery" bill really about recovery? Or is it about borrowing from Peter to pay Paul?

Anonymous said...

I think Obama's bailout plan is fundamentally unsound (spending more to get us out of debt) and highly uncreative.

A smarter solution would be offering wealthy foreign nationals incentives to buy up our toxic assets. Such as Asians, Arabs or European investors. Not only would this help relieve our debts WITHOUT printing more fake money, but it would also help relieve trade deficits.

This would actually inject new capital into our system.

Essentially hold a national liquidation sale just like Circuit City to recoup some of your losses.

Printing yet more fiat funny money is only going to inflate and devalue its value further in a circle jerk monetary shell game. See Zimbabwe.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments.

As I think about this issue, I believe this more about how the media chooses to identify "victims" within the category of women, rather than a men vs. women battle. Meaning, would the media give a damn about this incident if Rihanna looked or was built like Monique? If this was Usher and Tameka Foster, would there be the media lynching we are seeing now? Rihanna is more of a "victim" to the media because she is a light, tiny, pretty pixie and less because of what Chris Brown allegedly did.


Anonymous said...

"Rihanna is more of a "victim" to the media because she is a light, tiny, pretty pixie and less because of what Chris Brown allegedly did"

Any woman who is beat-up by a man for grabbing his cell phone to see a text message from his jump-off is a victim. Rihanna's beatdown is Entertainment news only because she is an international star who is the protege of an international icon (Jay Z) and dating an american pop artists.

C-lister Mel B is not light skin or tiny but she was a victim of Eddie Murphy's denials of their love child as I recall. And BTW Rhi Rhi is not tiny! and West Indian!

Anonymous said...


What, pray tell, makes Mel B a "victim" because Eddie Murphy denied paternity?

Secondly, the issue is not that the story is news. The issue is the public flogging of Chris Brown at a point when he has NOT EVEN BEEN FORMALLY CHARGED.


Denmark Vesey said...

See, those that seek to shape mass opinion, understand that most peoples minds work like Casper's.

1) They want simple "good guys vs bad guys" stories. Black and White. No complexity. No Gray areas. Nothing to think about.

2) People who think like Casper NEED a bad guy - in order to feel good about themselves. Their logic works like this:

Usher is bad
Usher beat girl
I don't beat girl
ergo I am good -

It never occurs to people like Casper that 19 year old boyfriends and 20 year old girlfriends fight as often as do 9 year old brothers and 10 year old sisters.

If Tasha hits Tommy and Tommy pushes Tasha and Tasha slips and bumps her head - it's going to leave a mark.

Doesn't mean Tommy "Beat Tasha Up".

It means two people were behaving badly and both now suffer the consequences.

Casper hates this logic, because it robs him of his Chris Brown "bad guy" which he needs to feel like a "Good Guy".

A loving parent would scold both of them and remind them that fighting hurts everyone. An ignorant selfish parent would play victim games with either child.

The media doesn't love Chris or Rihanna. They want to make money off of them.

Therefor they feed the masses the Casper Narrative. And they eat it up.

This is the exact same meme game the media used to trick "the Casper's" of America into defending all things homosexual.

You see. In America, defending any and every homosexual political ploy and meme grants one INSTANT GOOD GUY STATUS.

"You support Gay Marriage? Good For You! You are a Good Guy!! You are Tolerant!!"

People like Casper don't really search an issue looking for truth, justice or natural law.

They are sheep who join whichever side is going to feed their fragile ego's and gas up their low self-esteem.

Anonymous said...

Hey Yall,
To further DV's anology to Chris and Rihanna as brother and sister...

I actually agree. This is what happens when you have two CHILDREN (Chris is a whole 19!) trying to play grown up. She needs to have her ass at home in Barbados with her family like most other 19 year olds. Only grown folks should be out at 2am on a Sunday. If she didnt sing, it would have been a school night.

And as for Chris, he needs his daddy. A daddy, rather. That way he'd know he was still a boy who couldnt win a real fight if his life depended on it. His daddy should go to whereever he is and beat the hell out of him for being stupid! Right now.

Anonymous said...

Secondly, the issue is not that the story is news. The issue is the public flogging of Chris Brown at a point when he has NOT EVEN BEEN FORMALLY CHARGED

Sasha with all due respect you are missing the point. What you fail to include is when things were going great for Mr. Chris Brown since his career began the MEDIA and his PR people published THOUSANDS of GREAT articles about Mr. Brown for years. Now that he has decided to beat on one of your fellow sisters... You have a problem! Now as I have read Mr. Madoff was not formally charged when his name hit the web? Mr. Phelps was not formally charged when his name hit the web and he lost sponsors just like Mr. Brown. Because it's in his contract to NOT create such problems.

Anonymous said...

Casper hates this logic, because it robs him of his Chris Brown "bad guy" which he needs to feel like a "Good Guy".

DV this is not about Casper...

#1)If I had a daughter and her boyfriend beat the shit out of her (as confirmed already by the LAPD) I and her family would have a major issue.. regardless of the situation. Because the response is disproportionate to whatever she did. This is the same freaking argument you make with respect to recent Gaza and Israel conflict.

#2) If you don't like the laws on the books concerning domestic violence. Then you should lobby your law makers to change the law.

#3) If Chris Brown doesn't want to be written about in the media from day one. Then he would not be an international pop star. He can't have it both ways. "Hey L.A. Times only publish great stories about me because I am Chris Brown!".. In case you didn't know... It doesn't work that way.

Anonymous said...

DV -"It never occurs to people like Casper that 19 year old boyfriends and 20 year old girlfriends fight as often as do 9 year old brothers and 10 year old sisters.

If Tasha hits Tommy and Tommy pushes Tasha and Tasha slips and bumps her head - it's going to leave a mark.

Doesn't mean Tommy "Beat Tasha Up".

It means two people were behaving badly and both now suffer the consequences."

Oh you mean your sons give your daughter a black eye, busted lips and bite marks whenever she scratches them? Come on you can do better than that....

Casper is right on point- give the man his props.

Obama Chic

Denmark Vesey said...

"Oh you mean your sons give your daughter a black eye, busted lips and bite marks whenever she scratches them? Come on you can do better than that...." OC


Nor does my daughter think she can bust someone in the head any time she has a temper tantrum and get away with it simply because they have testicles.

My daughter and sons are taught that hitting people has consequences.

Denmark Vesey said...

"#1)If I had a daughter and her boyfriend beat the shit out of her (as confirmed already by the LAPD)" Casper

"(as confirmed already by the LAPD)"?


Come on Casper. Emancipate yourself from plantation thinking.

Since when can "the LAPD" confirm anything without an investigation?

What happened to Due Process?

Casper, an anonymous police leak to TMZ ... does NOT ... = Confirmation

Fact is we don't know what happened in that Lamborghini.

But what's odd ...ONCE AGAIN

Is your eagerness to convict and crucify young black men accused of ANYTHING.

You got a problem dude.

You hate yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Fact is we don't know what happened in that Lamborghini."

DV with that logic of thinking... I state to you ... That you don't know what the facts are on the ground in Gaza or the West Bank?? or in Somalia with the pirates... Do you?? But yet you have jumped to conclusions based on what.. 1st hand accounts??

Anonymous said...


Mel B is not light skin or tiny but she was a victim of Eddie Murphy's denials of their love child as I recall.


You got to be kidding me, right? This is is as reaching as it get.

I had a question for you Casper - does your strategy of trying to appease feminists hoping to sleep with them actually works?

Trust me, I tried that game before and trust me, the sex was awful...give it up...

Anonymous said...

"You got a problem dude.

You hate yourself."

First of all I love my black women unlike yourself. May explain your constant posting of the homo topics and why you condone the alleged attack by Mr. Brown on Rihanna a west indian woman. Secondly, I am not a black male celeb groupie like yourself (Lil' Wayne, Jay Z, 50 Cent' Snoop Dogg, Kobe, MC Hammer, Puff Daddy, Mike Vick and "God's son" Obama). You will defend every black celeb male even if he shot your grandmother and was caught on tape. Lastly, you still have not answered whether your IDOL JayZ is a conformist for wanting to whip Chris Brown's ass now as well!

Anonymous said...

DV- "Nor does my daughter think she can bust someone in the head any time she has a temper tantrum and get away with it simply because they have testicles.

My daughter and sons are taught that hitting people has consequences."

If your daughter did bust your son on top his head/ her future husband, you still wouldn't condone any of them busting her lip, blacking her eye, and biting her neck.

Obama Chic

Anonymous said...

Actually meant to say that that whatever male did lay hands on your daughter would get the ass whooping of their life for being a punk (even if your daughter did strike him first). All the silly talk about whether your daughter is a "victim" would be lost upon you viewing her busted face and his unscratched face.

Obama chic

Denmark Vesey said...

"Actually meant to say that that whatever male did lay hands on your daughter would get the ass whooping of their life for being a punk (even if your daughter did strike him first)." Obama Chic

Ass whipping?


Then what?

My daughter still goes through life thinking she can hit men when she feels like it?

Teaching my daughter that - WOULD NOT BE IN MY DAUGHTER'S INTEREST.

Which is what the intellectually lazy and quick-to conform don't seem to understand.

If you love a young girl, you teach her to look both ways when she crosses the street, because she may get hit.

If she fails to look both ways ... it may be the speeding driver's fault ... but she is still dead.

A loving father would scold a girl for running in the street. He would also scold her for striking a man who may very well strike her back.

This business of demonizing men for being human (defending themselves, or reacting instinctively when attacked) is ABOUT MIND CONTROL, not protecting girls.

Anonymous said...

"This business of demonizing men for being human"

Men also react instinctively when gang banging... Which I suppose you don't have a problem with. Men also flew those Israeli jets over Gaza while dropping 1,000 pound bombs on civilians under the self defense excuse. But hey.. as long as they are human in your book. They are not to be demonized. Your excuses don't mask your misogyny.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Men also react instinctively when gang banging..." Casper


Your reaching Casper. That Freudian analogy is beyond silly.

Look up "Due Process" and "Innocent Until Proven Guilty".

Why you so desperate to convict this young man before he has had his day in court?


What makes you so convinced she was BEATEN UP?

Because TMZ said an Anonymous Cop told them?

Get The Fuck Out of Here.

You want him to have beaten her up, so you can feel better about yourself.

Control your Black Man Hate syndrome at least until the evidence is reviewed.

Damn. Foaming at the mouth to lynch the brother.

Anonymous said...

"This business of demonizing men for being human (defending themselves, or reacting instinctively when attacked) is ABOUT MIND CONTROL, not protecting girls."

Men don't need to attack/ beat females in order to defend themselves (unless of course Rihanna had a weapon) in the same way the US does not need to drop bombs on Iraq to protect against terrorism. Now you're simply grasping on to straws.

Obama chic

Anonymous said...

"My daughter still goes through life thinking she can hit men when she feels like it?

Teaching my daughter that - WOULD NOT BE IN MY DAUGHTER'S INTEREST." DV

Exactly just like teaching your sons to hit a female even after being hit by her WOULD NOT BE IN YOUR SONS' INTERESTS. Such an act would rightfully be labeled as unmanly, not

Obama Chic

Anonymous said...

Look up "Due Process" and "Innocent Until Proven Guilty".

DV in case you didn't know... Last I read Mr. Brown will have due process. He is not charged or convicted of a dam thing. Now as far as the media is concerned... Last I looked he is a by product of media hype. He has profited for years from the media attention. Please stop pretending like you don't understand the entertainment business when you live in Hollywood!

Anonymous said...


Just because YOU have not seen Rihanna does not satisfy the english definition of "No One"

"What makes you so convinced she was BEATEN UP?"

What makes you so convinced that the Israeli's dropped bombs on Gaza??? Sherlock!

What is Chris Brown apologizing for?

Damm! "Groupie Love" and cocaine are some powerful drugs! Rehab son..Rehab! Take the Chris Brown poster down too!

Big Man said...

Man, I can't believe some of y'all.

Seriously, if you hit somebody, ANYBODY, you need to be prepared to get hit back.

Violence begets violence.

Now, in some cases, it's perfectly acceptable to hit another person. When you're in a boxing ring, when you're a parent disciplining a child.

But, it's rarely acceptable for an adult to strike another adult because they are anger or frustrated. Doesn't matter what gender they are.

Why is this so hard to understand? Women do not have carte blance to resolve their anger by hitting. Life doesn't work that way. Some men will let you slide, other men will beat your ass. If you decide that hitting a man is something you want to do, it would make sense to prepare yourself for the consequences.

This new logic is crazy.

CNu said...

Seriously, if you hit somebody, ANYBODY, you need to be prepared to get hit back.


Y'all must not hit hard enough.., (;

Anonymous said...

"Seriously, if you hit somebody, ANYBODY, you need to be prepared to get hit back.

This new logic is crazy" Big Man

There's no new logic. No one is condoning a woman hitting a man or vice versa. What Casper and I are saying is that a man who does hit a woman is a punk/ pussy/ a-hole even if the woman did hit him first. A grown man like (Chris) beating/ striking a woman is the equivalent of Isreal nuking Gaza for a couple of launched rocket attacks... Disproportionate response....

Anonymous said...

Big Man
"But, it's rarely acceptable for an adult to strike another adult because they are anger or frustrated. Doesn't matter what gender they are."

From whats been reported thus far... Thats what happened! DV changed the story to embellish his point