Friday, February 13, 2009

Identity Politics 003: DV Has Offended An Anonymous Indian

"Anonymous" said ...
Um, also? Bridget Hall in full headdress is offending my native sensibilities. That's my culture you're f'ing with: that image is all style, but no substance, just fakery.

But then again, that's why you put it up, no?

It makes sense: it doesn't seem like you are willing to take the bad and the ugly along with "the good", (e.g. an ugly old male sioux chief who's the only one who should be wearing that, instead of putting Bridget Hall in it because it is sexy) or what you like about an image or a theory or a political philosophy.

Instead you cobble together a whole mess of theories in a convenient, morally relativistic fashion to suit they way you want to be and live. (roflmao. As opposed to what?)

That's fine,actually, but don't pretend it is anything more than what it is. Honesty is what you began with and it is the only thing you will be left with, at the end.

Offending your "native" sensibilities? Native to what?

Look. Fuck all that. What you going do about it? I'm sick of punk ass Group Identity Politics. Everybody is offended. Everybody is a fuggin victim. Old Male Sioux chief? Where? Do any still exist? Show me a "Sioux" that's got more than a teaspoon of Indian blood in him and I'll show you a miracle.

I posted the picture because I like pretty bitches. There. Now is that "honest" enough for you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good ol' Denmark Vesey. LOL.