Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Christian Bale Is My Second Favorite White Boy - Imagine If T.O. Pulled This Number


Anonymous said...

Frankly Illmath empathizes with CB... when you put down some good work anigga needs to make sure his work is seen. Sometimes getting those moments are literally once in a lifetime if some "gadget man" on the camera fucks up my artistry... Im flipping too!!! Any mufucka can go to school and learn the cam but to heighten replicate and live a scene is a gift from God. It shan't be tampered with.

Anonymous said...

Wow, had no idea his scottish accent was that strong.

As an aside, someone's certainly feeling themself after their last flick grossed A billy a billy a billy a billy...

Not hatin', just sayin'...

cinque said...

I trying figure out why the DP didn't whoop his ass for all the ish he was talking!!!??!!

Big Man said...

Why you ain't comment on the homie Michael Phelps yet? Now that's a white boy getting a pass.

Denmark Vesey said...

You aint lyin' Cinque.

If Jesus Christ himself, was cursing at me like that, I'd be swing FROM THE SHOULDERS.