Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Marijuana Crucifixion of Michael Phelps

fist tap Big Man

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 20,000 Americans die every year as the direct result of alcohol consumption. The number for marijuana is zero.

87% of illegal drug convictions are for marijuana. Tens of millions of people have been imprisoned over the years for marijuana use. The "War on Drugs" could not be waged if marijuana were decriminalized.

Why the gratuitous crucifixion of Phelps for consuming a product less lethal than high fructose corn syrup?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...02 04 09
DV: This is what I've said all along. President Obama is a liar and a hypocrite. With all those executive orders he signed, one of which will serve to depopulate his fatherland, he could have signed a NO raid DEA order. But he didn't do that because this Negro is more about the status quo than change. Imagine all the pissed off Big Pharma companies if weed was legalized.

It has also been shown that cigarrettes are the true gateway drug, not weed.

And frankly, I wouldn't care if Obama did crack or any other drug. Just like this crusifixion of Phelps is laughable. The dude is a superstar. They need to take a break and let loose every now and then just like we all do!

President Obama needs to wake up and do something about this UNCONSTITUTIONAL infringement of our rights.


Anonymous said...

And why was our POTUS given "self-redemption" points for his "struggles" with crack? Because that makes his Black narrative more ghetto-romanticized and rise more dramatic?

Meanwhile, a White dude puffs some herb and gets crucified?

Is there a racial double-standard here?

Denmark Vesey said...


what makes you so certain Obama smoked crack?

You say it almost as if you witnessed it.

Anonymous said...

"January of 2005 on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Barack Obama, after being pressured, finally confessed to doing “blow” and hard drugs, which we later found out to be crack. Yet, this confession barely has made the mainstream news."

But even if you don't wanna believe that, Obama has openly admitted to using coke & weed in his book:

Obama suggests in his books that he used marijuana and "blow" to ease the pain of his ongoing struggle to define his racial identity

Why was this not a problem? If coke and weed is far worse than just weed for Phelps?

And while Phelps had to immediately apologize for it, Obama didn't have to - but instead was allowed to spin it around to gain sympathy for himself. I'm sure Phelps could have also said he did it to decompress after the Olympics. But rationalizing and justifying it was not an option for him. Whereas for Obama, it was.

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhhhhh ....

Come now Byrd.

That's not your style man. That shit was week.

We done gone from "CRACK" to blow and weed.

Big difference.

Because if a former crack addict can get himself together like B. Hussein Obama ... they should start giving crack out in schools.

He aint never do no crack bra.

Stop saying it. It looks like you are wishing.

Anonymous said...

weed is not a bad drug. actually i smoke it. the only problem is that you can get hi off of second hand and i wouldn't want some kid to get high off of some one by accident. As for the war on drugs it would still go on because a lot of people likes to try other drugs after bud and gets addicted. Not to mention the people in the slums of the ghetto needs some way to make money, and some of them turns to drug dealing.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

02 04 09

This is what I've said all along. President Obama is a liar and a hypocrite. With all those executive orders he signed, one of which will serve to depopulate his fatherland, he could have signed a NO raid DEA order. But he didn't do that because this Negro is more about the status quo than change. Imagine all the pissed off Big Pharma companies if weed was legalized.

It has also been shown that cigarrettes are the true gateway drug, not weed.

And frankly, I wouldn't care if Obama did crack or any other drug. Just like this crusifixion of Phelps is laughable. The dude is a superstar. They need to take a break and let loose every now and then just like we all do!

President Obama needs to wake up and do something about this UNCONSTITUTIONAL infringement of our rights.

Anonymous said...

Bet Phelps made Lil Wayne proud by sucking the bong.