Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why There Will Never Be Another White President


Michael Fisher said...

Dang. B done laid it down!

Big Man said...

I don't know about this thesis DV, but I do know that no other president has ever put it down like this.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

01 21 09

Nobody puts it down like Etta James. Beyonce eat your heart out.

DV: Pardon me if I don't share your enthusiasm. We are just looking at the same ole shit in different color.

Anonymous said...

Would that be a good thing?

You might want to ask Black residents of DC, Detroit or Zimbabwe after White flight and Black self-rule... Marion Barry, anyone?

BTW, Zimbabwe just issued a 100 TRILLION dollar note (worth about $300 USD) last week!

White flight and Black rule was also celebrated with tearful rejoicing in these places...initially. Then, left to their own devices, they sobered up and realized that the White k-gamers weren't holding them down all along...but propping them up. Brainwashed by Jews, they kicked out the very host organisms they had relied upon for sustenance.

Remember, just about nobody enjoys living in an r-zone, not even r-gamers themselves...

Anonymous said...

When r-gamers move in, and K-gamers move they say, "there goes the neighborhood."

There's a reason why people all over the world (including most Blacks) all migrate to WHITE countries...and NOT Black ones.

Anonymous said...

But Byrd, don't the PTB behind the scenes use economic sanctions and other politricks to destabilize these governments, thereby giving the appearance that the black rulers are inept, when in reality they were sabotaged from the start.

Oh yeah, and DV, it's interesting that you'd say that, because i'm from La., and word has been flittering around that the repubs are seriously considering Indian-American Governor Bobby Jindal as a possible pick for 2012.

He'd of course, get his head kicked in by Obama, but I hear they've been tossing it around.

Anonymous said...

Don't pay byrdeye no mind Doc. He simply has never recovered from the sense of inadequacy revealed to him since he was punked in junior high school. As written by Jason Tanz, one of the inevitable experiences for white men, like byrdeye, attracted to black culture (he is a regular guest here and used to frequent Subrealism before Craig Nulan dispatched him, plus a perusal of DV's archives will document copious examples of his atttempt to rhyme in the black vernacular)is a moment of embarrassment and pain at being rejected or abused by the very thing they love. Often it's badinage initiated by adolescents. But sometimes it's outright coercion or violence, especially in the presence of a female companion. The shame and humiliation of such encounters inspires a reaction formation.

Anonymous said...

The Doc - Actually, western gov's have given Africa $4 trillion in aid over the last 4 decades.

Meanwhile, China has received nothing but bad press from Western nations...and look where they're at now! Did you guys see the Olympic ceremonies, folks??? You ever think the entire continent of Africa could pull that spectacle off???

Truth is, White folks prop Black folks UP, not hold them DOWN. Maybe this was not true 300 years ago, but it is certainly true today!

The bigger factors in the wealth of nations are breeding rates and IQ. Basically, low breeding rates combined with high IQs = K-gaming = more wealth and civilized order. This can be seen all over the world.

sub - When you can't dismiss the message, dismiss the messenger? Sorry, but your ad hominem drive-by pop psych drivel is irrelevant. The points I made stand regardless of who I am or if I'm even here to make them. I'm just a strawman, sorry.

And Craig Nulan didn't dispatch me, he censored me. And I think we all know why people must censor (as opposed to engage & disprove) others... But I don't care, his loss. :)

Anonymous said...

Just a few generations ago, China was considered a Third World nation. It's economic prowess emerged as a consequence of it's MFN status under the WTO. Which African nation was similarly privileged?

On top of that, are you saying that the financial suzerains which you constantly rail against are beneficent toward Africans?

Plus do you think that the indignities you suffered as an adolescent at the hands of black youths has no influence on how you see them today?

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

What's fascinating to me is how some of you Negroes summarily dispatch byrdeye as the white racist he is and give admittedly undercover black folks like Mills a major pass when they spout the exact same white racist drivel.

What's up with that?

Me, I'm a whole lot harder on black folk than on white racists. Why? 'Cause one can't blame a roach for acting like a roach and a rat for acting like a rat. Vermin be acting like vermin. RAID takes care of that.

But those members of our family that let this vermin in our house? Now them kinda folks need a good (verbal) shellacking.

Anonymous said...

- Uh, MFN is a trade restriction to ensure fair trading unilaterally. "MFN means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners — whether rich or poor, weak or strong."

Developing (r-gaming) nations (like most in Africa) are the ones who are actually somewhat exempted from the MFN rule and given preferential treatment (national affirmative action) by the WTO.

So, you actually got all this twisted, bro. Proof is, MFN wasn't even put on China until the 90s, and it was already rising for decades since particular since their 1-child policy was enacted in 1978. Thereby shifting them more towards a K-gaming society.

So, to attribute its economic boom to MFN...really, that's just laughable man. :D

"financial suzerains which you constantly rail against are beneficent toward Africans?"

- Well, they instigate the problems and then guilt-trip goy golems into cleaning up the mess for them. See Jewish slave-traders or most wars. And, just like they tooled all the "underclasses" in Commy countries to usurp the existing leaders for they could take their places...they use Blacks as global pawns against goyim as well.

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to install in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program For The 20th Century (1912) quoted by Congressman Abernathy, Congressional Record (1957), p. 8559

The proof of this tooling is that in Israel, Blacks are treated like every other non-Jew there - dehumanized animals. Israel is arguably the most racist hellhole on Earth. Jews love preaching one standard for everyone else, but do the opposite for themselves.

- My views are the result of decades of observation, not any few personal interactions. But feel free to keep drinking the liberal excusive Kool-Aid - you can see where it's gotten the Black community since the 60s... Personally, I've seen enough now to learn the difference between reality and hallucinogenic rhetoric.

MF - Actually, isn't the problem is that there are not enough sober voices like me, Mills or Cosby giving the Black community a hard reality check? Spare the rod and spoil the child?

Michael Fisher said...

byrdeye. Cosby on the one hand, and you and Mills on the other hand hold two vastly and qualitatively different views. There ain't a racist bone in Cosby's body. And Cosby certainly does not attribute self-destructive behavior to a genetically induced lack of intelligence.

Anonymous said...

"There ain't a racist bone in Cosby's body"

So, you don't think he ever even subconsciously judges people whatsoever based upon their race?

"Cosby certainly does not attribute self-destructive behavior to a genetically induced lack of intelligence"

What does he attribute it to, then? Isn't all human/animal behavior due to a combo of nature and nurture? Or can any kid who just trains really hard become a Michael Jordan or Nikola Tesla?

Or do you believe that any racial bell curves in IQ have NO genetic basis whatsoever? Which in essence is saying that race has no genetic basis whatsoever.

Oh wait, not that argument again...

Michael Fisher said...

If you took time to read his last book, he attributes this self-destructive behavior to the psychological training black folks receive due to white supremacy.

His book consists of a number of suggestions on how to counter this training via personal engagement.

Anonymous said...

In my attempt to be brief and due to the loss of my desktop, I erroneously cited MFN. I meant to state that China's economy could take off only after normalized relations with the US and substantial FDI.

This of course happened in the wake of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, a period spanning from the early Fifties to late Seventies. During that time PCR came to the brink of a civil war.

There was absolutely NOTHING linear about China's progress and although measures curbing reproduction were important, there was nothing predestined or innate about China's dominance. Without pragmatic figures like Zhou and Deng, China would merely be a larger version of North Korea.

To say that Chinese people are 'smart' or 'value education' requires one to elide the historical record which shows a kleptocracy subservient to an array of conquerors from Western Europe, America, Russia, and Japan. And once autonomous, it pursued an economic formula with disastrous consequences and actively retarded the intellectual development of its people.