Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The "Huxtable Effect" & Other Desperate Attempts To Explain The Spiritual Phenomena That Is God's Son

questioning the "Huxtable effect," a circulating theory that The Cosby Show laid the groundwork for Barack Obama's presidential victory
Michael Fisher said...
Actually the Huxtables didn't. Hip Hop in the form of Public Enemy did. No one reached white youth on a conscious anti-racist platform world-wide like PE did. The youth of those days are the white adults of today.

Denmark Vesey said ...
Wrong again Ol' School. It wasn't "the Huxtables" nor "Chuck D". It was a young brotha from Nazareth named Jesus who laid the groundwork for Barack Obama's presidential victory.

Before Jesus, a young Egyptian God named Horus laid the groundwork for Barack Obama's victory. You White Supremacy types are only comfortable operating within the paradigm that assumes white people need to be convinced to respond to black men.

While casual observation reveals they obsess over us. I told you before the Obama phenomenon is spiritual. It is not political.
Michael Fisher said...
DV, you are a certifiable lunatic.

First off, you don't even have proof that Jesus existed, and even if he did, how would he be responsible for Obama? And if he is, how is he NOT responsible for your Zionists? Or slavery or any other evil for that matter? Or your "homosexuality and it's corporate mindscrewers"?

Denmark Vesey said ...
Mike, Mike, Mike ...

"Proof" of Jesus' existence?

How pedestrian. I'm disappointed.

Jesus didn't exist? Maybe not. But I'll tell you this: 1 "non-existent" Jesus ... has more impact on the world than a 100 million existing Mike Fishers. Real is overrated.

The Son of God mythology echoes in our souls. It is part of our cultural DNA. The custodians of that mythology are truly the Chosen People. Nah Michael. Obama aint in the White House because of Chuck D.

Obama is in the White House because of G.O.D.

If your words galvanize the spirits of billions of people around the world. If your voice feeds millions of starving souls ... You God's son. Whether your name is Jesus, Horus, Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, Hillel, Martin Luther King, the Prophet Muhammad, Gotama Buddha or Barrack Obama.


Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

Actually the Huxtables didn't. Hip Hop in the form of Public Enemy did. No one reached white youth on a conscious anti-racist platform world-wide like PE did. The youth of those days are the white adults of today.

Michael Fisher said...

DV, you are a certifiable lunatic.

First off, you don't even have proof that Jesus existed, and even if he did, how would he be responsible for Obama? And if he is, how is he NOT responsible for your Zionists? Or slavery or any other evil for that matter? Or your "homosexuality and it's corporate mindscrewers"?

Anonymous said...

True that.

Michael Fisher said...

Like I said: lunatic.

Denmark Vesey said...

... pharisee

Michael Fisher said...



Is that supposed to be a negative appellation?

Anonymous said...

DV, PREACH!!!!!!!!
I missed you!

CNu said...

If your words galvanize the spirits of billions of people around the world. If your voice feeds millions of starving souls ... You God's son.

DV, c'mon brah magne???

Ain't nobody more determined in this life than a crackhead determined to fire up that next rock. God's son ain't never inspired that degree of determination, and sadly enough, judging from his steps here-to-date, he never will.

Check his youtube channel viewership post election (the new one, not the old one) and see for yourself.